
What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development?

What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development? I know other people have asked this very same question (for example, Learning Web Development-Choosing a Language and Framework), however, my case is a little different, since I have some additional constraints: The language the framework is written in must not ...

Are there any standard or conventional graph operators?

The DOT markup language uses -> and -- to indicate directed and undirected edges between nodes. Do you know of any other programming or markup languages with graph operators, and are there any standards, conventions or even just trends for defining nodes and edges? ...

Which Language Uses '@' Encapsulated Variables

I'm trying to figure out how a rather large Java project works by stepping through it in the debugger on my Windows machine, but for it to get past its initialization routines all the values in multiple .properties files must be correct. Many of these .properties files include lines like: program.root=file://@program.root.dir@ It woul...

What language resource files are used in different programming languages/frameworks?

As the question suggests, I would like to know as many different language resource file name & formats as possible based on the programming language. For example, in .net we have the .resx files in an XML format. Thank you ...