
handling null byte array values in a LINQ query

I have the following LINQ code: docTypes = (from c in context.Citizenships join cdt in context.Citizenship_Document_Types on c.Country_Code equals cdt.Country_Code from cd in context.Citizenship_Documents .Where(cd => cd.Citizenship_Id == c.Citizenship_ID) ...

Condensing linq expressions into one expression for a simple blog system

I currently have many linq expressions nested within foreach loops ... kind of defeating the point of using linq! What I'm trying to achieve is a simple blog model (blog posts which have multiple tags and are associated with multiple categories... that's all). I'm looking for a way to condense all my linq expressions into a single expr...

Getting rid of nested foreach loops when using linq

I am always finding myself creating linq expressions that still use nested foreach loops heavily. Below is a simple example of what I'm talking about, and I'd really appreciate it if someone on here can show me how to condense this low-efficiency code into a single linq expression? The database context (db) has three tables: Blog, Tag, ...

How to filter query results where name contains any of the words being searched for?

I'm trying to modify some code that returns results from the database. Currently the code is as follows, and matches whatever funds have a name like the search term. var ret = (from funds in queryable where SqlMethods.Like(funds.Name, searchTerm) select fund...

How can I add variable count of SqlMethods.Like() in one query?

Can you help me with next: I'd like to add variable count of SqlMethods.Like() in one query? For example: I've four words in list catCode, how can I create LINQ query with four SqlMethods.Like()? using (var db = new MappingDataContext(_connection)) { db.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false; return ( from r in db.U_CDW_REPORTs...

Linq query for NULLABLE datetime field

Hi, How can I write the linq query to check DateOfBirth is between given date. ...

Data Context's SubmitChanges method causing a entity reference to be set to null

I know this looks a bit long but i tried to explain the problem as throughly as i could. We are having a very 'exotic' problem with the linq to sql data context class. We have a n-tiered architectured structured like this: We have 3 classes MotherClass, ChildClass, ChildChildrenClass MotherClass looks something like this: public class...

Linq to SQL replacing related entity

I have a Client entity and PostCode entity in Linq to SQL model. The Clients table in database contains client_postcode column which is a FK column to postalcode column in PostCode table, which is a varchar column primary key for PostCode table. When updating Client, in my code I do this // postcode updating.PostCode =...

How do I create a dynamic where clause using a List in LINQ to SQL?

var query_loc = (from at in db.amenities_types join a in db.amenities on equals a.amenities_type join u in db.unitInfos on a.unit_id equals join l in db.locations on u.locations_id equals join o in db.organizations on l.organization_id eq...

LINQ Query - Complicated Self Join Problems

So I have Projects (for this example say they are a Name and an ID). I also have a table called SubProjects, like this: MasterProjectID SubProjectID 1 2 1 3 4 5 4 6 4 7 A master cannot be a sub of another master. I want to retu...

Restricting the values of nvarchar column using dynamic data entities

Hi, I am using ASP.NET Dynamic Data Entities project to generate a web application for my database. I was wondering what is the easiest way to restrict the allowed values for a column without changing the database structure to make that column a foreign key or modifying the database in any way. For example. I have a table called Assets...

How to Round() in Linq to SQL query?

In a LINQ To SQL query, how can I apply a Round function on a column in my output? My query is From s In oRecelDB.Items Where s.BIN = 'ABC' Select s.ITEMNMBR, s.QUANTITY and the results are ITEM I 35.0000 ITEM 2 45.0000 ITEM 3 23.0000 I want to remove the .00000 from the Second column value. How to do that in my query? ...

FxCop - can it be told to ignore LINQ to SQL classes?

Possible Duplicate: Exclude complete namespace from FxCop code analysis? I'm running FxCop as a post-build step of my class library project and it's picking up violations from the LINQ-to-SQL generated code. I am running FxCop as follows (line breaks added for clarity): <PostBuildEvent> "$(SystemDrive)\Utils\DeveloperTools...

linq to sql only selecting data from columns in object that are not null

hi there i am trying to build up a string containing the values of fields in a linq to sql object. the thing is, i only want to grab the fields that are not null i am sure there is a way to do this. can anyone enlighten me? mylinqdatacontext dc = new mylinqdatacontext; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); mylinqtype item = (from x...

Linq2Sql, DomainService & DynamicData 4.0 INSERT error: "...Id is required"

Hi, I am working on a Webforms app (in VS 2010, .net 4.0, VB) that uses SQL2008, Linq2Sql, Domain Services and Dynamic Data. My problem is that when I try to insert a new record, I get the error: "..CustomerId is required" but the ID is set as primary key and Identity in the database and the Customer entity in the L2S Datamodel is also...

Passing different content that implements the same interface

I have multiple Linq2Sql Classes such as "Article" "NewsItem" "Product". They all have a title, they all have a unique ID and they all have a Summary. So, I created an interface called IContent public interface IContent { int Id { get; set; } String Title { get; set; } String Summary { get; set; } String HyperLink { ge...


Is the VS 2008 professeional Edition fully support with linq to sql Thank ...

LINQ to SQL: How does EntitySet lazy load objects?

Hello, I've been trying to implement a custom ORM for our project and am interested to learn how LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework lazy load objects. I read some about EntitySet and realized it has a Load() method. Does anyone know how exactly Load works? I'm assuming it should have a reference to DataContext (or ObjectContext in EF) t...

Linq to sql - left outer Join

hI..! Dim query = From c In cntxtNorthWind.Customers _ Join x In cntxtNorthWind.Orders On c.CustomerID Equals x.CustomerID into sr _ from b in sr.DefaultifEmpty() _ Select c.CustomerID, x.OrderID, x.ShipAddress Above Outer Left Join cannot execute it's says "End of Statament Expected" ...

Prevent Null Value's return

How to Prevent Null Value's return in Linq ...