
Recognizing language of a short text? - Python

Hi folks, I'm have a list of articles, each article has its own title and description. Unfortunately, from the sources I am using, there is no way to know what language they are written. Also, text is not entirely written in 1 language; almost always English words are present. I reckon I would need dictionary databases stored on my...

Error when changing default lanuage in compilation from vb to c#

Hi all, We have a updatable web site project that is written in c#, it has the usual web form implementation using master page, skins, user controls,...etc. Up to this point we neglect to change the default compilation language from VB to C#. However, the second we change it, we see the following error. Object reference not set to an...

Ho to get month/weekday symbols from NSDateFormatter in current language (iPhone)

In particular I'm interested in shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols. I'm using this code: NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; NSArray *shortWeekdaySymbols = [dateFormatter shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols]; But if iPhone region format is set to US but language to French/German/any other, NSDateFormatter returns Eng...

How to use google translate to translate website automatically using geoip

I have been looking around the internet for a script which would use google translate api to translate a website automatically through a geoip script without the need of clicking translate button. Since google does provide a small div snippet which you can add to your website and then through a drop down menu you can choose the language ...

How to design a database schema for storing text in multiple languages?

We have a PostgreSQL database. And we have several tables which need to keep certain data in several languages (the list of possible languages is thankfully system-wide defined). For example lets start with: create table blah (id serial, foo text, bar text); Now, let's make it multilingual. How about: create table blah (id serial, f...

VB.NET localization

In my winform app in VB.NET I want to use the localization option. But i have a few questions/problems. I'm using a menu strip to select an other language. But it seems that is doesn't change my menustip text to my selected language. It does change my labels, buttons, and textboxes but menu strips don't seem to change when I choose ano...

Python NLTK figure out tense

I have a web application that translates sentences into English; the user chooses options from drop downs that basically provide the context. Now I want to turn the word and the context into an English sentence. One case is that the user chooses 'who' and 'when', 'who' could be: I, you, you two, he, she, we, they. 'When' could be: 'did ...

How to determine user's language setting from LocalSystem

I have a Windows system service that needs to communicate string information to an application running under the user's account. The strings will appear to the user so I want to make sure that the strings that the service passes to the application are in the same language as the user account. How can I tell what display language the curr...

WordPress Multi Language Help

I have a WordPress website that needs to have its articles in multiple languages. The authors will be writing the articles themselves so I don't need an automatic translation tool. The plan is that a user can choose a language from a drop-down list which will then show the different language. Any ideas on how I can do this? ...

How to get Joomla to change swf depending on language being used?

Hi everyone! I'm new to this whole Joomla thing, and I'm trying to get an swf to change depending on what language the user is using. I'm using a language plugin which includes only two languages: English and Finnish. I've noticed when a user changes the language the URL changes with the language for example: index.php?lang=fi so in php ...

how to add new language search to advanced search page in moss 2007 through code?

In Moss 2007 how to add japanese,portuguese,romanian languages through code.we can edit the xml and add the particular lcid for achieving the same.but how to make it through code.Please help. ...

How to add ANY language in app description on AppStore? Tremendous impact on downloads!

By submitting my application when I want to create application description in my national language (SLOVAKIAN) there's no choice to do so on Localization tab. There's only main languages: French, German, Spanish and so on... But I know there are applications on Appstore with Slovakian language description (of course on Slovak AppStore)....

[Android] Change language settings (locale) for the device

Hi, I know it's possible to have multiple languages in a single application through the res/string and depending on Locale. Here is a case Now how can I change the language in the phone ? Like I'd do by Menu > Settings > Language & Keyboard > Select locale ...

Why would one use a functional language in an otherwise Imperative project?

Why would one use a functional language in an otherwise Imperative project? ...

how to explicitly set django_langauge in django session

how to explicitly set django_langauge in django session? Thanks a lot... ...

Going international: tha language class or method in .net

Hi, I created a small WPF desktop application. I am thinking about how to make my application internationalized. Is there any Language Class to research (.NET 3.5 based)? I want to load the my application language from windows region/language configuration automatically. OR. some method to switch language from my application menu list....

Shortest way of determining a name ends with an `s`, `x` or `z`, and then use the `I18n.t` method with it.

I'm creating a Rails application where users can have a first and last name. Since I'm a perfectionist, the application may not show something like Dennis's profile or Xianx's profile, but rather Dennis' profile and Xianx' profile. I use I18n, so I wanted to ask what is the shortest way of implementing this? This grammar is the same for ...

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish?

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish? Are web browsers, translation tools and translators familiar with these numeric codes in addition to the more common "es" or "es-ES"? I've already visited the following pages: W3C Choosing a Language Tag W3C Language tags in HTML and XML RFC 5646 ...

Get localized language name from locale code

How can I get localized language name by specified locale code in python? For example: >> get_language_name('ja') >> ('Japanese', u'日本語') ...

Google AJAX Transliteration API: Is it possible to make all input fields in the page transliteratable?

Hello, I've used "Google AJAX Transliteration API" and it's going well with me. Currently I've a project that I need all input fields in every page (input & textarea tags) to be transliteratable, while these input fields differs from page to page (dyn...