
How to break words into syllables in LaTeX correctly

Hi, I am writing my MSc with LaTeX and I have the problem that sometimes my words are divided in a wrong way. My language is spanish and I'm using babel package. How could I solve it? For example: propuestos appears prop-uestos (uestos in next line). It should be pro-puestos. Thanks!! ...

Kile runs very slow under ubuntu, when expending the structure

Do any one has the same problem? I am using Ubuntu+Kile for latex. Whenever I save file, the structure side window expands twice, and it is very slow. Do anyone know how to solve this problem?Thank you very much! ...

LaTeX: Delimters around AMS Align environment

I have a group of equations and I'd like to show under some transformation, the system looks like something else. So I'd like to group the AMS Align environment inside a pair of brackets such that the align environment is vertically centered on the line and I can do something like: (That uses the matrix environment, so the alignment i...

How to break lines in LaTeX Bibliography

Hi, I have a very long url in my bibliography that it's not broken so appears outside margins. How could I fixed id? some breakline stuff? Thanks! ...

List of footnotes in latex

Hi, I was wondering if I'll have the option to add something like \listoffootnotes in my document like I can use \listoffigures or tables... Anyone knows how? ...

How can I attach a LaTeX marker to an arbitrary place in text?

Is it possible to attach a marker to just a place in text, not to section, sub-section, etc.? This is what I'm trying to achieve: \begin{document} Alex (see~\ref{alex}) is a boy, Jessica (see~\ref{jessica}) is a girl. [...] \label{alex}\ref{alex}: Alex Johnson: 4 y.o. \label{jessica}\ref{jessica}: Jessica D.: 5 y.o. \end{document} I...

Problem with theorem decimal numbering in LaTeX

Below is the beginning of my LaTeX code. When I compile, theorem numbers do not show the decimal point. For example, the output shows Theorem 11 instead of Theorem 1.1. How can I fix this ? \documentclass[smallcondensed]{svjour3} \smartqed \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath,amsfonts,latexsym} \...

Tabulka v záhlaví

Dobrý den, můžete mi prosím poradit, jak udělat v záhlaví latexu dokumentu tabulku? ...

Lyx template for scientific paper

Anyone know of any simple Template for scientific paper which is easy to modify and looks great? So that i don't have to use several hour to find out the syntax. ...

removing prefix from figure captions in LaTeX

I'd like to make my own caption inside \caption{} in figures of LaTeX, how can I turn off the "Figure " prefix from the captions that appear? thanks. ...

breaking up TeX references in two

I have one Bibtex file that I'd like to appear as two references. For example, if I have a set of 20 references, I want one Main References section that shows 1 through 10 and another Supplementary References section that shows references 11-20 (I want them to be numbered consecutively, not like this.) any ideas? thanks. ...

Override tex macro which throws PackageError

Hi, I am using special usepackage to write my thesis in tex and I need to adjust one of the provided macros. Usually there would be the way to use \renewcommand but in this case it doesn't work. Either the command is not changed or I get the error message that the overridden macro is not set, although I set it. The defined macro I'd lik...

How to include a file in LaTeX wihout causing a newpage.

I hope, this question is not too offtopic. I have a bigger school project which involves some documentation. The documentation is a LaTeX file, and looks like this: ... some explanation \section {someCode} \inclue{someCode.hs} some explanation ... The files someCode.hs.tex are auto-genereated from their corresponding .hs-Files using...

How to change the formatting/font of page numbers in latex?

I don't just mean how to switch to roman numerals, I want to change the font face and size. I'm currently using the article class, but I can't see any particular part of it responsible for the footer, so I wonder if this might not apply to a lot of classes. Edit: I don't need to make a custom page layout or pagestyle, necessarily. ...

writing regular text in complex math expression in latex

Hi everyone, Right now I'm writing this expression where I would like to have the term "net" text.. and not italics, otherwise it implies n*e*t.. I don't know how to do this.. can someone help me fix my latex expression here: f_i^{s*}(net_i(t)) = \frac{1}{2}(1+\tanh(\lambda net_i(t)) Ted ...

LaTeX PSTricks geometry marking parallel lines.

I am working on attempting to draw some geometrical shapes using PSTricks in LaTeX. I'm pretty new to PSTricks, but I've done a few projects with LaTeX. I've discovered the package pst-eucl which has been quite helpful. It has some useful macros for dealing with triangles and such. However, I can't figure out how to draw small arrows on...

Is there a easier / clearer syntax like Markdown that can compile into LaTeX?

I love LaTeX. Let's get that straight right off the bat. The only thing I'm wishing for is a clearer syntax that compiles into LaTeX, like Markdown for HTML. This is because most of the simple document creation that I do (like taking notes in class), could be faster and improved if I could just type 1/2 instead of \frac{1}{2} and it com...

How to clear after floating images in LaTeX?

I'm trying to text-wrap floating images in LaTeX, using code like the following: \begin{wrapfigure}{R}{0.5\textwidth} \begin{center} \includegraphics{images/image.png} \caption{This is the caption.} } \label{fig:image1} \end{center} \end{wrapfigure This works fine most of the time (creating an image that floats on the right-hand side)...

Issue with LaTeX and pdfpages

This question is a follow on from the one that was asked here. I've tried the suggestion that was put forward, which was: \includepdf[pages=-, addtotoc={<page number>, section, 1, <heading>, <label>}] but if I do this, I can only input the page number as 1, as the TOC won't accept any other integers. I want my Appendix A to start at ...

Reference in Latex chapter style

Hi all, I would like to add a note in the Latex Chapter environment that the work I am describing in the following has been published in a paper. In other words, it should look something like this: Chapter 6 The Evolution in research The research described in this Chapter has been published in: R. Moor and J.Morris. The Evolution of ...