
how to insert pipe symbol in TeX?

How to insert pipe symbol | in TeX (LaTeX)? ...

Math rendering library for iPhone OS

Is there a library to render mathematical equations that can be used in iPhone OS? I would be very happy with a library that renders MathML or LaTeX to a format that iPhone OS can display. If the lib were licensed under BSD (or similar), that would be perfect. ...

Parsing latex-like language in Java

I'm trying to write a parser in Java for a simple language similar to Latex, i.e. it contains lots of unstructured text with a couple of \commands[with]{some}{parameters} in between. Escape sequences like \\ also have to be taken into account. I've tried to generate a parser for that with JavaCC, but it looks as if compiler-compilers li...

LaTeX, footnote

I am writing a document in which I want to have a footnote with this text: University of xyz Email: [email protected] [email protected] I have entered this command: \footnote{University of xyz \\ Email: [email protected] \\ [email protected]} and the result is as follows: 1. University of xyz Email: [email protected] [email protected] This does not look nice. I...

Install font in latex results in invisible text when compiling with 'latex'

I tried installing the nimbus font ( in my local texmf tree by following the README provided with the package (and also on the website above). However, after installing and using the package, all characters are invisible in my document when I use 'latex' to compile the document. When I...

Splitting a bibliography: how to overcome Multibib/Latex's file limitation (16 max)

Hello, I'm writing a thesis where I'm asked to split the bibliography into different sections, and so far I've been using Multibib which was really perfect for what I wanted to do: \newcites{ltex}{\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ References} ... \bibliographystyleltex{alpha} \bibliographyltex{lit} But I'm now facing a limitation regarding the numbe...

Tikz: How to encapsulate shade in node?

I have this shaded circle: \shade [ball color=black!80!white] (0,0) circle (1); Is it possible to encapsulate it with node style? (Including fixing circle radius?) ...

LaTeX: How can I disable the linking for figures in LyX?

Hello. Complete LaTeX and LyX newbie here. I am currently writing a document in LyX and I'm using hyperref to have links in the ToC, citations etc. The problem is that I added a figure (with float) and when I make a cross-reference in the text, the reference itself becomes a link that leads to the page that contains the actual figure. F...

Problem with emacs terminal mode

Hi, I have some problem with the Emacs terminal mode. I'm a mac user and I use Emacs downloaded from; I installed also ESS and AucTex. I work with R, LaTex, Sweve and, I menage all with Emacs. When I want to compile the Sweave file I open the terminal and I use the "R CMD Sweave myfile.Rnw" command to generate a myf...

Variable evaluation in LateX

I have the following piece of latex code: \def\a{1} \def\b{2} \def\c{\a+\b} \def\d{\c/2} I expected \d to have the value 1.5. But it did not. However, adding parenthesis to the definition of \c like \def\c{\a+\b} Doesn't work either, because if I use \c somewhere, it complains about the parenthesis. Is there a way to evaluate \c ...

TeX: Add blank page after every content page

I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis and my university wants a one sided print. The printing and binding will be done by a professional print company. They only accept two sided manuscripts. Because of that I need to add a blank page after every page of content. I don't want to do this manually using \newpage or \clearpage because t...

How do I force footnotes to the very bottom of the page when the page is not full?

In my thesis, I'm finding footnotes get placed just below the lowest text on the page. This means that the footnotes won't necessarily be placed at the end of the text box (of height \textheight) but on a half-full page will be quite a long way from the "foot" of the page. Is it possible to make the footnotes go all the way to the botto...

LaTeX listings package: copy-pastable listings

Writing some docs with code snippets which I want to be copyable to run as written. These snippets may include lines with preceding spaces. The listings package formats the text fine, but the spaces are not copyable. Let's say I have the following example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings} \begin{document} \lstset{ ba...

Beamer Presentation: Sneak in slides for each bulleted element

So, I am doing a presentation using Beamer. In my earlier presentation, I used the list elements auto unhiding one each time. : using the following code: \begin{frame} \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>] \item Admin Interf...

Latex column alignment

I have a latex document that is part of an automated system. So I cannot use fixed widths for the table as the inputs are uncertain. \begin{tabular}[t]{|l|@{\hfill}r@{ }|c|@{ }l|} \textbf{\langComponent} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{ \textbf{\shortstack{\leftresultsheader}} } \DTLforeach{resultstableA}{\colA=componentA,\colB=amountfracA,\colC=...

TITLESEC: problem with aligning paragraphs headings using leftmargin option

Hi everybody, when I use the TITLESEC-package to for leftmargin paragraph headings, this headings will align perfectly with normal text, but they won't align with an equation- or an itemize-environment in the first line. How do I make them align? See this pdf for a visualisation of the problem:

bib-style format for bibtext bst file- explained by an example

Hi, my question is regarding the way a bibtex-style field is defined in a bst file. I would like to have the following example below explained piece by piece, to understand what each piece is doing. I would like to be in a position to make changes to that example myself. FUNCTION {format.eprint} { eprint duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ ...

How to uniform background on listing (LaTeX)?

Hi! When I put a snippet on a listing, and chage background to gray, each character's background remains in white. How to avoid it, and show all background in gray? My LaTeX code is: \definecolor{lbcolor}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9} \lstset{ language=Java, tabsize=4, basicstyle=\ttfamily, backgroundcolor=\color{lbcolor}, showstringsp...

Latex - figures rotation.

Hello, How to rotate images with captions ? Regards ...

What is a good Manual/Guide class in LaTeX?

I am writing a manual/guide for our intranet using LaTeX. I am wondering if there are classes developed for this purpose? A search returns results that are manuals about using LaTeX. Spefically I want to make use of "hint" boxes and the like (Floating boxes in a guide that have a short hint or some such thing). I find the way these sta...