
Calendar, Dynamic LinkButton CommandEventHandler Help

Hi, I am attempting to create a calendar which is just a simple UI to display dates and dates to users of our system. I have overridden the Calendar's "DayRender" event to gain access to each cell and then insert a couple of dynamic controls to display specific data. The display of the controls works great. However, I recently wanted...

How to print a LinkButton to page?

Say I have a dynamically generated LinkButton in my ascx.cs code-behind. How could I go about "printing" this control to my page? Obviously I can't do something like just print the Text property as I need the button to retain its hyperlink. I'm guessing I want to use the WebControl.Render method, but I'm not familiar with it at all and h...

ASP.NET Is there a way to add two "OnItemCommand" to my asp:repeater

I have two button with different commands <asp:LinkButton ID="lbEditDetails" Text="Edit..." runat="server" CommandName="EditDetails" CssClass="EditAdults" CommandArgument=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "number_slept") & "-" & DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "booking_ref") %>></asp:LinkButton> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbSubmitD...

How to disable link button in a gridview

Hi, I have one grid view that contains some template columns. In this, the first column contains check boxes named as Read, fourth and fifth column contains asp:link button. If the user clicks on the read check box, both link buttons should be enabled (Initially it is in disabled mode). I used this JavaScript code for disabling. But i d...

Link Button have some Problems

I have one ASP.NET application which includes one gridview. This gridview contains 4 template columns of checkboxes and 2 template columns of link buttons. If I click on the first checkbox, then both of the link buttons should be enabled, otherwise they should be in disabled mode. This functionality is working fine. But my problem is, at...

Setting LinkButton's OnClick event to method in codebehind

I'm constructing a LinkButton from my codebehind, and I need to assign the onclick to a method, and pass a parameter with it too. I have this so far: LinkButton lnkdel = new LinkButton(); lnkdel.Text = "Delete"; The method I want to pass it to looks like this: protected void delline(string id) { } ...