
static library works in console but not in GUI app - strange.

Hi all. I have a strange error that has bothered me all day. I have a library function that I have compiled. I statically link the library to test it in a separate console application and everything builds and works ok. It is just a simple sqrt function called sqrtval at the moment. However, when I include this library in a larger graphi...

How do I fix symbol name collision between static libs in Visual Studio/C++?

My platform is Windows / Visual Studio / C++ I have two static .lib files. They are from two different vendors. Unfortunately the lib symbols are colliding on a globally defined symbol that each file defines. They both choose the same name for something. eek! Is there a way to namespace or "hide" the symbols from the two libraries fr...

Visual Studio - error LNK2005 in debug mode

I'm integrating 3rd party code into my MFC app under Visual Studio 2010.When in Debug mode the following build error occurs: 1>LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj) : error LNK2005: __initp_misc_invarg already defined in libcmtd.lib(invarg.obj) 1>LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj) : error LNK2005: __call_reportfault already defined in libcmtd.lib(invarg.obj) 1>LI...

Xcode linker and blocks: Undefined symbol "___block_global_1"

I am trying to build an application in Xcode 3.2.4 and am getting the following linker error: Undefined symbols: "___block_global_1", referenced from: ___block_holder_tmp_1.120 in foobarbaz.o ld: symbol(s) not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status I'm at a loss to explain what I've done in my source file that might be caus...

C++ Linker error iostream overloading

i get 2 linker errors when trying to compile my program which includes these two files (causing the problem, in particular the lines in bold) and i'm new to C++ so excuse my ignorance. Assignment1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class Vector __thiscall Vector::operator^(class Vector)" (??TVector@@QAE?AV0@V0@@Z)...

How to link to NTQueryKey in Kernel Mode

For the life of me I can't figure out how to resolve the declared NTQueryKey value in my device driver. I looked for a device driver forum, but didn't find one. Can someone point me to the right place? OSR isn't very responsive with dumb questions like how to link to NTQueryKey. Here is my prototype: NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryK...

LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib'

I Had VS2010 installed but found that intellisense wasn't working. I looked on the web and found that I wasn't the only one who had that issue. So, I installed VS2008 and everything was fine. Then I decided to clean up my computer and removed VS2010 and immediately started getting this error on my programs (new and old). Even a simpl...

Crypto++ linker error using ANT

I am trying to reverse engineer a previous employee's build process for some custom software he wrote for us. I've seen to get everything to compile okay, but I get an error in the linking process that points to a problem with crypto++. Any clues? compile.util: compile: [echo] Compiling: util [cc] Starting dependency analys...

Unable to resolve overloaded class methods in template delegate.

Background: I'm using a delegation technique to abstract access to arbitrary object methods, but I'm having some issues where the linker is concerned. Consider the following class, ContextNode. template <class ObjectType, class GetType, class SetType> class ContextNode: public ContextNodeBase { public: ContextNode(ObjectType* tar...

LNK2019 and LNK1120 with functions in an external file

I have taken out some functions from a source file into another since I want to use them also in other files. The current structure is as follows utils/extFuncs.h #ifndef _extFuncs_h #define _extFuncs_h inline int someFunction (float v); #endif utils/extFuncs.cpp #include "utils/extFuncs.h" inline int someFunction (float v) { re...

WxWidgets: Troubling Callling wxFrame ConstructorE

Okay, I have run into a really bizarre problem. I have a wxWidgets program that has two frames, a main one, and a secondary one. The main one has a button that calls the second one to open. I had trouble with calling a derived class from the second wxframe's class, so I moved the declaration/implementation of the class to before the c...

HttpRiot other linker flags issue

Hi everyone, i'm developing a game which already uses httpRiot framework to communicate with a server. Now i'm also trying to add an ad-mob library but i'm getting issues with the other linked flags, if I put the -all_load flag my ad-mob service crashes, and if I take it off HttpRiot crashes, anyone knows if there is a way to make HttpR...

How can I fix these OpenGL linking problems in MinGW?

I have a project that I have been coding on OS X that I am now trying to get building on Windows. I have set up MinGW, created a makefile, and after a good deal of finagling everything compiles, however when it gets to the linker step a great number of errors occur along the lines of: SourceFile.cpp:(.text+0x1809): undefined reference t...

How to dllimport in C++

I have a DLL and I would like to use some of its functions. #include <iostream> using namespace std; extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int Initialize(char* localPort, char* adminServerName, int rpcTimeout); int main() { int res = Initialize("7864", "6000@kabc", 10000); return 0; } I don't have the DLL's .lib file, so is th...

Problem compiling C++ program

Hi, there! I'm writting graph classes. I've wrote such code in "Graphs.h" : #include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Edge{ int v,w; Edge(int v=-1, int w=-1):v(v),w(w){} }; class Graph { protected: int Ecnt, Vcnt; bool digraph; public: Graph(int V, bool isDirected) :Ecnt(0),Vcnt(V),digraph(isDirected) {} ~...