
Adding a Javascript string value in a LinkButton inside a DataList Item on ASP .NET

I was able to create a client script click event on a link button for normal ID's and numbers. But when I tried to do this with a string it causes a parse error. Not the difference lies on adding the single quote to enclose the Even("name") value. If the single quote is missing a javascript error occurs. If it exist, an ASPX parse error ...

Add LinkButtons during OnDayRender event of ASP.NET Calendar Control

Hi, So I need to add some link buttons to each cell of a asp:calendar control dynamically based on data in the database. I wondering what the best way to do this is so that the the link buttons will be wired up to their events on postbacks (as to my knowledge creating the link buttons on the Day Render event and adding them there will ...

Change the color of disabled link button....

I have a link button in my grid view and it will be disabled when it meets certain condition. My question is, when the button is disabled, the color of the button will change to gray and i dun wan it to be gray, perhaps black. I have tried using the following code the change gray color to others but it's not working, You guys have any id...

LinkButton not accessing EventArg

Hello all, I am using I am trying to create a LinkButton within the code-behind, when I debug my code I recieve no errors, however its not accessing the EventArg attached to the button, it does however refresh the page. What am I doing wrong? Button Code LinkButton myLinkButton = new LinkButton(); myLinkButton.ID = appointm...

ASP.NET LinkButton not rendered correctly in IE7

We have an issue (one of many) with a customer who switched to MS IE 7 just a few weeks ago (yes, yes, I know....... don't ask.....) In our ASP.NET app, we have a series of <asp:LinkButton> controls for navigation inside a HTML table, each link button on a separate row. The link button is inside a <td width="200"> tag. Each <asp:LinkBut...

ASP.NET button says it can't find the method I put in OnClick

I have a log out button on my main menu and I want it to run a method to log out. However I want to store this method in a separate class as a static method, since this code may be called from other locations too. Compiler error message: CS1061: 'ASP.adminpages_masterpages_adminsystem_master' does not contain a definition for 'Extensi...

Why does the default enter button not work in some browsers?

Are there any suggestions out there for setting a default enter button that can work not just in IE but in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and so on. I've got a number of panels with the default button set but when I hit enter in a non ie browser it just defaults to the first link on the page. Any suggestions? ...

ASP.Net: UseSubmitBehavoir for LinkButtons and DefaultButton?

Hi, every one who works with FireFox and ASP.Net knows the problem: To enable a DefaultButton, you must set the UseSubmitBehavoir="false" on this button. Sadly, in LinkButtons it don't work. Is there a short and easy wy to do this? ...

determining that a Postback opens a new page

I have a page (page1) with a LinkButton that, when clicked, will take the browser to a new page (page2). When I click the LinkButton page1 posts back and hits the Init and Load event handlers for page1, and then moves on to page2. How can I tell in the page1 postback that I am about to be taken to a new page, as opposed to clicking a B...

VB.Net event handler registration for nested linkbutton

Hi All, I have a linkbutton that is nested in a datagrid that is nested in a datalist (yes, very strange, but unfortunately it's part of the site which I cannot change). Essentially I want the linkbutton to fire an event handler that calls Response.Redirect(e.CommandArgument)). In other words, I already have the URL that I want to redir...

Is it possible to avoid control validation after clicking one button and don't after clicking another?

I have a UserControl used for getting an exchange rate amount from user (bank manager) he prefer to be used by an account operation. Exchange rate can be loaded from central bank web service but just as a tip - final value is chosen by user. It contains one asp:TextBox box and two asp:LinkButton - Get (exchange rate) and Approve (client...

ASP.NET Link Button generating wrong mark up

Hi, I'm having some trouble with a Link Button generating incorrect mark up. It should generate something like this: <div style="margin-top: 5px; width: 150px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <a onclick="return JSConfirm('Confirm?');" id="ctl00_cntPrincipal_btnCancel" class="round-corner opt-upload cancel" href="javascript:_...

ASP.NET LinkButton OnClick Event Is Not Working On Home Page

I have a user control that handles logging a user in to my site. This user control is placed in the upper right corner of all pages as a Quick Login Box. The problem I'm having is that on my production server, the LinkButton click events I have provided for logging in and reset are not firing the OnClick event after a postback. Its like ...

adding style to LinkButton without overriding css

So it looks like if I add style such as background color to LinkButton in my .cs code, it overrides any css I have that applies to it. is there any way to add style rather than replace it in my code behind? Thanks! I am using link button as a menu, so active linkButton should have different background color. so my solution was when the ...

How to change HyperLink NavigteURL on Click

As you all know, HyperLink have a navigateURL property and whenever you click on a hyperlink you'll redirect to link destination, it is ok. So LinkButton in visual cases are same as Hyperlink but it have not a navigateURL property and instead you can redirect user by using Response.Redirect on OnClick event of LinkButton, the differet ...

Update Href of Link button Through Jquery.

I am using a link button to redirect the page to my desired location with some query string value from Jquery. The Link Button code are as follows: <td> <a id="selectAllLink" class="button" rel="nofollow ibox&width=800&height=400&title=Contact Now" href="#" onclick="return (this.href=='#');">Contact Selected<...

Why won't my LinkButton inside a GridView raise its OnClick event?

I have a LinkButton inside a GridView (via an TemplateField). No matter what I try, the LinkButton will not invoke its event handler. I have tried both: A traditional event handler ("OnClick") A OnRowCommand event handler at the GridView level. In both cases, I've debugged and it doesn't even catch the event handler. If I move the... sending value from one aspx to another

this is my code - in the subroutine i have - Private Sub xxx() Sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM table" ExecuteNonQuery(Sqlstr) SqlCmd = New SqlCommand(Sqlstr, SqlCnn) SqlDR = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader If SqlDR.HasRows Then Do While SqlDR.Read() r = New TableRow ...

Please check my code to add linkbutton and click event programmatcally in

i wrote following code to create a linkbutton programmatically, but its showing like lable at runtime not as link Dim lnkbutton As LinkButton = New LinkButton() lnkbutton.ID = "HostelsClub" & dr("dshotelid").ToString() lnkbutton.Text = "HostelsClub" lnkbutton.PostBackUrl = Request.Url.ToString() lnkbutton.ToolTip = "Click here To Book"...

Link Button on ASP.NET user control not firing

Hi I have a user control, which is added to another user control. The nested user control is built up of a GridView, an image button and a link button. The nested user control is added to the outer control as a collection object based upon the results bound to the GridView. The problem that I have is that my link button doesn't work....