
Is object code generated for unused template class methods?

I have a C++ template class that gets instantiated with 3 different type parameters. There's a method that the class needs to have for only one of those types and that isn't ever called with the two other types. Will object code for that method be generated thrice (for all types for which the template is instantiated), or is object code...

How to tell how much main memory an app uses

Hi all, I need to choose a database management system (DBMS) that uses the least amount of main memory since we are severely constrained. Since a DBMS will use more and more memory to hold the index in main memory, how exactly do I tell which DBMS has the smallest memory footprint? Right now I just have a memory monitor program open...

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

Is the memory space consumed by one object with 100 attributes the same as that of 100 objects, with one attribute each? How much memory is allocated for an object? How much additional space is used when adding an attribute? ...

Good tool to minimize HTML footprint?

Does anyone know a good tool that can be run on a page (for, for example) to help to minimize the footprint size of the page? The page will have typical items: HTML, Javascript, etc. I've heard of Javascript crunchers in the past, that will make the size of the code as compact as possible (and obfuscate it, I suppose). The goa...

What are the code and data footprints of the leading javascript engines? (V8, Squirrelfish, TraceMonkey..)

Since the speed of the top Javascript engines seems to be on par, the next criteria is footprint. What are the code and data footprints of the leading javascript engines? ...

How much footprint does C++ exception handling add

This issue is important especially for embedded development. Exception handling adds some footprint to generated binary output. On the other hand, without exceptions the errors need to be handled some other way, which requires additional code, which eventually also increases binary size. I'm interested in your experiences, especially: ...

python versus java runtime footprint

Can anyone point to serious comparison of Python runtime footprint versus Java? Thanks, Avraham ...

Why does Java have such a large footprint?

Java - or at least Sun's Hotspot JVM - has long had a reputation for having a very large memory footprint. What exactly is it about the JVM that gives it this reputation? I'd be interested in a detailed breakdown: how much memory goes to the runtime (the JIT? the GC/memory management? the classloader?) anything related to "auxiliary" A...

How to determine JVM memory footprint with multiple processes on Linux

Hi, I’m trying to quantify the difference in memory footprint of a small java app performing the same process multithreaded vs multiprocess. All my tests are on Linux. When running multithreaded, it is relatively easy to determine the overall footprint and additional overhead per thread. When running the single threaded process, the J...

Which is smaller footprint in C#

A lable sized like a rectangle with no text but has a border and is invisible (for a visual rectangle on the form around controls but not to contain the controls) or a panel? ...

What is meaning of small footprint in terms of programming ?

I heard many libraries such as JXTA and PjSIP have smaller footprints. Is this pointing to small resource consumption or something else? ...

Why is the size of .NET Framework 4.0 installer smaller than 3.0/3.5?

As I can see, beta2 of .Net Framework 4.0 installation program is only 55MB, and it was 200+MB for .Net 3.5, What's happening? ...

Qt::How small can it be made?

I'm using Qt for an embedded Linux app and want to make it as small as possible. At the moment If I make a statically compiled executable it will be 3.9Mb, pretty much only using the GUI parts I need. I got it to 3.9Mb just by using qconfig and configuration parameters. I was thinking about seeing how much smaller it could be made by mod...

Footprints SQL Server

What does it mean by footprints in SQL Server? here's a snippet from MSDN "reduce the lock footprint of expensive queries" LINK ...

What's the (memory) footprint of a J2EE servlet?

For Jetty, Tomcat, or any other servlet container of your choice, what's the average footprint (memory, and any other notable resources) of a basic servlet? This includes any other basic objects that you almost always need per servlet, such as a view resolver. I'm not looking for a quantitative number in particular, but any indicative a...

How can you "footprint" a specific computer behind a firewall using HttpContext?

I have a need to be able to identify one system from another in ASP.Net using anything available in HttpContext. I've attempted to use many of the ServerVariables available, but often the systems are configured from a drive built off of an image. So, because of the firewall their IP address is the same and all of their ServerVariables (b...

What query can I use to search for a list of keyword centric domains in search engines ?

Can anybody tell me what query- footprint can i use in search engines to get domains which contains the exact "keyword" in their domain names short urls - and not long urls( , so searching for the keyword "keyword" I want to find a domains like , , t...

How does Scala's Lift manage state?

I'm quite impressed by what Lift 2.0 brings to the table with Actors and StatefulSnippets, etc, but I'm a little worried about the memory overhead of these things. My question is twofold: How does Lift determine when to garbage collect state objects? What does the memory footprint of a page request look like? If a web crawler dances ...

OpenFeint disk space footprint

How much size does OpenFeint add to your binary? ...