
What should a developer know before creating a new XML based format or language?

Let's say you have to write an xml-based (no choice) language that will be some kind of "standard" format in the end, used by billions of applications around the world, or at least you hope for it. That language will be like html for internet, but in another specific domain. Something really simple and descriptive, that will be interpret...

Is there a list of most common english words for indexing text for search?

Is there a free available list of the most common english words to remove from text for creating a search index? ...

Why does Code::Blocks constantly changes my language?

On my there are two set languages, which are English and Russian, and English is the default set language. Yet every time I leave Code::Blocks and click on the window again, the program automatically changes the language to Russian, which not only is it annoying, but it doesn't make much sense. Does anyone have any idea why it's going o...

How can I change the UI language of QT Creator 1.3.1?

I just downloaded and installed QT Creator 1.3.1 on my english Windows 7 system from the english download site at Apparently, however, the UI of QT Creator is in German language, although the help files are in English. From the FAQ at I ...

Farsi/Arabic number to be outputed properly.

Ok, may be you think this dup question but I swear its not. lol You have a file that outputs as such: <div id="first">1</div> 2 <div id="third"> <? $i = 3; echo(i) ?> </div> Which outputs: 1 2 3 Now if I want to have an output as below: ? ? ? Well, I was hoping I could put Arabic/Farsi version of 1,2,3 instead of '?'. This ...

Drupal: how to set theme language programmatically?

How can i change drupal default language programmatically somewhere in code (like template.php)? (i need to overwrite default language set by admin in some cases.) i'm using drupal 6. PS: please read my own answer for more detail. and if you may help solve that PS: later i saw a module that was what i wanted. make sure take a look at i...

how to use scala internals to compile source faster than fsc (fast scala compiler)

fsc (fast scala compiler) is faster than scalac. but during TDD cycles i consume 3 seconds to compile sources over less than 1s to run my tests.. suggestion to reduce compile time near 0? obviously, buy a faster computer is not an answer :) i mean use some scala internals to compile source faster as possible ...

Android : changing Locale within the app itself

My users can change the Locale within the app (they may want to keep their phone settings in English but read the content of my app in French, Dutch or any other language ...) Why is this working perfectly fine in 1.5/1.6 but NOT in 2.0 anymore ??? @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch(item.getItemI...

How do I change a language of a particular page in Django website

Django internationalization allows me to set a language code either in settings file (site-wide) or on per-user / per-session basis. How can I change language for a particular page? I wrote a middleware that sets request.LANGUAGE_CODE the way I want it to be translated, but nothing seems to use this attribute to do the selected transla...

How to detect the language version of Visualstudio?

I need to detect the language version of VS and do some action depending on it. How to detect it? Thanks ...

Languages made in C#

Hi All Does anybody know of any languages written in C# that I can play around with and learn from? Thank you P.S. I have searched for them but I couldn't find anything. ...

Getting the available languages of the application dynamically

Is it possible to find dynamically what are the languages supported by the application? For example, I have strings for the following languages: English, French, Dutch and German. They are defined in their corresponding res directories: values, values-fr, values-nl and values-de. I want to give the user the possibility to choose between ...

How to change language of designer files in Visual Studio

Does anybody know how to change the language of the (automatically generated) designer files in Visual Studio without changing the language of the UI? Background: the members of my team use german and english Visual Studios. The problem is (svn-) merging the designer files with comments in two different languages. Whenever a member chan...

How can I display "please fill required field" in diferent languages using jquery.validate and ?lang=?

I'm using $lang = $_GET['lang']; and some arrays to change the language of the page. So my pages URL look like this when I select a language: ...index.php?lang=en (so my index page never changes neither my jquery files) (more details in my previous post) I'm using jQuery validate plugin to validate my form and a custom.js: $(document...

Language recognition in Java

Hi all! Is there any language recognition open-source for Java? Found only for c/c++. UPD: I`m talking about human text language. Example: Input: My name is John. Output: English. Input: Ich heisse John. Output: German. Input: Меня зовут Джон. Output: Russian. ...

Is no parentheses on a C++ constructor with no arguments a language standard?

I was compiling a C++ program in Cygwin using g++ and I had a class whose constructor had no arguments. I had the lines: MyClass myObj(); myObj.function1(); And when trying to compile it, I got the message: error: request for member 'function1' in 'myObj', which is of non-class type 'MyClass ()()' After a little research, I found th...

Extjs AJAX Language Api

can we use google AJAX Language API with EXTjs????? i have tried example for translitration i have one html file and typemarathi.js google.load("elements", "1", { packages: "transliteration" }); function onLoad() { var options = { sourceLanguage: google.elements.transliteration.LanguageCode.ENGLISH, destinationLan...

set language within a django view

Hi, background: The view is called when a payment service pings back a payment outcome behind the scenes - afterwhich I need to send an email in the right language to confirm payment and so on. I can get the language code back in the request from the payment server and would like to use that along with Django's i18n systems to determine...

How can I display a language according to the user's browser's language inside this code?

How can I display a language according to the user's browser's language inside this mini-framework for my multilingual website? Basically, it has to display the default language of the user if there's no cookies. Example of index.php: (rendered output) <h2><?php echo l('tagline_h2'); ?></h2> common.php: (controller of which languag...

php code for language detection doesn't work on WAMP server 2

I'm using this $lang=$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; to detect the language of the browser. At first, I thought something was wrong with my code. But then I tried this demo, and even if I had my 'display preferred language' as Spanish (es), it displayed the content English (en). Finally, I figured out that it doesn't work in localhost ...