
Where can I find a list of English phrases?

I'm tasked with searching for the use of cliches and common phrases in text. The phrases are similar to the phrases you might see for the phrase puzzles on Wheel of Fortune. Here are a few examples: Easy Come Easy Go Too Good To be True Winning Isn't Everything I cannot find a list of phrases however. Does anybody know of such a list...

How should I add multi language support to my web app across PHP, JS and Template Files?

I'm building a website that needs to support different language translations. I have strings in PHP, JavaScript and Smarty Template files that need to translated. I want to use something like PHP's gettext() function and have a single language file for each locale. This is easy when the translatable strings are in the PHP files but I ...

Is it must to learn all the other versions of c# before starting with c# 4.0?

As i am a beginner who just finished my engineering and i have good knowledge in c,c++... I thought of studying c# as well but i found that c# 4.0 has been released..... Should i care about the previous versions? What are the tips you give for beginner to learn c# quickly? what are the factors to be considered when moving from c,c++ to...

parsing msinfo32 report file with different language settings

Hey guys, i started to write a mini diagnostic tool for a few friends of mine. I want to collect system information via msinfo32.exe and using the report switch, so i can write a normal txt file. After that, i want to remove some categories (e.g. error reporting and start menu, because it is so much stuff), but I ran into some problems ...

Website in right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew)

I currently developing a multi-language interface for a Django project. But when I started to work on Arabic and Hebrew languages, I noticed all pages messed up after dir="rtl" to html tag (according to instructions on Does that mean I need separate stylesheets for right-to-left lan...

What is the best euphemism for a non-developer?

I'm writing a description for a piece of software that targets the user who is "not technically minded", i.e. a person who uses "browser/office/email" and has a low tolerance for anything technical, he just "wants it to work" without being involved in any of the technical details. What is the best non-disparaging term you have seen to d...

Match language code with countries where this language is an official or commonly used language

Is there any python library to get a list of countries for a specific language code where it is an official or commonly used language? For example, language code of "fr" is associated with 29 countries where French is an official language plus 8 countries where it's commonly used. ...

How to retrieve actual Locale/Language

Hi, can anyone tell me how I programmatically retrieve the actual Locale and/or Language in Android ? ...

LaTex caption language

How could I change the default language so that I get something else instead of "Table" or "Figure" before my captions ? ...

Add a drupal translation based on a already setup language?

I have a site translated for a number of countries. Now I need to add a country but the language is already in the system (f.e. they speak French in both Belgium and France, or German in Germany and Austria). So instead of adding an extra language I'd like to have an url prefix for my new country but it needs to use both content and int...

Sub Language C#

Hi All I was just wondering, is it at all possible to create sort of like a "Sub-language" in C# OR C++? or would a better term be "Extension"? And can somebody please provide links/resources? Much appreciated! :) thanks jason ...

Design considerations for a multi-language web application

I was asked by an interviewer today how I would implement Arabic as a second language into a PHP web application. I talked about choosing a unicode encoding for the database and the front-end, and designing RTL friendly user interface modules. And he didn't seem too happy with the answer. I don't really know anything about multi-lingual...

Most effective way working with multiple natural languages

Hi! I am currently working with a codeigniter PHP based application and have come to the point where it's about to go off with multiple languages. Is codeigniters own language class the most effective way to handle languages? Is there any specific language-tools/libraries that are commonly used in PHP apps? Thanks! ...

My web page is not detecting user's preferred language set in web browser.

I'm testing the code by changing an option in Firefox's options: "Options -> Choose your preferred language for displaying pages" This is the code: lang.php: <?php function dlang($Var) { if(empty($GLOBALS[$Var])) { $GLOBALS[$Var]=(!empty($GLOBALS['_SERVER'][$Var]))? $GLOBALS['_SERVER'][$Var]: (!emp...

how to make site show different language(chinese and english) on google-app-engine.

if you using django ,you can use the "LC_MESSAGES -->django.po" but has any way to do this on gae ? and how to .. thanks and if i only want to use django's this features, how can i import it? ...

How should I name the controller in the following Language Class tutorial (CodeIgniter)?

The following is a great tutorial about using the Language Class. But I think the author forgot about creating the controller file. I just started using CI today and I'm not sure how to name the controller file for the view "example.php". The tutorial: ...

How to add links that select the preferred language (CodeIgniter's Language Class)?

I just finished this tutorial: but now I want some links to change english to spanish I know how to change it by modifying the controller example.php: # Load language $this->lang->load('example', 'english'); But I can't figure out how to do that in the...

first app - wrong language is shown in appstore

hi all last week i distributed my first app to the appstore. what i've to see was, that the app language which is shown in appstore is not the right one. my app is just in german, but in appstore english is shown up. can somebody tell me what i've exactly got to do, that the language in the appstore is german? i know i ned a "de.lproj"...

Language Translation API

How can i convert language in my Java? Is there any API exist, which convert any language to any other language? I am using Google Translate API, but it giving me below exception. java.lang.Exception: [google-api-translate-java] Error retrieving translation. at at

Which is a strongly typed language: Python or Prolog?

I am new to Python and prolog. From my understanding, Python is a strongly typed language. Is Prolog a strongly typed language also? ...