
browser causing multiple button clicks

I have linkbutton that has the onclick event handler. The control is disabled as soon the user clicks but certain users are able to click multiple times. Not able to reproduce. Could it depend on the browser? Please help with any ideas ...

Why can't I use a LinkButton in the ASP.NET login control for the Login button?

I lost a week of time on this. I wanted to use a LinkButton instead of the standard asp button so I could attached a SkinID to it that I use for link buttons. When using the linkbutton: <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CommandName="Login" SkinID="loginButton" ValidationGroup="rgtLogin...

flex linkbutton text to span 2 lines

is there a way to span the text of a link button to 2 lines? so instead of "Save Page" to be in one line only, I want it to be in 2 lines. Thanks. ...

Linkbutton inside Repeater for paging ASP.Net

Hello I'm doing a webpage with a search that brings a lot of information from MSSQL. What I did is a stored procedure that return only the page to be seen on the website. Right now I'm working on the paging as I need to show something similar than google. If you are at page 1 they show first 10 pages and if you are at page 19 they show...

Shift + Click of Linkbutton in Firefox opens new window instead of firing OnClick

I used C# to build a gallery of photos. Users can hold down shift and click to select multiple photos at once. I used the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys property to determine whether shift is being pressed in the OnClick event of a link button, but find that it only works in IE. In Firefox, Shift + Click opens a new window and... LinkButton HyperLink problem

The following two controls on my page: <asp:LinkButton ID="OpenLB" runat="server" >Open</asp:LinkButton> <asp:HyperLink ID="OpenHL" runat="server">Open</asp:HyperLink> I set them during page load like this: OpenLB.PostBackUrl = @"file:\\web\documents-emails\doc1.docx"; OpenHL.NavigateUrl = @"file:\\web\documents-emails\doc1.docx"; ...

How to let Html Link (anchor) do a postback to be like LinkButton?

Hello, I would like to ask how can i make an html anchor (a element) or even any object to do a postback or to execute an server side method? I want to create a custom button (a wrapped with some divs to do some custom them) and i want to implement OnClick to be look like the ASP.NET LinkButton? Like <a href="#" onclick="RunServerSideM...

LinkButton inside UpdatePanel disappears after partial page postback

I have a linkbutton inside a updatepanel and when the update panel does a partial page rendering, the linkbutton disappears. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="drp" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" CausesValidation="true"> <asp...

UpdatePanel returns a error when we click on Linkbutton which is inside UpdatePanel

i have Linkbutton inside updatePanel and when i click on it it returns following error An extender can't be in a different UpdatePanel than the control it extends so what to do ...

Treeview - Link Button Post Back Problem

Hi there I' m working on a web application. That has a master page and two pages. These pages under the that master page. I am trying navigate that pages with a TreeView which on the master page. When i click to treeview node i can go to page which i want but there is no postback. But if i use linkbutton postback event happen. I use a b...

Extending DataList to accept a new InsertCommand from LinkButtons

I'm trying to subclass DataList to accept a new Command from embedded LinkButtons. Here's my abstract class: public abstract class BaseFieldGroup : DataList { public const string InsertCommandName = "Insert"; public event DataListCommandEventHandler InsertCommand { add { base.Events.AddHandler(Ev...

LinkButton not firing OnClick event in Accordion

I have not been able to get the break point I have on LinkButtonDelete_Click to fire. Is there a trick to dealing with buttons inside of AJAX Accordions? Thank you. <cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" SelectedIndex="-1" RequireOpenedPane="false"> <HeaderTemplate> <asp:Label ID...

Do FormViews not respond to commands issued from an ImageButton?

I am using ImageButtons in place of LinkButtons in a FormView to issue New/Edit/Delete/Cancel commands, but they don't seem to have an effect on the FormView. The ImageButtons will cause a postback but the FormView mode doesn't change from the current mode. I'm sure the ImageButtons were working at one point, but I've been busy with ot...

Dynamically created LinkButton not firing any events

I'm customising the Group Headers on a Telerik RadGrid by injecting a LinkButton into it during the ItemDataBound event. The button renders perfectly, but I can't get it to hit any event handlers. Here is the code for the button creation: Private Sub rgWorkRequestItemCosts_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI...

Updating asp:SqlDataSource Parameter via asp:LinkButton

I'll try to explain what I'm doing the best I can, but I'm pretty new to so be patient with me. I have a SqlDataSource which returns a simple select statement based on the WHERE clause using @COURSE_ID What I want to-do is every time any one of 2 (this will change as it's going to be generated) asp:LinkButtons are pressed, the...

how to get linkbutton id that is genrated dynamically from code behind in the eventhandler

i have create two linkbuttons dynamically: for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LinkButton lb = new LinkButton(); lb.ID = "lnk" + FileName; lb.Text = FileName; Session["file"] = FileName; lb.CommandArgument = FileName; lb.Clic...

LinkButton Click event ignored

I have the following Hyperlink as a button:- <asp:LinkButton ID="loginButton" runat="server" CssClass="loginButton" Text="LOGIN" OnClientClick="return validateLogin(memNoID,pwID)" AddressOf="loginButton.Click"></asp:LinkButton> It causes a postback but only executes the onload and prerender sections of code. It totally ignores the fol...

using c# & ,how can I link data of anothet datalist to datalist containing link button

I m Using VS.NET 2008 I retrive data in to datalist containing link button.on click i want to open another iformation in another datalist according to its ID. ( I try to access Category to Sub category) ...

how to display the text on ImageButton.

how to display the text on ImageButton. or how to have a linkbutton on Image I have tried this: <asp:LinkButton ID="lbYear" runat="server" CausesValidation="false" Text="HOME"> <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/menu.png" Width="90px" Height="39px" /> </asp:LinkButton> but it is showing the text above the ...

Problem with LinkButton and AnimationExtender

Hi. I have LinkButton and AnimationExtender for it. Also sometimes I need to disable LinkButton via JavaScript. I have my own function (because of problems with disabling LinkButton in FF). function disableAnchor(obj, disable) { if (disable) { var href = obj.getAttribute("href"); if (href && href !...