
Extract all text from a HTML page without losing context

For a translation program I am trying to get a 95% accurate text from a HTML file in order to translate the sentences and links. For example: <div><a href="stack">Overflow</a> <span>Texts <b>go</b> here</span></div> Should give me 2 results to translate: Overflow Texts <b>go</b> here Any suggestions or commercial packages avail...

How can I change the language of dynamic text in a SWF using flashvars?

I have a SWF with text embedded from an external .txt file. Is there a way I can have a different file used as the text source through the embedcode (swfObject) depending on the language? Here is my current actionscript: myData = new LoadVars(); myData.onLoad = function() { text_clips.project_title.text = this.projecttitle1; }; myData....

Using methods on 2 input files - 2nd is printing multiple times - Java

I have the following code to read in text, store in a hashmap as bigrams (with other methods to sort them by frequency and do v. v. basic additive smoothing. I had it working great for one language input file (english) and then I want to expand it for the second language input file (japanese - doens;t matter what it is I suppose) usin...

How to detect the language of MS Excel.

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out a way of detecting the language of an installed version of Excel (ideally from C++). I need this to resolve an issue with computers on which the language of Excel differs from the Windows language (see this problem). ...

Prove that language is not context free

Hello I am trying to prove that the language L={a^n * b^2n A^n : n>=0} is not context free but i tried the pumping theory but i can not find one state that if i pump then it is out of the language ...

How to detect the language of MS Excel from C#

If i try to use Excel from C# (interop) i receive error (HRESULT: 0x80028018) when current thread language is different from Excel language: so i need to set thread language, they must be the same. Which is the best method to understand the language of Excel/Office? 1) registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\L...

Calculating probability that a string has been randomized? - Python

Hi folks, this is correlated to a question I asked earlier (question) I have a list of manually created strings such as: lucy87 gordan_king fancy_unicorn77 joplucky_kanga90 base_belong_to_narwhals and a list of randomized strings: johnkdf pancake90kgjd fancy_jagookfk manhattanljg What gi...

NSUserDefaults and default language used for I18N

I have searched around a lot for this and found some answers that sounded quite like what I wanted but never worked. I simply need to have my iPhone app load NIBs and Localizable.strings that I decide (through user selection) rather than the ones that are established through the global iPhone/iPad settings. General consensus seems to be...

What are the rules for Javascript's automatic semicolon insertion?

Well, first I should probably ask if this is browser dependent. I've read that if an invalid token is found, but the section of code is valid until that invalid token, a semicolon is inserted before the token if it is preceded by a line break. However, the common example cited for bugs caused by semicolon insertion is: return _a+b; ...

iPhone app in Norwegian?

I have an iPhone app which is supposed to be in Norwegian. All my nib files and content are in Norwegian. Then I came to know about language files [Localisation] but I can't see Norwegian in the list of languages in app store, now I'm bit worried about this issue can some one help me? ...

Rewording/rephrasing english in python

I'm not sure if there is even anything out there to do this. Is there any libraries out there that can reword sentences to any degree of accuracy? It doesnt have to be too intelligent. ...

Does Apple approve a kind of mark-up language for AppStore?

AppStore now rejects applications made with non-Apple like languages. (with modified contract) However, is it allowed using declarative mark-up language formed with XML? (like XHTML, but different schema) The declarative mark-up is a code too, but not a script or logic code. Just a passive, static data, but forms some layout and part of...

what's the name of this language that description another language syntax?

for example: <SELECT statement> ::= [WITH <common_table_expression> [,...n]] <query_expression> [ ORDER BY { order_by_expression | column_position [ ASC | DESC ] } [ ,...n ] ] [ COMPUTE { { AVG | COUNT | MAX | MIN | SUM } ( expression ) } [ ,...n ] [ BY expression [ ,...n ] ] ] [ <FOR Clause>] ...

Google GSA Stems for scandinavian languages

I have installed Scandinavia-2.1-1 language bundle to our GSA. After that I expected to find those languages available in Query Expansion, but nope nothing new there. Am I missing something? How are you other Scandinavians handling stems for your language? ...

Why is writing a compiler in a functional language easier?

Hello all, I've been thinking of this question very long, but really couldn't find the answer on Google as well a similar question on Stackoverflow. If there is a duplicate, I'm sorry for that. A lot of people seem to say that writing compilers and other language tools in functional languages such as OCaml and Haskell is much more effi...

What are the most useful proposed features of C1X?

What are the most useful proposed features of C1X so far? And what support for them is there in current compilers? ...

How useful is the "Processing" Programming language? Is it a waste of time?

The language site: Does anyone use this language for anything useful? I have the opportunity to learn this in a classroom setting and am wondering if it will be a waste of time. ...

JavaScript cookie value can't be retrieved in Django

I am trying to build a web site in both English and Bulgarian using the Django framework. My idea is the user should click on a button, the page will reload and the language will be changed. This is how I am trying to do it: In my html I hava a the button tag <button id='btn' onclick="changeLanguage();" type="button"> ... </button> An ...

A PHP Library / Class to Count Words in Various Languages?

Some time in the near future I will need to implement a cross-language word count, or if that is not possible, a cross-language character count. By word count I mean an accurate count of the words contained within the given text, taking the language of the text. The language of the text is set by a user, and will be assumed to be correc...

Django: How to set default language in admin on login

I'm saving an user's default language in his user profile and on login I want to set the admin's default language to it. One possibility I was thinking of is using a middleware, but I think if I do it on process_request I will not see an user object there since this is processed AFTER the middleware, so I could only set it after the n...