
Help me validate these points regarding Ruby

Hi, I have started learning Ruby for the past 2,3 weeks and I have come up with some findings on the language. Can someone please validate these points. Implemented in many other high level languages such as C, Java, .Net etc., Is slow for the obvious reason that it cannot beat any of the already known high level languages. Should nev...

What is the recommended way to support multiple languages in my C# program?

Hi all, I'm about to start a desktop program that I want to add support for as many languages as I can. I'm going to be using C# and at least .Net 2.0. Is there a recommended way for adding support for multiple languages in the GUI and error messages? Many thanks ...

android language pack

Hi, I want to create language pack for android. How can I do this. If anyone knows how or where to find info about this topic please share your knowledge. I'd appreciate any pointers to the right direction. Thank you. ...

Some Simple Questions for knowledge?

Before Some days my friend ask me some simple questions, but I have no answer. Please tell me about these questions. How many computer programming languages are used all in the world ? I want to create a language like 'java or c#'. What is the procedure for creating a language and how it will create? Which language is used for manipula...

Best language to develop medical software

I need to write medical program to manage medical practices (patient records, appointments, prescription, etc). Note that this is not for US practices so US EMRs will not work. What is the best platform to develop the software in ie. language and database? Considerations include: - Integration with the web - will need to have Doctors ...

How to Identify the website's content language like English, Japanese, Chinese etc

(I am developing a website to crawl the other website content in ASP.NET . I am able to get the content correctly but how can I identify which language is used based on that content. For Ex. English, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese etc. I used following code. HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(TextBox1.Text ); ...

Zend_Controller_Router_Route: Could not find a translator

I am developing a multilanguage application. In the bootstrap there is the routes setup: protected function _initRoutes() { $this->bootstrap('frontController'); $router = $this->frontController->getRouter(); // PAGES ROUTE $page = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route( ':language/:ident', array( ...

How to learn proper C++?

While reading a long series of really, really interesting threads, I've come to a realization: I don't think I really know C++. I know C, I know classes, I know inheritance, I know templates (& the STL) and I know exceptions. Not C++. To clarify, I've been writing "C++" for more than 5 years now. I know C, and I know that C and C++ s...

how to convert html file i.e. compatible to display within flash..?

I allready developed the standalone flash exe to disaply both the HTML and .swf files using AS3 I have 1000 s of html files that are compatible with flash because only some tags are supported by flash. Is there any tool or common script to convert the flash compatible html. ...

Formal Equivalence between programming languages

Hello We have 2 languages which are (informally) semantically equivalent but syntactically different. One is xml and another is script based. How can I go about formally proving that both languages are in fact equivalent. Script approach is just a convenient way to write a same program that would be tedious to write in xml. Thanks Keta...

What programming language should I learn?

Hi, I am a computer science student and currently finishing my bachelor - master will come afterwards. I know Java and PHP pretty well and had oCaml in class. So I am wondering what language I should learn next to broaden my horizon and if possible also to become a better/faster programmer, because I know what language gets the things...

Video editing language

Hi folks, My next project will be all about language tools, parsing and such. Because of that reason I've decided to write a simple language which can be used for video editing. So instead of those desktop applications (Sony vegas, Adobe Premiere, ..) it's basically a language where you define the effects and all and it will generate a ...

Change MS Patch custom language

How can I change the default UI language when installing a patch/update? The problem is that the patch takes the initial language in which the setup to be patched was installed and not the current system language (defined in Regional Settings/Advanced Options). I wonder if there is a property or a switch that I can pass to a msp file to...

Microsoft sublanguage string to locale identifier

I can't seem to find a way to convert, or find, a local identifier from a sublanguage string. This site shows the mappings: I want the user to enter a sublanguage string, such as "France (FR)" and to get the local identifier from this, which in this case would be 0x0484. Or...

What does "powerful" mean, when discussing programming languages?

In the context of programming language discussion/comparison, what does the term "power" mean? Does it have a well defined meaning? Even a poorly defined meaning? Say if someone says "language X is more powerful than language Y" or asks the same as a question, what do they mean - or what information are they trying to find out? ...

Which programming language to choose? (for a specific problem/domain, details inside)

I am building a trading portfolio management system that is responsible for production, optimization, and simulation of non-high frequency trading portfolios (dealing with 1min or 3min bars of data, not tick data). I plan on employing Amazon web services to take on the entire load of the application. I have four choices that I am cons...

Choosing a scripting language for game and implementing it

Hello, I am currently developing a 3D Action/RPG game in C++, and I would like some advice in choosing a scripting language to program the AI of the game. My team comes from a modding background, and in fact we are still finishing work on a mod of the game Gothic. In that game (which we also got our inspiration from) the language DAEDALU...

Rationale of C# iterators design (comparing to C++)

I found similar topic: Which basically deals with Java iterator (which is similar to C#) being unable to going backward. So here I would like to focus on limits -- in C++ iterator does not know its limit, you have by yourself compare th...

What you can't do in C that you can do in Objective-C?

What you can't do in C (C99 standard) that you can do in Objective-C? (with code example if you please) ...

single backend Language or different frontend Language in Wordpress

hi ! is it possible to change the language of my wordpress installation (WP 3.0 Multisite) only in frontend (without editing the .mo/.po files)? changing this option here: does also change my language in backend. any ideas? thanks for helping! ...