I would like to type some math equation within texts. However, because the equation is too long, it extends into the margin on the right side of the page. Please see the image below:
My Latex code is:
The minimal cost is 1358.3333 calories, which is achieved by the
vector $[x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5, x_6]=[4.1667, 0.0000, 0.0000,
On one particular frame I would like to remove the shadow that the theme I am using inserts under the title. The reason is that with a black background (which I use only on this frame), it looks quite ugly.
Do you have any idea can I do that? I've managed to remove the shadow under a block environment, thanks to:
I want to create a text with a banner with tikz. I want also be able to write and put graphics inside the banner like http://imagebin.ca/view/xI1TRFa.html. Please help in designing this page layout.
Many thanks
I'm using viper-mode in emacs, and I'd like to use the Vim-LaTeX plugin with it (http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/index.php). How do I install the plugin to use in viper-mode?
I am wondering whether anyone knows a easy way to convert a latex math formula to a big jpeg file?
Here is the latex math formula:
\lim_{u\rightarrow 0_+} \int_0^u \ud s \int_{-\infty}^\infty
s}} \exp\left\{-\frac{y^2}{2s}\right\} \ud y
I stupidly did an svn rm --force to a directory that had just been added, but not committed, thinking that it would erase the "add" but not the local copy. Is there any way I can recuperate the content of the directory?
BTW the file was a .tex file and I was working with Texshop at the time..just in case it gives ideas...
How can I use Latex effectively in VIM?
Is there a way to configure compile errors by highlighting the line in vim?
I have syntax highlight. What are other recommended add-ons? Is a makefile the recommended way to compile a latex file to pdf?
TexWorks lets you open and replace the opened pdf everytime it's recompiled. Is there a plug...
I can't get paper size working with a custom width and height in cm. DVI and even PDF then when they are generated are US Letter.
\title{Some title}
\author{Some author}
I'm using the cjhebrew package. How can I change the Hebrew font used while still keeping a 12pt Times English font? According to http://sites.huji.ac.il/tex/newlatex_usage.txt, there are many Hebrew fonts, as it states:
Jerusalem (used as default font)
Dead Sea (used as bold font)
Tel-Aviv (used as sans-serif or typewriter font)
Old J...
I have a LaTeX document with a large number of drawings included from external files with \includegraphics{bla.pdf}. The drawings are done in Inkscape. This all works fine. However sometimes it is hard to keep track of all the drawings and their source files. Hence I'm looking for a way to include the source file name, in the example...
I just started using Vim-Latex. The default dvi output didn't work for me, so I changed the default to pdf by adding "let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'" to my tex.vim. The only problem is that I need to save my document first (:w) before compiling it (\ll) and viewing in in Evince (\lv). If I do not save it, and run \ll and \lv, late...
My googling didn't come up with how to do a switch statement in an algorithm using the algorithm and algorithmic packages, but I'm assuming you can. Most guides just didn't mention it either way.
\caption{send(...) method}
\IF{dest equals..}
\STATE cast data...
\STATE extract data.....
Hey guys,
I'm trying to make my own environment with \newenvironment.
Is it somehow possible to access the "body" of the environment?
For example if the user uses
i'm the content
i want to analyze the "i'm the content" in the definition of the environment.
Thanks in advance,
Jan Oliver Oelerich
I'm very new to latex so please forgive me if I'm asking a question easily solved. I tried searching all over for an answer but couldn't find one.
I have two existing latex documents, a letter and a report. Is there any simple way to easily include the letter in the report? I know it is possible to compile a pdf version of the letter an...
Not too well up on LaTeX, but I want to use the listings package for listings spanning a two-column format (unlike this question).
Unfortunately, asterisks cannot save me (like for figures/tables); this doesn't work:
I've Googled about, but got no satisfactory answer, and getting a bit desper...
Yeah, the title says it all.
I just want to have a .tex file which I compile with pdflatex and end up with a .pdf file. I don't want all the other .aux, .log and .synctex.gz files. pdflatex doesn't seem to have arguments for this but I hope you can help.
Hello, I'm wondering why in my toc shown below, I have different dots style in the most detailed subsections ?
All I've used is:
How can I change the style to be the same at all levels of depth ?
I'm trying to get my latex sections to be labeled 1.0, 2.0 instead of 1, 2. Is there an easy way to do this or some way to define the specific numbers I want sections to be numbered?
I have this basic outline:
I currently see:...
I'm new to latex, but it seems you can temporarily redefine some commands? The problem I have is that normally the citation is (SMITH, 2000). But at times, I'd like to have Smith (2000) instead. Anyway I can temporarily redefine it, then use the standard version again after that "block" of code?
are there any simple: almost a single liner latex commands to make enumerate count in a weird order for instance that of a homework assignment?
Ex. 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16