
LINQ to Objects: Query with multiple LIKE conditions (OR or AND) possible?

We have a form that allows a user to filter a list with by typing in a textbox. We need to filter the list based on two fields. The FundName and the CompanyName. When the form loads I put the initial LINQ to SQL results into a list so that for every subsequent action (filter) the database is not hit. This speeds things up significantly (...

Select a ListItem from DropDownList using a Linq Query

I' trying to use a Linq query to find and set the selected value in a drop down list control. Dim qry = From i In ddlOutcome.Items _ Where i.Text.Contains(value) Dim selectedItem As ListItem = qry.First ddlOutcome.SelectedValue = selectedItem.Value Even though the documentation says that the DropDownList.Items collect...

How to merge a collection of collections in Linq

I would like to be able to fusion an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> into IEnumerable<T> (i.e. merge all individual collections into one). The Union operators only applies to two collections. Any idea? ...

DataTable Query

Hi, I am new to LINQ. I am trying to find the rows that does not exists in the second data table. report_list and benchmark both type are : DataTable. Both these datatables are being populated using OleDbCommand,OleDbDataAdapter. I am getting an error "Specified cast is not valid." in foreach ... loop. I would appreciate your help. ...

Are LinQ Queries above different LinQ providers possible?

I'm currently thinking about a repository pattern for my data objects, where multiple IQueryable<> instances can be registered as data sources. But it seems its not so easy to get it running :-) Running a simple LinQ Query with Linq to entities and linq to objects doesnt work. Do you think this is in general possible? Maybe the only sol...

Optimizing Aggregate for String Concatenation

Update - for those of a facetious frame of mind, you can assume that Aggregate still produces the normal result whatever function is passed to it, including in the case being optimized. I wrote this program to build a long string of integers from 0 to 19999 separate by commas. using System; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; ...

Filter IDictionary(Of TK, TV) to an IDictionary(Of TK, TV) with linq

Something very basic seems to be escaping me. Dim foo As New Dictionary(Of String, String) foo.Add("key", Nothing) foo.Add("key2", "something") I wish to get a IDictiorany(Of String, String) back, with only elements that have a non empty value. I thought this would do it: foo.Where(Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)) Bu...

LINQ GroupJoin innerKeySelector/outerKeySeletor issue with two DataTables

Hi All, Given a DataSet, I'm left joining DataTables[1-n] onto DataTable[0]. I have created a method with a signature as follows: public DataTable LeftJoin(DataSet ds, params JoinKey[] JoinKey) Notes: The return type is a DataTable, which is the resulting left join. DataSet ds is a collection of DataTables for joining. JoinKey is ...

How to create a dynamic Linq Join extension method

There was a library of dynamic Linq extensions methods released as a sample with VS2008. I'd like to extend it with a Join method. The code below fails with a parameter miss match exception at run time. Can anyone find the problem? public static IQueryable Join(this IQueryable outer, IEnumerable inner, string outerSelector, string in...

Filtering lists using LINQ

I've got a list of People that are return from an external app and I'm creating an exculsion lists in my local app to give me the option of manually removing people from the list. I have a composite key which I have created that is common to both and I want to find an efficient way of removing people from my List using my List e.g ...

In statement for LINQ to objects

Is there an equivalent of a SQL IN statement in LINQ to objects? ...

How to extract some data from a collection using lambda/linq to objects?

Hi folks, i have an IList<Animals> farmAnimals; this list has three types, Cows Sheep Chickens how can i remove all the Chickens from the list using a lambda query or linq-to-objects so i have a separate list of chickens and the original list now only has cows and sheep. Do i have to make three lists (the original + 2 new ones, fi...

Help with linq orderby on class aggregate relationships

Hi, I am getting a little confused and need some help please. Take these two classes public class Comment { public string Message {get; set;} public DateTime Created {get; set;} } public class Post { public int PostId {get; set;} public string Content {get; set;} public IList<Comment> Comments {get; set;} } I ...

Why does simple array and Linq generate VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime

A very simple ?: operator in C#, combined with a simple array and LINQ (to Objects) call to Reverse() is apparently enough to cause the exception "System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime." when run on an ASP.NET web site running with "High" trust (note that "Full" is the default) Here is the code, ...

select child object collection with lambdas

I have the following class objects: public class VacancyCategory { public int ID { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public IList<VacancySubCategory> SubCategories { get; set; } } public class VacancySubCategory { public int ID { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public VacancyCateg...

Your Favorite LINQ-to-Objects Queries

With LINQ, a lot of programming problems can be solved more easily - and in fewer lines of code. What are some the best real-world LINQ-to-Objects queries that you've written? (Best = simplicity & elegance compared to the C# 2.0 / imperative approach). ...

Can I rely on the order of a SortedDictionary in Linq, and is it doing this efficiently?

When using a SortedDictionary in Linq and iterating over the KeyValuePair it provides, can I be assured that a complex linq query will execute it in ascending order? Here's a brief, although a bit confusing example: Random r = new Random(); //build 100 dictionaries and put them into a sorted dictionary //with "priority" as the key and ...

Can I rewrite this more elegantly using LINQ?

I have a double[][] that I want to convert to a CSV string format (i.e. each row in a line, and row elements separated by commas). I wrote it like this: public static string ToCSV(double[][] array) { return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Array.ConvertAll(array, row => ...

Linq query with aggregates

I want to write an elegant linq query to handle the following SAMPLE object model: class Category { public string Name { get; set; } public IList<Product> Products { get; set;} } class Product { public string Title { get; set; } public IList<Photo> Photos { get; set; }...

Linq To Objects Auto Increment Number

This feels like a completely basic question, but, for the life of me, I can't seem to work out an elegant solution. Basically, I am doing a Linq Query creating a new object from the query. In the new object, I want to generate a auto-incremented number to allow me to keep a selection order for later use (named Iter in my example). ...