
What is the best natural query language for SQL?

Hi Guys, I am looking for simple query language for producing SQL commands... For example: Google Base Query Language ( CQL (Common Query Language) Lucene Query Language ( Anybody could help me please? Thanks ...

Difference between Machine code and Object Code

I'm in the middle of my a levels and im doing some revision for my Computing exam. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the difference is between machine code and object code. keep it it simple please. ...

Comparison of GAMS versus AMPL Algebraic Modelling Languages

I'd be interested in getting the opinion from users of GAMS and AMPL on what the strength and weaknesses of each these languages are. ...

List of Languages, where to look for

It is not programming related but surely is development related. I need a list of Human Spoken Languages (Normally we see on every other site to choose from), required in one of our projects. would be great, if holds Language Codes information as well, and in .txt format or any other, extractable one. Is there a resource over the w...

PHP 6 not backward compatible

From what I read, PHP 6 will break a lot of php scripts. I understand the reasons why it may break but why don't they just keep the PHP 5 and simply call PHP 6 as a different language based on PHP syntax? Like for example, why not just call php 6 scripts with an extension, "p6"- why are they trying so hard to make it backward compatible ...

Are out there any PHP to Haxe translators?

So I want to port WordPress to Haxe. I need HP to Haxe translators. Where can I get tham? ...

What is the semantic difference between encipher and encrypt?

Title is self explaining. ...

Randomly Generate Letters According to their Frequency of Use?

How can I randomly generate letters according to their frequency of use in common speech? Any pseudo-code appreciated, but an implementation in Java would be fantastic. Otherwise just a poke in the right direction would be helpful. Note: I don't need to generate the frequencies of usage - I'm sure I can look that up easily enough. ...

Language detection in python

Possible Duplicate: Is there a Python library/class that can take a piece of text and determine the language? How to detect the language of user submitted text (some keywords shorter than 30 chars in this case) natively in Python? One method is to use Google AJAX Language API (Python Wrapper for Google AJAX Language API). I'm...

Am I passing the string correctly to the python library?

I'm using a python library called Guess Language: "justwords" is a string with unicode text. I stick it in the package, but it always returns English, even though the web page is in Japanese. Does anyone know why? Am I not encoding correctly? §ç©ºéå ¶ä»æ¡å°±æ²æéç¨®å¾ ...

JavaScript: dynamic regex for my own parser

I am trying a new direction in Language Kits (or whatever you want to call those multi language text files with placeholders). Basically, I have text like this: Hello, my name is %0. Welcome to %1!. This would be my pText. My pValues is an array whose values represent %0 and %1. The following function should find %0 and replace it with...

How do I use this Python package? (guess_language)

Hi, I am trying to use this package: I've read the documentation/wiki, but can't find the solution. Basically, this package allows you to pass in a string, and it will return a "language". I'm able to make it print out "en". htmlSource = download('') soup ...

why C# does not provide internal helper for passing property as reference?

This is issue about LANGUAGE DESIGN. Please do not answer to the question until you read entire post! Thank you. With all helpers existing in C# (like lambdas, or automatic properties) it is very odd for me that I cannot pass property by a reference. Let's say I would like to do that: foo(ref my_class.prop); I get error so I write i...

RTL shows numbers at the end of lines

Hi. Trying to display a hebrew string that starts with a number, always displays the number at the end of the string like so: 1. יום שישי בבוקר but I need the number to be displayed at the right side of the text- any solution to that? It happens with UILabel & UITextField & UITextView and trying to write the number at the left side...

How to get user region/country information in web-applicaiton?

My main purpose is to show different page to different country(language) people. I think it should be based on the user region/country, which I guess can fetch out from ip address? example: *For EN country people, they would see this. *For Japanese, they would dispatch to this. Also I saw some people...

Why is (void) 0 a no operation in C and C++?

I have seen debug printfs in glibc which internally is defined as (void) 0, if NDEBUG is defined. Likewise the __noop for Visual C++ compiler is there too. The former works on both GCC and VC++ compilers, while the latter only on VC++. Now we all know that both the above statements will be treated as no operation and no respective code w...

Order of execution of parameters guarantees in Java?

Given the following function call in C: fooFunc( barFunc(), bazFunc() ); the order of execution of barFunc and BazFunc is not specified, so barFunc() may be called before bazFunc(), or bazFunc() before barFunc(). Does Java specify an order of execution of function argument expressions, or like C is that unspecified? If so, can you q...

What's a good method for serving content in different languages using asp?

Hi, I'm trying to figure out which would be the best way to go about serving asp classic pages in different languages. Some of the content on the page is generated server-side and some is hard-coded html. I would like to create a drop-down to select between different languages so that the server-side generated html as well as the hard-co...

Converting Antlr syntax tree into useful objects

Hello everyone, I'm currently pondering how best to take an AST generated using Antlr and convert it into useful objects which I can use in my program. The purpose of my grammar (apart from learning) is to create an executable (runtime interpretted) language. For example, how would I take an attribute sub-tree and have a specific A...

Using gettext in bash.

How to use gettext in bash script? I only found this page, but I don't understand it. Localization My script is written like this: #!/bin/bash . echo $LANG_HELLO_WORLD And look like that: #!/bin/bash LANG_HELLO_WORLD="Hello World" I want to change to something using gettext, like this:...