
Scalebox environment in LaTeX

Hello, The graphicx package provides a scalebox command. I'd like to encapsulate it in an environment like that: \newenvironment{scaleb}{ \scalebox{0.7}{ } {}} However, the second example below works, but the first one outputs the text without scaling and destroys all my layout. \begin{scaleb}test\end{scaleb} \scalebox{0.7}{test} ...

LaTeX: How to wrap a sideways text in a column (tabular)

Let's say we have a table \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \begin{sideways}A\end{sideways}&\begin{sideways}B\end{sideways}\\ a & b \\ \end{tabular} How can I define the height of cells A and B, so that in case of A and B being a longer caption, the text will wrap-around the cell? Putting p{x pt} in the tabular environment's table specs doesn't...

LaTeX: Resize PGF image (but not text)

Hello, How can I resize a pgf image in LaTeX, but keep the text in the image the same size? I can't use \resizebox because this also resizes the text. I understand that I can use the following in my pgf file: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] However, that scales the image, rather than letting me resize it to a specific width. So this i...

LaTeX Conflict with references, no output generated

Hi So far I´ve managed my bibliography very well. I use JabRef to organize it. But now it bugged forever (might be my fault, of course). The output does not come. I tons of messages like "LaTeX warning citation x undefined in line y" I did try to fix it with your "Why won't Latex generate any output?" i found at http://www.andy-robe...

Very Wide Tables in LaTeX

Is there a way to have a table in LaTeX that spans multiple pages width-wise, rather than length-wise? As far as I can tell, both longtable and supertabular will break tables over multiple pages, but only by breaking between rows and I need to break between columns. Even better would be if it were possible to have a few columns repeated ...

Force text onto page

Hi , I've an image in my latex file which is large. As it is so large it pushes text onto the next page as it passes some image size, page size ratio. Can anyone tell me how I go about forcing the text into whatever available space is on the page? Thanks ...

LaTeX: update '\leftmark' automatically on '\chapter*{abc123}'

in my current document there are some chapters that have to be added with the \chapter*-command because i don't want them to be real chapters (no entry in toc, no chapter-number, ...). this works fine! but in my header i want the chapter-name to be displayed. i'm using fancyheaders and \leftmark: \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\leftmark} the prob...

Plotting with R - skewed eps image & resolution problem

Hello, I want to create a graphics of a function in R. The code is: x <- seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.00001) f <- function(x) .... y <- f(x) plot(x, y, xlab="x", ylab="f(x)", pch=16, cex=0.5) min(y) [1] 0.2291203 max(y) [1] 0.7708797 When I save the graphics as bmp from RGui, it looks like here and this is fine. When I save it as...

Long Tables in Latex

I am inserting a table in to a file that already has some text in it. This is at the end of a section and right before the beginning of another. First I added the following code (sample, the real table is a real long one) \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c} a&b&c&d\ \hline c&d&e&f\ \hline \end{tabular} Everything is fine. However I realise I ...

Adding caption in LaTex without floats (tables)?

Hi I have a few tables which are not long enough to warrant the use of \longtable, but they always start on the next page which breaks the whole flow and trying to force it with a [!h] in the table did not help. So I stopped using \tables and just have \tabular tag now which seems to have fixed the layout as there are no floats. But the...

danish char in latex

Im running the mactex 2010 distribution with texshop. However I´m unable to get danish characters in the rendered pdf, although the text is OK within the editor (before rendering). I´ve ensured that the encoding is set to utf-8 in texshop. My preamble is \documentclass[a4paper,dansk,11pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc,url} \usepackag...

Redefining sectioning commands in latex, issues with references and labels

I'm trying to change the appearance of one of the native sectioning commands in LaTeX. But after doing so, latex cannot handle references as expected. The code given later is expected to output a document with the text 1 One See section 2. 2 Two See section 1. But instead I get the following. 1 One See section . 2 Two See sectio...

How to run minted package in TeXnicCenter using MiKTeX ...

I am working with LaTeX on Vista using TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 3 (build 1118) having installed MiKTeX 2.8. I want to use code highlighting for Objective-C and read here that the minted package is great. I installed Python 2.7 and pygmentize as told in the minted documentation. I also set the compiler option -shell-escape in TeXnicCenter. ...

Latex tag for making a comment appear or disappear in pdf?

Is it possible to tag sections of your .tex file so that you can make text appear or not? I have a long document and would like to be able to comment a certain section in each chapter, and produce two different pdfs, one with the comments, and one without. I read here about the \begin{comment} tag in the verbatim package. Is it possibl...

Forcing a \list item to align with the top of it's contents in LaTeX

I'm working on typing up some homework in LaTeX. Some of the questions have multiple parts. For one of them I have to inserted a table. The problem is the item label gets centered vertically with respect to the table, however, I'd prefer the label to be aligned at the top. To see what I'm talking about you can view the output here: http:...

Emacs-AucTex-LaTex compilation problem

I use LaTex with Emacs and AucTex since 2 year and I haven't had any problem but, yesterday when I tried to compile the master-file LaTex give to me a strange kind of error: ERROR: Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:\303\lst@FillFixed@ not set up for use --- TeX said --- with LaTeX. See the inputenc package documen...

How to restart \footnote numbering every page

Hi, I have more than 9 footnotes, so I need to restart the footnote numbering. I know that I can force that adding [1] in the 10th item, but I want something automatic. How can I do it? Adding some word every page..¿? ...

Can I write cls files in LaTeX instead of TeX?

I have some initialization code in a XeLaTeX file which I would like to put into a separate file so that I can reuse it in future texts. What is the fastest way to convert my XeLaTeX code to a LaTeX class file? ...

Use py2app with Matplotlib and its Tex formatting? Dvipng not found.

I have an application put together in py2app on OS X 10.6 which uses Matplotlib to generate graphs. (Using py2app version 0.5.3 and matplotlib version 0.99.3, if it matters.) I have the Tex formatting option enabled: ... from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) ... The script works fine when executed in the command line, incl...

LaTeX: Numbering only last line of multi-line equation in \align

I want to number and make a reference to just the last line of a multi-line equation in \align. Here is an example: \begin{align} z_1^2 &= \left( 2 e^{i \frac{\pi}{3}} \right) \left( 2 e^{i \frac{\pi}{3}} \right)\\ &= 4 e^{i \frac{2 \pi}{3}} \end{align} I only want to number the &= 4 e^{i \frac{2 \pi}{3}} part, rather than both lines ...