
simple text wrapping and copyfitting language/library

I'm writing a flashcard generating library. The user provides a text file, my program needs to output something that can be printed, directly or indirectly (e.g., TeX, PS, PDF, XSL-FO). My text formatting is very simple: plain, monospace, italic, or bold. I also need a way to center text in the region. Nothing else. However, I need some...

sub tilde in latex

in latex with \tilde{x} put ~ over x. how I can put ~ down x ? ...

Is there any Latex Editor has Vim plug-in?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a Latex Editor that has Vim feature. So if anyone know, would you recommend me one? I tried Vim-Latex, but I could not get it installed properly, nothing show when I launch gvim72. Thanks, ...

Override background color for subsections in LaTeX

LaTeX newbie here. I need to set background color for all my \subsection titles. Whole line should change color, not only the part of it with text. This does work: \subsection{\colorbox{Gray}{Title}} But it does not color whole line. Also I'd like to configure it in a single place for all \subsections. My google-fu is failing me. A...

Lists in Tabular Environment

So I'm writing up a CV and I would like to use the nifty itemize environment to list some things within a tabular environment. Unfortunately, things end up looking a bit , which isn't at all what I want. Specifically, I want to the itemize environment to hug closely to "BIG COMPANY NAME" so that it appears as "Software Development Int...

Why does this LaTeX macro for displaying quantities with units break in figure captions?

I define the \quan macro to consistently typeset quantities (copied below) in my preamble, and it works fine…except in figure captions where pdflatex complains that I've got an undefined control sequence and crashes. How can I modify the macro to make it work in the caption environment? Thanks! \let\unitsep=\, % Inserted at spaces...

Convert LaTeX to ePub

I'd like to convert some university papers from LaTeX into ePub format - without using PDF as intermediate format. You know, PDF is page-oriented, while ePub is more flow-oriented. While I found several hints, I failed to find a good 'standard' solution. Could someone please propose the ideal way? One which keeps mathematical formulas ...

Latex algorithm. Can't get it to work.

Hi, Im trying to write an algorithm using the algorithm package, but when I use any keyword (if, while, state, etc) it won't compile Here's what I type in (snippet) \documentclass[9pt]{article} \usepackage{algorithm} \begin{document} \begin{algorithm} \caption{Calculate $A_{nxn}$} \label{Algorithm 1} \IF{$n<0$} \STATE $x \leftarrow ...

centering cell entries in ctable (latex)

Dear all, Is there an easy way to center the cell entries in this table. The confidence interval look allright, but the estimate itself seems left-justified in the cell. //M \documentclass[14pt]{article} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{longtable} \begin{document} \ctable[ caption={compldich}, label=z, p...

EPS figure in pdf output is transparent and placed over text - a Latex problem

I have generated eps figures in MATLAB and am using them in Latex. (Miktex 2.9 with TexnicCenter). I dont understand why the output ( PS-> pdf ) shows the figure on top of the text below it. Also the figure appears to have a transparent background through which you can see the text over which it is placed. the name of the figure file ...

Semi-transparent text in beamer (pdflatex)

I want to have some text appear semi-transparent, but not in an overlay fashion (where it eventually becomes solid) just permanently semi-transparent. To complicate matters, the text in question is part of a matrix: $ \begin{matrix} & \{-2,3,5,0,8\} & \\ \{-2,3,5,0\} & & \{-2,3,5,8\} \\ & \{-2,3,5\} & \end{matri...

Generating simple plots within LaTeX

Hi, I want to draw a couple of simple bar plots to include in a LaTeX document. For some reason (unless im missing something), there doesn't appear to be a simple way to generate bar plots in LaTeX. I could of course generate them in Excel and save them as PDF, but I'd rather have the flexibility of doing them dynamically in LaTeX. ...

Latex - skip numbering in an enumerate environment

I would like to skip numbering in a Latex enumerate environment to generate lists as follows: (1) Item 1.. (2) Item 2.. (5) Item 5.. (6) Item 6.. and so on. The Latex code is auto-generated, so ideally, I would like to insert "silent" \item-s in the environment, so that they will keep track of the numbering but nothing will appear ...

Tools for converting LaTeX equations to Content MathML or OpenMath?

Do you know any open source tools or libraries (preferably Java, but that's not a strict requirement) in the GNU/Linux world that convert mathematical equations in LaTeX syntax to Content MathML or OpenMath? I need to convert tons of equations in batch mode, so I'm not looking for interactive apps. EDIT My focus is on the equations' ...

Print long strings of text LaTeX / Sweave

At the end of a survey I've conducted, we give respondents an open ended box to tell us anything we didn't cover in the survey.These comments will often span several pages. I am familiar with the longtable package for LaTeX and here is the solution I have mocked up: <<results = tex>>= cat("\\begin{longtable}{p{14cm}}\n") cat("\\hline\n"...

How to reduce the size (in MB) of pictures inserted in a PDF?

Hello, I'm writing a Master thesis when I need to include several photographs, but I've got a problem with the size of the generated PDF: 18MB, which is more or less the cumulated size of all the picture included. How can I tell Latex not to keep the original picture and reduce it, but to shrink the picture before including it in the P...

PNG Graphics won't display in LaTeX

Hi all, I have trouble with graphics in LaTeX. I am using Kil under ubuntu. I first tried including .png images, then got the classic no bounding box error. When I switched to .eps, I got no errors but no images in the input! Included graphics package: \usepackage{graphicx} And used a simple: \includegraphics{figures/arch2.eps}...

Latex Miktex packages

Any idea how I can install packages (ctable) to my Miktex portable when I dont have internet access on the machine with miktex? ...

How to define a global constant in postscript statement?

I want to define a constant globally within my pspicture environment as follows: Not working example: \begin{pspicture}(10,10) \psgrid \SpecialCoor \def\length{1.2} \pnode(!80 sin 2 exp \length mul 40 sin div 70 sin div 0){C}\uput[-45](C){$C$} % other codes truncated here for simplicity. \end{pspicture} The above example does not wor...

Math in reStructuredText with LaTeX

I would like to use a lightweight markup language to take notes in my college classes. My editor of choice is gedit, and I found reStructuredText Tools for Gedit, which will run the reStructuredText processor and render the HTML in a pane in gedit. This is great, and 80% of the way there. But for many of my classes I need to include m...