
introspection - table name of an object managed by Hibernate (JavassistLazyInitializer)

I want to get through introspection the table name of an object managed by Hibernate (in lazy). my object contains "org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer" in the property handler. my object is of type "mypackage.myObjectDO_ _javassist_2 $ $" and does not contain the annotations that the class "mypackage.myObjectDO...

Lazy Git repository updater

I'm using Git as the repository for my hosted-server web application. I know the way you're supposed to use a local repository with a remote project is to copy each file you edit to your local machine and add it to the repository to keep changes up to date. My question is: If I usually edit or create lots of new files every day, is th...

How to run Nhibernate ICriteria query with setFetchMode(Lazy) when lazy=false defined in HBM?

Hi all, I'd like to run a criteria query with lazy many-to-one associations. Those associations are set as lazy="false" in the HBM. It's because we use it eagerly 90% of the project. But there are a few 'big' queries that should run as lazy="proxy". HBM: <many-to-one name="DestinationElement" class="X" column="DstElemId" not-null="tr...

Lazy Correlation Matrix Computation in F#

I have to compute the correlation matrix on vectors contained in a csv file of 5GB. Each row contains one observation for each random variable. To do this I wrote the following: let getCorrMatrix data = let getMatrixInfo nCol (count,crossProd:float array array,sumVector:float array,sqVector:float array) (newLine:float array) =...

Looking for a basic PHP / MySQL search class.

Noob-ish question: I'm looking for a lightweight but decent php way to search all fields of a MySql table, regardless the structure. I first gave it a try on my own with the default mysql select but that's too basic. I'm looking for something that should at least order results by best match (keyword highlighting would be nice too). I'm ...

Thread-safe lazy get and release

Hello All, I'm running into kindof an annoying problem and would need some advice... Let's say I have a bunch of small MyObject's, that can construct bigger MyExtendedObject's. MyExtendedObject's are big and CPU consuming so construction is lazy, and I try do remove them from memory as soon as possible: MyExtendedObject * MyObject::Ge...

Left hand side of assignment with infinite generators

Sorry to double my earlier question, but I thought to ask specific data which would solve the problem. I want this result tuple_of_vars = (item for _, item for zip(tuple_of_vars, new_vals_generator)) as this is not possible a, b, c, d = (val for val in infite_generator) actually then I want to do in single line for var in var_list...

Could a bored AWK master kindly convert this Python program?

I love Python but do not really care for AWK. For purposes of comparison (and to see how a Python-to-AWK master would do this), could someone rewrite the following Python program in AWK? Considering how short it is, some would think that the rewrite would be simple and easy for anyone with a little time. import os ROOT = '/Users/Zero/D...

How many ways are there to describe the Fibonacci sequence in Perl 6?

I've been looking at the various ways of constructing lazy lists in Perl 6 and I would like to collect all of the concise ways of describing the Fibonacci sequence. I will start this off with the three from masak's journal: my @fibs := (0, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, { $^a + $^b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, ...

Payments for saas web application

Hi All, I know there is lots of discussion about this on SO but I cant find any question quite like this. I'm feeling lazy. I don't want to spend my time developing a paypal IPN handler unless I have to. I'm developing a web app and want to spend time on functions not billing. Ideally I'd like to find a solution where I can add a by...

How to get the nearest and the smallest token before the known one?

I have a string which looks like: "some token","another token","yet another token","Necessary Token","KNOWN TOKEN","next to known token" How to get "Necessary Token" with regular expression from the given string? I tried the next expression: \"(.+)\","KNOWN TOKEN" but it matches the whole substring from the beginning to the...

Lazy loading images how...

Hello... I am developing an eshop .At products page based on category i putted some javascript based filtering. However a problem arises if a category has a lot of products. This link has something similar i do ... How ever this page is painfully slow a...

setDeliveryMode in Flex 3 for lazy loading

rs.result.setDeliveryMode(mode String, pagesize Number, prefetchPage Number) setDeliveryMode is a very very simple method to do client data paging (lazy loading) in Flex 2. I don’t know why it is no longer supported in Flex 3 and don't find any substitution. Does anyone know about this? ...