
Joomla - How do I have the meta description/keywords in 2 languages for different pages

I'm working on a site in Joomla and i've got it in two languages, french and english. Is it possible to have the meta description and keywords in french on the french pages and english on the english ones? If so, how? Cheers, Steph ...

Does X lang have security ?

I'm hearing frequently this question when discussing with a Java developer. They (java devs) always ask if your lang of choise have security and I don't know what to respond to that. Could anyone please tell me what Java security means ? Thanks. ...

What do you mean by the expressiveness of a programming language?

I see a lot of the word 'expressiveness' when people want to stress one language is better than the other. But I don't see exactly what they mean by it. Is it the verboseness/succinctness? I mean, if one language can write down something shorter than the other, does that mean expressiveness? Please refer to my other question - http://...

What's next after .Net?

I'm wondering where other .Net developers see their future? I'm currently pretty comfortable with .Net after 8 years of development and now seem to spend more time learning the additional frameworks than the core language features. Is it likely that .Net will keep expanding with new frameworks as the need arises or do people feel tha...

What are some languages that currently support mixins?

Well obviously Ruby and Sass, but what are some other ones? ...

How Can a Programming Language be both Statically-Typed and Dynamically-Typed?

Statically-typed languages and dynamically-typed languages in principle seem like opposite concepts. However, how can a language like Objective-C for example be both of these things at once? It seems to me that Objective-C is more static than dynamic. Can somebody explain how this is possible? ...

Are there programming languages that rely on non-latin alphabets?

Every programming language I have ever seen has been based on the Latin alphabet, this is not surprising considering I live in Canada... But it only really makes sense that there would be programming languages based on other alphabets, or else bright computer scientists across the world would have to learn a new alphabet to go on in the ...

I'd like to learn a new (non-OOP) language.

For the past few years I've been dabbling in object-oriented languages like Python and Ruby, but the OOP concept never really meshed with me. Right now, I'm eager to learn something based on a different paradigm. ...

Implement Multiple languages in Zend Framework and how to change them?

Hi guys! Im on a project that requires me to translate the project to both swedish and english for the customers that the company got. Ive made two ini file in xproject/application/messages-SV.ini.php <- Swedish xproject/application/messages-EN.ini.php <- English And in my defines.ini.php file Ive included only the messages-SV.ini...

How do you implement a stackless language on top of the CLR?

How do you implement a stackless language on top of the CLR? What are some issues with implementing a stackless language on top of a stackful virtual machine, and are there any OSS projects out there that have done this kind of work on the CLR? ...

Notation as a tool of thought - how far have we come?

Recently I was comparing an old Windows DOS command for deleting all the files in a directory with a scripted equivalent - I noticed the "modernised" version required typing 50 times more keystrokes to achieve the same outcome. Are these additional keystrokes enhancing productivity? Are they serving a purpose that has been quantified,...

Countries names list or file translated to common languages

Hi - Does anyone can tell me where can I find countries names translated to most common languages like: French, Deutch, Portoguese, Spanish etc. Is there a file or a database containing this information ? I need it for a multilingual site containing a drop-down list of countries. Thanks in Advance. ...

What does machine dependency 'mean'?

Low level languages and Assembly level langauges are machine dependent. My question is what does it mean? I mean is it dependent on the processor or features of machine like RAM, clock, etc. And how do high level langauges overcome this? ...

Book on explaining the basics of programming for inexperienced friends

Hey all, I have a friend who's going to jail on Wednesday, for about a year. I want him to utilize his time in county learning how to program and about the internet so I can help him land a job when he gets out. What are some of the best books that teach programming basics, which languages do what, how servers & databases work, how the...

Change subdomain + language with django-localeurl

I am using django-localeurl to change the language of a project based on a suffix after the domain ( , etc). However I also have subdomains for the countries which are exactly the same as the suffixes. How can I modify the locale-url or add another filter to the links so that I could change the suffix and su...

Where to find list of developer tools/programming languages to create autocomplete ?

I need data that has a list of developer tools/programming languages, etc. I need it in some kind of format (xml, spreadsheet, db format, text etc) so I can programmatically create an autocomplete. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Drupal - different images for different languages

Hi all, I have to "i18n" an existing drupal installation and add a second language. I have an image on the homepage that is defined as a 'background-image' in a CSS file. The image contains text, thus I need to show different images depending if the URL is: or How can I show a different ...

"Hello World" in Languages starting with Q, U and Y

I started a little fun project - collecting a "hello World"-program for every letter in the alphabet. For example Ada for A, Boo for B, C++ for C, D for D, Erlang for E, and so on But i got a little stuck i can't find any programming languages starting with the letter Q, U and Y Any languages anyone, preferable not from the esolang wi...

Should you learn different languages or focus on one?

Possible Duplicate: Learning multiple programming languages Over the past couple years, I've switched jobs, each one coming with new territory as far as programming. At the time, I was eager to take on any job and accepted a job just for the necessity of a job and picked up the development language as I went along. However, ...

fastest bidirectional java prolog implementation

Hi there, I am trying to use a a java-prolog layer on top of my current agent-based simulation. I am running Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Netbeans 6.9 and tried to use JPL from swi-prolog however I haven't managed to run a test successfully due to problems with the libraries and their paths. I need a very fast implementation and I was wond...