
logins with cURL

I'm looking to use cURL to login to Blackboard, a course management system used a many universities. (For example, How would I do this? Blackboard uses HTTPS certificates and cookies too I believe. Thanks! ...

Delayed responses for cURL SSL PUTs/POSTs (php) (NSS vs OpenSSL)

I have two Fedora-based apache webservers making the same SSL PUT/POST calls with php/cURL. One works fine, but with the other the call succeeds but takes a VERY long time to return a response (~10 min). (GETs don't seem affected) The working server's cURL uses OpenSSL for SSL, while the non-working version uses a later version of cURL ...

help needed on libcurl programming in sending HTTP HEAD Request.

Hi all, I need clarifications on using libcurl for the following: I need to send an http HEAD request shown as below :: HEAD /mshare/3/30002:12:primary/stream_xNKNVH.mpeg HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: */* User-Agent: Kreatel_IP-STB 1 The code I wrote (shown below) , sends the HEAD Request in ...

libcurl (c api) READFUNCTION for http PUT blocking forever

I am using libcurl for a RESTful library. I am having two problems with a PUT message, I am just trying to send a small content like "hello" via put. My READFUNCTION for PUT's blocks for a very large amount of time (minutes) when I follow the manual at and return a 0 indicating I have finished the content. (on os X) Wh...

Can one read a remote file as an istream with libcurl?

I'd like to use the libcurl library to open a remote date file and iterate through it with an istream. I've looked through the nice example in this thread but it writes the remote file to a local file. Instead I'd like to have the remote reads be pushed to an istream for subsequent programmatic manipulation. Is this possible? I would...

using php's libcurl to register user and upload file to server

here is a site that can let the registered user to upload file (e.g. images or office files) to the site. i want to register user and upload image to this site using libcurl binding with php. only registered user can upload image. so i use cookiejar stored in c:\cookie.txt after register and use c:\cookie.txt ...

Recommend a cURL wrapper class in Php

I need recommendations for an established and maintained cURL wrapper library/class to use with cURL in Php. It wouldn't hurt if there was some documentation with it, but its not a must have. Thanks ...

CURL C API: callback was not called

Hi all, The code below is a test for the CURL C API . The problem is that the callback function write_callback is never called. Why ? /** compilation: g++ source.cpp -lcurl */ #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cassert> #include <curl/curl.h> using namespace std; static size_t writ...

fill out a form automaticly using curl and php

Hello everyone! I am trying to write a script that fills out form automaticly and then automaticly press the submit button. I have read that you can use Curl to post http requests, but how do you do if the form handles the post-request with javascript, like the code below? <form name="myform" action="javascript:void(0)" method="POST" ...


Hi Everyone! I'm new to using CURL, but I have successfully got it to submit ordinary forms in the past. I'm working with a website that uses an AJAX Request to perform a login, I can get the form to fill out the username and password but since the login button is actually a link I can't get the form to submit, is there some other way ...

How to create a public form for other sites in php?

Hi I need a public order form to provide registered users in my site. I can give a link to the users then user can copy paste that link to their own sites. If any person order via from the user site. the details must be saved in my site. How can create that kind of a page. any body can help me please :( ...

How can I get page's <title> tag's content if it can't be parsed as XML?

I'm using PHP libcurl to load a page. Now I need to get this page's <title> tag's content, and some other information too. I've tried to parse it using SimpleXML, but with no luck, because the page isn't valid XML. Can you suggest some other way to easily get contents of <title> tag? Thank you. ...

C++ libcurl http response code issues

Hello everyone, This issue/quirk/side-effect is driving me crazy. Near the bottom the code, the response code of the HTTP interaction is passed by reference into responseCode_. However it often comes out as 0 even though the site can otherwise be accessed, and returns too quickly to be a timeout... All variables are defined, the code b...

Using curb gem and libcurl on Windows

I am trying to install the curb gem, which is libcurl bindings for Ruby, and of course I need to have "A working (lib)curl installation, with development stuff" installed on my computer. So, I went to the cURL Download Wizard and downloaded this package. But adding the bin into my PATH does not produce improvement and I still get an er...

libcurl on Windows problems

I am having a hard time installing libcurl ruby bindings gem (curb) on Windows. I have done everything right. I have libcurl directory on the PATH, and then I try two ways of installing the gem gem install curb and rake install EXTCONF_OPTS='--with-curl-dir=B:\curl' None of them work. They fail with different errors, though, and th...

Show Curl POST Request Headers? Is there a way to do this?

I'm building a Curl web automation app and am having some issue with not getting the desired outcome of my POST action, I am having some trouble figuring out how I can show the full POST request I am sending over (with headers), I have been searching on this but everything that comes up is the response headers, actually I want these too ...

PHP: cURL and keep track of all redirections

I'm looking to cURL a URL and keep track of each individual URL it goes through. For some reason I am unable to accomplish this without doing recursive cURL calls which is not ideal. Perhaps I am missing some easy option. Thoughts? $url = "some url with redirects"; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); ...

Curb curb-fu gem installation problem

Hello I've installed the Curb and Curb-fu gem and libcurl on my Ubuntu box. If I go into irb and run the following irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems' => true irb(main):002:0> require 'curb' => true irb(main):003:0> require 'json' => true irb(main):004:0> require 'curb-fu' => true irb(main):005:0> So it seems that I have access to ...

How to pack http request body using libcurl?

Is it possible to send requests using libcurl in gzipped form? How can I do that? ...

Iphone libcurl WITH SSL enabled..?

Has anyone had any luck building libCurl WITH SSL (openSSL) enabled for the Iphone...? If so, could you recommend the versions you used and your cmd line config / build options...? Preferably Non-Xcode answers... Thanks! ...