
How can I have a file for each language's content in this php language detection demo?

This tutorial is about language selection according to preferred language on browser. lang.php: <?php function dlang($Var) { if(empty($GLOBALS[$Var])) { $GLOBALS[$Var]=(!empty($GLOBALS['_SERVER'][$Var]))? $GLOBALS['_SERVER'][$Var]: (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'][$Var]))? $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'][$Var]:''; } } fun...

VS2010 - Toolbox Drag-And-Drop in custom Language Service/Editor

Hi, My questions are: 1: Is Drag-And-Droping Toolbox controls (for example WPF controls) in a custom Language (Service) TextView possible? 2: Would I need a custom editor? Thanks! Satixx ...

Fast 64 bit comparison

Hi I'm working on a GUI framework, where I want all the elements to be identified by ascii strings of up to 8 characters (or 7 would be ok). Every time an event is triggered (some are just clicks, but some are continuous), the framework would callback to the client code with the id and its value. I could use actual strings and strcm...

How to make language chooser as country flags in Django-cms?

Well, question is in title. Is it possible at all? I can use css to make links looks like flags, it's easy, but there is a text also (English, French, Deutsch, etc.) Well, I will be grateful fo any kind help. ...

GWT visualization API Motion Chart language

I'm using the gwt visualization library to display motion charts in a gwt app. However, the language shown in the chart is random (different language every time it loads). This: says I can set it, but only through the load method. But the GWT load m...

Recommendations for a server side language

Hello folks. I use Perl for just about everything on my server side. What I am dealing with now is the need to find something on the server side that can handle computational tasks easily and quickly (specifically financial data). I am crunching a lot of numbers and this crunching needs to be done on the fly in some cases (for display on...

what cms that can support more than one language?

Hi folks, One of my clients asked me to integrate an open source CMS in her website.The challenge I have right now is that she wants the website to be bilingual. is there any cms that implements this feature? The content on each page should be displayed either in english or french and no automation translation(like google's or babel fish...

How to add support for a new language in FlashDevelop?

I am interested in making a plugin for FlashDevelop to add support for another language. I am not too sure where I should start. So any starting points, hint, tips, or advice would go down well. There is a Plugin Development article on the FlashDevelop Wiki, but the section about adding support for new languages is just a "TODO". So thi...

Howto Change Language in a cell in a OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet with help of macro.

The generated code when I make macro recording when I change language (to Spanish for example) does not work in OpenOffice Calc. It does work in OpenOffice Write. Which function calls shall be used in a OpenOffice Calc Macro to change the lanuage in the marked cells? ...

How do I store and retrieve language specific text in PHP?

I'm currently in the process of building a web application which will be used by people in different countries Currently all the messages that I output (i.e. errors etc) are in English. What is the best way to store language constants and retrieve them? It's quite likely that the messages may need bits of information injected into th...

SQL Server: how to set return format ?

Question: The new SQL Server 2008 database returns me values formatted English (date/float). Is there a way I can set the return format ? For example temporarely switching the database language? Or just set the language for the current query ? ...

How to translate CultureInfo language names

I know of three ways to get a full language name of a CultureInfo object. CultureInfo.DisplayName CultureInfo.NativeName CultureInfo.EnglishName DisplayName gives the name in the installed .net language. NativeName gives the name in 'CultureInfos' language. EnglishName gives the name in English (surprisingly...) So for CultureIn...

php POST and non-english language chars passes empty

I'm trying to program a Hebrew site with a search option. (old site and the charset of this site is windows-1255) I am using php 5.2 with Apache 2.2, on a Debian 5 (Lenny) with appropriate code pages enabled. I am using _POST to pass arguments to a script. If I pass English word to the script everything works, but when I use Hebrew noth...

mysql match against russain

Hey, Trying to solve this for a very long time now... SELECT MATCH(name) AGAINST('абраксас') (russian) doesn't work, but SELECT MATCH(name) AGAINST('abraxas') (english) work perfectly. I know it's something with character-set, but I tried all kind of settings and it didn't work. For now it's latin-1. LIKE works This is the show v...

Using Inch or cm/mm from metric system for americans and canadians?

We're developing an international product that displays a ruler to the user. Now in Germany and many other countries its of course common to use the metric system: cm or mm. I'm aware that americans and canadians (and maybe others too) do still use inches, feet and yards. So the question is: will todays americans (and other inch-countr...

How to read.table with "Hebrew" column names (in R)?

Hi all, I am trying to read a .txt file, with Hebrew column names, but without success. I uploaded an example file to: And am trying the command: read.table("", header = T, sep = "\t") This returns me with: X.....ª X...ª...... X...œ.... 1 12 ...

why can't a static member be reached through an instance name?

say I have: class Test { public static int Hello = 5; } This obviously works: int j = Test.Hello; But why should this not work? Test test = new Test(); int j = test.Hello; The instance could not have a member equally named, so I don't see how this could be ambiguous or unresolvable for a compiler. Anyone any idea wh...

Machine Dependent versus Machine Independent languages

Why might you want to write a program in a machine independent language instead of a machine- dependent language? Why might a machine-dependent language be more appropriate for writing certain types of programs? ...

"Page description language" and "markup language"

What is the difference and relation between "Page description language", "markup language" and "Page description markup language"? Based on their wiki webpages, I just don't understand what is their difference. Why needs there be a markup adaption of the Page description language - "Page description markup language"? Examples: PostSc...

Design a GUI browser to view a tree

I have a large tree. I want to be able to visualize it using a GUI tool. I want the ability to pan and zoom the tree image so that i can focus on part of the tree. Is there an existing tool to achieve this? If not i would like to write a small tool for myself to be able to do this. what is the simplest way of doing this? what computer ...