
LINQ to SQL Downside and Limitations

What are the downsides and limitations of using Linq to Sql verses writing a more traditional data layer calling stored procs/using dynamic sql through the .NET SQL Server data provider? The advantages are well documented but I’ve found little discussion of the real world issues people have experienced. Please note I’m not talking abou...

Smarty data upper limit

I am using Smarty to create a table from a big data set (so it can be loaded as excel file) but the table html code get truncated in the middle. What is the upper limited of data feed to Smarty and how can I set it? ...

C/C++ Control Structure Limitations?

I have heard of a limitation in VC++ (not sure which version) on the number of nested if statements (somewhere in the ballpark of 300). The code was of the form: if (a) ... else if (b) ... else if (c) ... ... I was surprised to find out there is a limit to this sort of thing, and that the limit is so small. I'm not looking for comme...

Blackberry - Maximum number of screens to be pushed in UI stack

Hi friends, Do anyone know maximum how many screen we can push in an UiApplication without calling popscreen() and what will be the maximum file size of each screen class. Thanks as Regards Mintu ...

Are there any length limits on PHP echo?

Hi, I have this script that fetches some data from mysql and then uses echo to output it. But, as the page have grown and gotten longer all of a sudden i have this weird behavior where it cuts of the end at 65535 chrs (when using strlen to check) The data is all saved in MySQL, beyond the 65535 chrs showing when using echo. EDIT: Sorry,...

Why no switch on pointers?

For instance: #include <stdio.h> void why_cant_we_switch_him(void *ptr) { switch (ptr) { case NULL: printf("NULL!\n"); break; default: printf("%p!\n", ptr); break; } } int main(void) { void *foo = "toast"; why_cant_we_switch_him(foo); return 0; } gcc ...

Is there some limit on a size of a file when causing a download with PHP?

Trying to force-download file with PHP using usual: header("Content-type: $type" ); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); And it does successfully for files somewhere below 32 mb. For bigger ones it just returns zeroed file. Obviously there's some kind of limit, but w...

Impose access limits from Apache to prevent scraping ?

Hello, The problem is of a content website that is being scraped so badly that it breaks the server. Is there an easy method of limiting access for IPs to a fixed number of requests at a time OR per day ? ( 10 pages / day or.... 10 pages every 2 minutes ) Ideally, I would keep a wildcard list for search engines and disallow everybod...

JSON limitation?

Hello, I would like to know if JSON with AJAX has a limitation to the amount of data an outgoing and returning parameter can carry? I would like to be able to send and return from the server a file with 10,000 lines, as a string. How should I achieve this task? Will a single parameter will be able to hand this? EDIT: My client is Java...

wsgen limitations : what constructs to avoid

I'm creating a webservice using JAX-WS's (JSR 224's) @WebService and @WebMethod annotations. Although I've found the specification, I can't find the limitations I'm running into documented anywhere. Here's what I've stumbled across so far using JAX-WS 2.1.6 provided with JDK 6: You cannot use interfaces as parameters, return values, ...

Where are tables in Mnesia located?

I try to compare Mnesia with more traditional databases. As I understand it tables in Mnesia can be located to (see Memory consumption in Mnesia): ram_copies - tables are stored in ets, so no durability as in ACID. disc_copies - tables are located to ets and dets, so the table can not be bigger than the available memory? And if the ta...

Does C++ limit recursion depth?

In Python there is a maximum recursion depth. Seems it is because Python is an interpreter, not a compiler. Does C++ have the same concept? Or it only connected with RAM limit? ...

.net bitmap file type limitations

Hi, Given the line: Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream); where stream is a System.IO.Stream, are there any limitations on the image file type e.g png, jpg, gif etc that can be handled. i.e are all image file/stream header info clear enough to say "I am an image". I haven't run into any yet, but have only being using the pretty stand...

Howto: Limit access to my facebook appliation

Hey, I developed an application for my masters class, that I want to limit ONLY to my masters class. Can I somehow limit the access? Or even connect the limit to the users in a group? edit In addition: if I have all the fbids of the users I want to have access to my app in my database, can I limit the view in the profile box? it seem...

Oracle - Determine maximum supported size for regular expression

I have a regular expression that throws ORA-12733, "regular expression is too long". How do I determine what the maximum supported size is? FYI: the offending regex is 892 characters. It's a generated regex, so I could change how I generate and execute it, but I would like to know what the limits to the max size are before I change how ...

What are the limitations of assembler? (NASM)

Is there a technical limitation of what kind of programs I can write with assembler (NASM)? For now I've only seem some program that do arithmetic operations, like adding two numbers. Is it possible to write complex assembler programs, that provide a GUI, access the file system, plays sounds et cetera? I know I wouldn't write such pr...

.NET GDI+ image size - file codec limitations

Is there a limit on the size of image that can be encoded using the image file codecs available from .NET? I'm trying to encode images > 4GB in size, but it simply does not work (or does not work properly i.e. writes out an unreadable file) with .bmp, .jpg, .png or the .tif encoders. When I lower the image size to < 2GB it does wor...

iPhone/iPod & iPad - Limitatios about Universal applications

Are there any limitation in writing universal application for iPhone and iPad ? (or the choice it's only about the code re-usability/design ) ...

Is there a limitation to the length of the query in mysql?

I am asking this question because I need to know this limitation as I am generating SELECT query in my PHP script and the part of WHERE in this query is generated inside the loop. Precisely it looks like this $query="SELECT field_names FROM table_name WHERE "; $condition="metadata like \"%$uol_metadata_arr[0]%\" "; for($i=1; $i<count...

XTS size limitation

Good morning, My question saga continues about R. I have been working on large datasets lately (more than 400 thousands lines). So far, I have been using XTS format, which worked fine for "small" datasets of a few tenth of thousands elements. Now that the project grows, R simply crashes when retrieving the data for the database and p...