
Swing and lazy loading components

I have used the Eclipse plugin Visual Editor to construct Java Swing interfaces. As I'm not a big fan of the code WYSIWYG (UI) editors generate, I wanted to optimize it, when I noticed, that the editor implemented all elements using lazy loading like this: private JPanel getSomePanel () { if ( somePanel == null ) { someP...

Using OpenSessionInViewInterceptor to avoid LazyInitializationException

First I need to acknowledge the fact that I'm new to EJB, JPA and Spring, so many of the things I believe as true could be wrong. I'm building an EJB application where there's an stateless session bean used to retrieve many JPA (Hibernate) entities. The problem, which I believe is a widespread problem, is that I cannot traverse the rela...

How to solve the "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" Declaration in Java?

I want to implement lazy initialization for multithreading in Java. I have some code of the sort: class Foo { private Helper helper = null; public Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) { Helper h; synchronized(this) { h = helper; if (h == null) ...

lazy load js not working. followed instructions. head scratching. see link. I really need Lazy Load or something similar because this page will have 10,000 images. Is there any way to make this work? Did I miss something simple? ...

nHibernate filter does not work when lazy loading is disabled?

I am using nHibernate with Asp.Net 4. I also have a mapping defined for an Entity. The mapping also defines a filter named CultureCode. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"> <class name="Demo.EntityCore.Domain.Option, Demo.EntityCore" table="tbl_options"> <...

How to load data with class composition ?

Hi All, Here are my classes : class PriceScale -int ID -float bookingFees -Product product -List<PricePeriod> periods Class Product -int ID -string name -List<PriceScale> priceScales class PricePeriod -DateTime begin -DateTime end -float price -PriceScale scale As you can see I strictly applied business rules "A product as many pri...

Thread-safe cache of one object in java

Hello guys, let's say we have a CountryList object in our application that should return the list of countries. The loading of countries is a heavy operation, so the list should be cached. Additional requirements: CountryList should be thread-safe CountryList should load lazy (only on demand) CountryList should support the invalidat...

Detach JPA objects with lazy initialized properties

There are two JPA entities: User and Order with one-to-many relationship. /** * User DTO */ @Entity @Table(name="user") public class User implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8372128484215085291L; private Long id; private Set<Order> orders; public User() {} @Id @GeneratedValue(s...

MEF : What's the opposite of the Lazy<T> Type?

Hi there, I've a list of usercontrols which I've had imported via ImportMany Attribute. See the following code segment : [ImportMany] private List<Lazy<IUserControl, ILinkerMetadata>> UserControlsMetaData { get; set; } So if I add each Lazy data record to a e.g. combobox, the data record won't be load, because it's tagged as Lazy (c...

Run time error handling on lazy loaded javascript?

Does anyone have any ideas how to do error handling on lazy loaded javascript? I am using an approach in which an ajax request is called and the code is eval'd in global scope. When a runtime error is struck, it spits out the filename as my lazy loading script and the line number is the error line plus the line number of my eval in my ...

handle multiple url for iphone

Hello friends Recently I am working with xml parsing function for iphone. I am viewing thumbnail image in my uitableviewcell through webservice. Its working perfect. Now I got requirement like webservice there are two urls for images. In case url1 could not retrive image or couldnt connect, then image should be displayed by...

Staggering sqlite records with Objective C

An iphone app we are producing will potentially have a table with 100,000+ records (scaling wise) and I am concerned that loading all this data via a SELECT * command into an array, or an Object will either make the app very slow; or will leave me with memory issues later on. Obviously loading 100,000+ records into an array when the vie...

Lazy Loading in Objective-C - which is more correct?

This is a small detail but everytime I lazy load something I get caught up on it. Are both of these methods acceptable? Is either better? Assume that the variable has the retain property. Method #1 (AnObject *)theObject{ if (theObject == nil){ theObject = [[AnObject createAnAutoreleasedObject] retain]; } return theO...

Neead a sample for WPF TreeView search with Virtualization and Load On Demand

Hi, I need to implement search feature in WPF treeview(basically I need to remember the last user selection). I have tried various approches suggested but nothing works as virtualization is enabled in my treeview and child nodes are loaded only when parent node is expanded(lazy loading). Anyone knows of a sample having these three thi...

Hibernate/Spring: Error loading lazy collection in a @Transactional

I though I understood lazy/eager loading, but obviously I don't: I have a service that is marked @Transactional, yet when I try to manipulate the list I get (accessing its objects), I get "org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:

lazy load images and SEO

Hi everyone, I am looking into implement a lazy load feature on image on a website, however I am wondering if there is any SEO downfalls to this. The script i'm looking into is the following: Bascially, when an image tag appears in the users viewing area of the browser, javascr...

NHibernate lazy loading. Retrieve data on demand.

I have some class with associated list. I want this list not to be loaded when I retrieve the entity, but I want to have an opportunity to load this list later, outside the session in which I cought the entity. Can NHibernate's lazy mechanism do this? Thanks! ...

EF: Lazy loading, eager loading, and "enumerating the enumerable"

I find I'm confused about lazy loading, etc. First, are these two statements equivalent: (1) Lazy loading: _flaggedDates = context.FlaggedDates.Include("scheduledSchools") .Include ("interviews").Include("partialDayAvailableBlocks") .Include("visit").Include("events"); (2) Eager loading: _flaggedDates = context.FlaggedDates; In oth...

Hibernate generating SQL queries when accessing associated entity's id

I have Hibernate Entities that look something like this (getters and setters left out): @Entity public class EntityA { @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "parent_id") private EntityB parent; } @Entity public class EntityB extends SuperEntity { @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent") @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSE...

Lazy-loading images in ListView on Android

I implemented the lazy-loading images in my ListView. I use a AsyncTask to download the image from the internet and bind it to the ImageView in the UIThread. It's working except that when I scroll the ListView vary fast, the downloaded images sometimes are binded into the wrong items in the list. I guess the problem is from the reuse o...