
Compex MySQL Left Join using multiple entries from meta tables

I am trying to create a single query for getting information from the main table (WordPress user table), and the user meta table. If you're not familiar with WP DB architecture: wp_users holds basic user information and their IDs, wp_usermeta holds the ID, meta_key, and meta_value. Let's say I want to get all users that have certai...

LLBLGen - How to left join unrelated tables, and obtain records where there is no joined data

We are working with LLBLGen v2.6 and trying to pull back records which do not have a certain relation. This relation is a category with a one to many mapping, and one of our entities can have zero or many categories. We want the ones with zero. We have tried the following linq query, with little success. NoCategories is a boolean intend...

Return 1 result per left join

Currently I am performing a left join on two tables. The first table has an id and a persons name, the second table has an id, the id of a person from table 1, and then a timestamp (of the last flight they had). People Flights id | name id | person_id | time ------------ -----...

NHibernate Left Outer Join Unrelated Entities

I have 2 entities Role & Translation. Role -> Role_ID, Code Translation -> Code, Language, Name The idea is to say for a certain role, that it has English name, French name and so on. For example: A Role(1, 'Rol_001') can have the relations: Translation('Rol_001', 'English', '') & Translation('Rol_001', 'French', ''). I would like ...

I Need some sort of Conditional Join.

Okay, I know there are a few posts that discuss this, but my problem cannot be solved by a conditional where statement on a join (the common solution). I have three join statements, and depending on the query parameters, I may need to run any combination of the three. My Join statement is quite expensive, so I want to only do the join w...

LINQ to SQL - Left Outer Join with multiple INNER JOINS

I am using multiple joins in a statement and Have tried to make linq-to-SQl query for this but no success. SELECT ur.UserName, ur.LandmarkRef, lt.Date, l.Place FROM tbl_Users ur LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_LandMarks l ON ur.LandmarkRef = l.LandMarkID INNER JOIN tbl_LandmarkTypes lt ON l.LandmarkTypeRef equals lt.LandmarkTypeID ...

Mysql query, three tables left join with group by.

Hi, I have query which provide wrong result, am I doing any thig wrong in this query SELECT b.nBoutiqueID , b.sBoutiqueName , b.Status , SUM(bs.nViewCount) nViewCount , SUM(ps.nViewCount) nProductViewCount, ...

vb.net linq left outer join null

I've got what I think is a working left outer join linq query but I'm having problems with the select because of null values in the right hand side of the join. Here is what I have so far Dim Os = From e In oExcel Group Join c In oClassIndexS On c.tClassCode Equals Mid(e.ClassCode, 1, 4) Into right1 = Group _ F...

Left Joining on Multiple Tables with Timestamps

Ok SQL and Oracle gurus I have a somewhat complicated query that I'm trying to build. Here is my current query: select distinct person_info.person_name table2.value, table3.value, table4.value, table5.value from person_info left join table2 on table2.person_name=person_info.person_name left join table3 on ta...

Multiple Left Join LINQ-to-entities

I have 3 tables: Dealerships ------------ ID, Name, Website Locations ------------ ID, DealershipID, Address, Ect. Contacts ------------ ID, LocationID, Name, Ect. So the relationship shows that we have dealerships who have multiple locations (Example: Weed Chevrolet of PA, Weed Chevrolet of NJ) and then each location has its own co...

MySQL multiple variables in LEFT JOIN

I have table dates as following "dates" "one" "two" "three" "four" date1 id1 id2 id3 id4 date2 id3 id1 id4 id2 and a second table id2name "ids" "names" id1 name1 id2 name2 id3 name3 id4 name4 I have a mental block trying to write SELECT * FROM dates WHERE `date`='$date' LEFT JOIN `id2name` O...

MYSQL compare on join problem

Following on from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3865384/mysql-multiple-id-lookups So I'm looking at other ways around the fulltextsearch limitation on views. I updated the provided query... SELECT t.teacherId, s1.subjectName AS name1, s2.subjectName AS name2, s3.subjectName AS name3 FROM teacherProfile t LEFT JOIN sub...

MySQL Left Outer Join with Count from joined table, Show all records

Hi All, i am trying to create a query where there is a count of related records from another table. I'd like the "parent" records whether there are related records (a count) or not. SELECT r.region_name, r.region_id, r.abbreviation, r.map_order, (IFNULL( COUNT( p.property_id ) , 0 )) AS propertyCount FROM `rmp_region` r LEFT OUTER ...

Using analytics with left join and partition by

Hi guys, I have two different queries which produce the same results. I wonder which one is more efficent. The second one, I am using one select clause less, but I am moving the where to the outter select. Which one is executed first? The left join or the where clause? Using 3 "selects": select * from ( select * from ( select ...

Is there a better way of this MySQL CASE SELECT ?

The last two parameters are PHP WHERE and ORDER clauses, they (probably) don't matter here. fornecedores.nome_emp AS nome_fornecedor, exchange_rates1.rate AS rateEUR_USD, exchange_rates2.rate AS rateEUR_AOA, CASE produtos.moeda WHEN 'AOA' THEN produtos.preco_custo / exchange_rates2.rate WHEN 'EUR' THEN produtos.preco_custo WHEN 'USD'...

Optimize a query that is using multiple left joins on the same tables

I've come across a query that is taking "too long". The query has 50+ left joins between 10 or so tables. To give a brief overview of the database model, the tables joined are tables that store data for a particular data type (ex: date_fields, integer_fields, text_fields, etc.) and each has a column for the value, a "datafield" id, and a...

Hibernate Left Outer Join problem: path expected on join

I have two tables, something like: Article and ArticleRelevance They have a one to one relationship, and ArticleRelevance is optional, meaning a Article may (or may not) have a ArticleRelevance. I want to select all articles along with the ArticleRelevance details. With traditional SQL, I will do a outer join on the tables, like SEL...

Join two datatables in a dataset .

I have a dataset, which have two datatables. Can I join these two datatables .I mean a left outer join similar to DB tables ? ...

left join in LINQ

Possible Duplicate: LINQ Inner-Join vs Left-Join How can i implement left join in LINQ? plz provide me sample code. ...

left outer join in LINQ

how can i implement left outer join in following code: var showmenu = from pag in pagerepository.GetAllPages() join pgmt in pagerepository.GetAllPageMeta() on pag.int_PageId equals pgmt.int_PageId where (pag.int_OrganizationId == layoutrep.GetSidebarDetailById(SidebarDetailsId).int_Organizat...