
OpenGL lighting working on iPhone 4/iPad, not on iPhone 3G

Hello everyone. I am having trouble with OpenGL 1.1 lighting. My code works on the iPhone 4 but not the iPhone 3G. Everything appears unlit (flat colours). I don't have a 3GS so I can't find out if it works on that one or not. Here is my lighting setup: - (void)setupLighting { const GLfloat lightAmbient[] = {0.2, 0.2, ...

Lighting inside of a sphere?

I have this question in mind: I need to make a scene that looks like a real sky. My first idea was to make a cube and texturize it. It wasn't that good looking. I came up with the idea of using a sphere. But I couldn't light it from inside. I've put the camera on the origin watching (0,0,-100). Ambient and specular light source also at t...

How to rotate an object and but leaving the lighting fixed? (OpenGL)

I have a cube which I want to rotate. I also have a light source GL_LIGHT0. I want to rotate the cube and leave the light source fixed in its location. But the light source is rotating together with my cube. I use OpenGL ES 1.1 Here's a snippet of my code to make my question more clear. GLfloat glfarr[] = {...} //cube points GLubyte glu...

OpenGL lights limit

As I was reading RedBook I stayed quite confused, that openGL can have maximum 8 lights in scene (number depending on implementation, but should be arround 8). But I can imagine number of situations that would need more lights, so I think there's a trick arround this in game dev. For example, you have very long street with 50 strretl...

Useful lighting of a single-colored 3D object in a WPF Viewport3D

I have a 3D Modell of a house, where the roof is invisible so that the rooms can be seen (like here) But (for now) I have no textures and each surface has the same color, e.g., var myMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush(myColor)) If I view it in a WPF Viewport3D, I want to be able to differentiate between the surfaces....

Issue with Android OpenGLES lighting.

Hey all, I'm writing a little 3D engine for android to better learn the platform and opengl. I hope to eventually use it as a base for little 3D games. I'm trying to implement lighting right now, and generally following the NeHe opengl android port tutorials. I have a simple spinning cube and 1 light that should not change posit...