
Why lift triggers method?

Hi, there's a simple form in Lift framework and a Class with render method that handles the form: def render(xhtml:NodeSeq) = { var name = "" var role = "" var human = "" def register = { val person = new Person = name person.role = role person....

Adding divs to the HTML body using Lift

I have been playing around with Scala/Lift/Comet/Ajax etc. recently. I came across a problem which boils down to this: Summary I want to update a specific div (by id) when a certain event occurs. If the div does not exist yet, it must be created and appended to the HTML body. Currently I cannot get this to work when using the Lift fra...

Programming on Lift on Realtime - Is it possible?

I have been programming Rails and Lift for a while. Rails, said, a joy to work on. But Lift performance is too awesome to be ignored. However, I find building stuff inside Lift is way slower compare to rails. For example, whenever a change in Lift webapp is made, I need to request maven to recompile/retest the whole webapp (which is a re...

liftweb: getting model field

Hello. I am new with liftweb and scala. I am developing json-rest api for rss agregator and I have two problems: package my.domain import net.liftweb.http._ import import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._ import net.liftweb.common.{Box,Full,Empty,Failure,ParamFailure} import my.domain.model.{RssItem} object ContentR...

liftweb mapper - setting table name in lower case

Is it possible to force liftweb mapper use table name in lower case for querying models? ...

liftweb - accessing get/post parameters

How is it possible to simply access to get and post attributes in lift framework inside RestHelper? There are no any explicit examples about it in documentation :( package my.domain import net.liftweb.http._ import import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._ import net.liftweb.json._ import net.liftweb.common.{Box,Full,Em...

How does Scala's Lift manage state?

I'm quite impressed by what Lift 2.0 brings to the table with Actors and StatefulSnippets, etc, but I'm a little worried about the memory overhead of these things. My question is twofold: How does Lift determine when to garbage collect state objects? What does the memory footprint of a page request look like? If a web crawler dances ...

Using Lift 2.1 on Google App Engine with Scala 2.8

Hi, I'm trying to use Lift 2.1-SNAPSHOT on Google App Engine but the lift snippets in the HTML are not being processed. It simple returns the HTML file. This is the lift.html file (just a simple test): <lift:surround with="default" at="content"> Welcome to your Lift application </lift:surround> The web.xml has: <filter> <filt...

REST in lift 2.0 + Scala 2.8

I can see from release notes and such that there has been many improvements in lift 2.0 for building REST stuff, but I'm unable to find what has been done or how to use the new stuff compared to the old. Does anyone know of such documentation, blog entries, examples or similar for how to use REST in lift 2.0. Ideally I would like som...

How to use Netbeans IDE 6.9 for Scala-Lift development? (i.e: setup, initial settings, workflows, etc)

I am thinking to try developing web using Scala-Lift framework. I have installed Scala 2.8, Netbeans 6.9, and Scala Plugin for Netbeans on my Ubuntu 10.04 machine. Since I am really new to Scala and Lift, I wonder if there are any good Scala-Lift getting-started tutorials specific to my development environment. Thanks you in advance. ...

Lift Framework BindHelpers.attr Question (or better practice?)

My problem is extracting xhtml attributes to generate absolute links, since they need to be different on testing and production environment. I would like to use a "global snippet" that binds all "src" and "href" attributes to "localhost:8080" or "" depending on a conf value. This is how the template looks like: <lift:Gl...

Receiving HTTP request params in Lift

I'm a Lift newbie and I can't digest it's HTTP request/response cycle yet. Handling REST is thoroughly explained in Lift docs but what I'm looking for is much simpler: how do I access HTTP request body/params in my web service (in Scala code of course) ? ...

Which languages to look into?

Yes, I know these kinds of questions have been asked a million times, but it just seems no matter how much research I do, there are great arguments for every side you can think of. I know the standard/best practice would be to just 'try them all, and see which one you like', but I really would rather have a better idea before I dedicate ...

Lift vs. Others

anyone have any experience with lift and how it compares to more widely used frameworks like rails and django? ...

Inheritance in Lift Mapper or Record Framework

Is there a way to define proper a inheritance model in Lift using Mapper o Record Framework where there is a table for the parent class and one table for each son? ...

Problem embedding javascript for loops in liftweb static content

Here's what I tried... I put this in a file called <mySbtBasedProjdir>/src/main/webapp/static/simpleForLoop.html <lift:surround with="default" at="content"> Why is this a problem in liftweb? <script type="text/javascript"> var i=0; for (i=0;i<=5;i++) { document.write("The number is " + i); document.write("<br />"); } <...

What are your experiences developing in Scala/Lift ?

I heard a lot of good things about Scala and the Lift Web framework recently, especially from Foursquare's guys hence, I might use this technology in my next projects. Are any of you Scala/Lift Developers? What have your experiences been for developing on this platform and what are its advantages over Ruby On Rails or Python/Django? ...

good example liftweb app using Google Map API?

Anyone know of any good examples of using Google Map API from within a scala liftweb app? ...

Google App Engine + Scala2.8.0 + Lift 2, all ok, but doesn't work why?

I build a lift project with this command: mvn archetype:generate -U \ -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-basic \ -DarchetypeVersion=2.0-scala280-SNAPSHOT \ -DarchetypeRepository= \ -DremoteRepositories= \ -DgroupId=dem...

Should I use Play or Lift for doing web development in Scala?

I'm stuck on whether I should focus on Play or Lift for doing web development in Scala. Play looks very polished. The Scala-specific tutorial looks amazing. Furthermore, since I've been coding in MVC frameworks for a long time, it looks super familiar. However, it doesn't look like it can easily accomplish all the brilliant things th...