
T-SQL - Left Outer Joins - Filters in the where clause versus the on clause.

I am trying to compare two tables to find rows in each table that is not in the other. Table 1 has a groupby column to create 2 sets of data within table one. groupby number ----------- ----------- 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 Table 2 has only one column. number ----------- 1 3 4 So Tabl...

A left outer reverse select_related in Django?

Imagine the following model: class Parent(Model): ... class Child(Model) father = ForeignKey(Parent) ... Some parents have children, others do not (they're not parents in the real meaning, it's just a fictional name). I would like to make the following query: I want to list all the Parents, and if they have children, bri...

LINQ to SQL left outer joins

Is this query equivalent to a LEFT OUTER join? var rows = from a in query join s in context.ViewSiteinAdvise on a.Id equals s.SiteInAdviseId where a.Order == s.Order select new {....}; I tried this but it did not result from s in ViewSiteinAdvise join q in query on s.SiteInAdviseId equal...

MySQL - Limit a left join to the first date-time that occurs?

Simplified table structure (the tables can't be merged at this time): TableA: dts_received (datetime) dts_completed (datetime) task_a (varchar) TableB: dts_started (datetime) task_b (varchar) What I would like to do is determine how long a task took to complete. The join parameter would be something like ON task_a = task_b AN...

Most optimal order (of joins) for left join

I have 3 tables Table1 (with 1020690 records), Table2(with 289425 records), Table 3(with 83692 records).I have something like this SELECT * FROM Table1 T1 /* OK fine select * is bad when not all columns are needed, this is just an example*/ LEFT JOIN Table2 T2 ON T1.id=T2.id LEFT JOIN Table3 T3 ON T1.id=T3.id and a query like this S...

PHP: Doctrine: order joined records

Hi, I'm new to doctrine: I have a problem with the sorting of joined records. A sample. I've got an Article model which is associated with a Source model in 1 <-> n. The source model has a property called 'position' with an integer value. Now I want to fetch an article with it's sources orderes by the position. My DQL looks like this...

Select 2 Rows from Table when COUNT of another table

Here is the code that I currently have: SELECT `A`.* FROM `A` LEFT JOIN `B` ON `A`.`A_id` = `B`.`value_1` WHERE `B`.`value_2` IS NULL AND `B`.`userid` IS NULL ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 2 What it currently is supposed to do is select 2 rows from A when the 2 rows A_id being selected are not in value_1 or value_2 in B....

MYSQL JOIN WHERE ISSUES - need some kind of if condition

Hi Well this will be hard to explain but ill do my best The thing is i have 4 tables all with a specific column to relate to eachother. 1 table with users(agent_users) , 1 with working hours(agent_pers), 1 with sold items(agent_stat),1 with project(agent_pro) the user and the project table is irrelevant in the issue at hand but to give ...

MySQL Query That Can Pull the Data I am Seeking?

On the project I am working on, I am stuck with the table structure from Hades. Two things to keep in mind: I can't change the table structure right now. I'm stuck with it for the time being. The queries are dynamically generated and not hard coded. So, while I am asking for a query that can pull this data, what I am really working t...

LINQ 2 SQL:Left outer join for my SQL statement

Can any one tell me the LINQ 2 SQL version (in vb.net) of the below Left outer join query.I am trying to get all Employees with name "Shyju" and their address line 1 if it exist in the address table SELECT E.EMPLOYEE_NAME, E.AGE,A.ADRESS_LINE1 FROM EMPLOYEE_MASTER E LEFT OUTER JOIN ADDRESS_MASTE...

JOIN on another table after GROUP BY and COUNT

I'm trying to make sense of the right way to use JOIN, COUNT(*), and GROUP BY to do a pretty simple query. I've actually gotten it to work (see below) but from what I've read, I'm using an extra GROUP BY that I shouldn't be. (Note: The problem below isn't my actual problem (which deals with more complicated tables), but I've tried to c...

How to make a "distinct" join with MySQL

I have two MySQL tables (product and price history) that I would like to join: Product Table: Id = int Name = varchar Manufacturer = varchar UPC = varchar Date_added = datetime Price_h table: Id = int Product_id = int Price = int Date = datetime I can perform a simple Left Join: SELECT Product.UPC, Product.Name, Price_h.Price, Price_...

How to perform Linq to Entites Left Outer Join

I have read plenty of blog posts and have yet to find a clear and simple example of how to perform a LEFT OUTER JOIN between two tables. The Wikipedia article on joins Join (SQL) provides this simple model: CREATE TABLE `employee` ( `LastName` varchar(25), `DepartmentID` int(4), UNIQUE KEY `LastName` (`LastName`) ); CREATE TABLE `depa...

LINQ 2 SQL :Adding one more table to left join in LINQ 2 SQL statement.

I am a newbir to LINQ 2 SQL and needs help to create left join query. I have the below LINQ 2 SQL query to get data from 2 tables.Now i want to LEFT join one more table to this .A column called "SerialId" is associated with SerialId column in "IV00200s " table Dim items=(From i In oRecelDB.IV00200s From c In oRecelDB.MDS_CONTAINERs.Wh...

Left Join duplicates

I have several tables I need to query in order to get all the rows for a certain user. The tables basically look like this contact ======= id_contact PK firstName lastName ... contact_phone =============== id_contact_phone, PK id_contact, FK id_phone_type, FK phone ... phone_type ============ id_phone_type PK phone_type .... And the...

MYSQL get other table data in a join

Hello, I am currently running this SQL SELECT jm_recipe.name, jm_recipe.slug FROM jm_recipe LEFT JOIN jm_category_recipe ON jm_category_recipe.recipe_id = jm_recipe.id WHERE jm_category_recipe.category_id = $cat" This returns the desired results except that I also need to return the name of the category that the recipe I am looking ...

Complex SQL Join help!

(For a quick recap please see sections titled , DATA. Can only get results in FIGURE A, and FIGURE B, what I want is DESIRED RESULTS, tried everything posted in the answers section.) All, I have been working hard to start smartly using joins in my application. Boy it took me a while but I think I am getting the hang of this, but I can't...

Multiple Queries = joined to create a single child-parent query result

hi, I'm not sure if this is an sql question or a combined sql/php question, so if i'm in the wrong question area, I apologize in advance. I'm use to mssql and not sure how to exactly do this within mysql however... i have a number of tables, all with left joins to create individual sql queries query 1: SELECT a.itemID , b.t...

How to add a LEFT JOIN to this MySQL Query?

Hi! I'm quite a beginner at this so please forgive me if this seems a bit easy for some of you. So, I have this query here: SELECT code.id AS codeid, code.title AS codetitle, code.summary AS codesummary, code.author AS codeauthor, code.rating AS rating, code.date, code_tags.*, tags.*, ...

LINQ-to-SQL join with composite key using "in"

I need to perform a left outer join between two tables using a primary key and an "in" clause. Desired SQL SELECT F.Id, B.Id FROM Foo F LEFT OUTER JOIN Bar B ON B.Id = F.Id and B.Name in ('Spam', 'Eggs') LINQ Query from f in dataContext.GetTable<Foo> join b in dataContext.GetTable<Bar> on f.Id equals b.Id into b1 from b in b1.Defaul...