
LinqToSql declare and instantiate DataContext best practice?

What's the best practice in terms of setting up my DataContext for easy access in my extended LinqToSql classes? For example, I have a "User" entity in my dbml and I want to add methods to that class like so: Partial Public Class User Public Function GetUser(ByVal UserID as Integer) as User 'Do Work End Function End...

What's the difference between persistent objects and linq-to-sql?

My manager as work keeps talking about persistent objects. I'm more familiar with linq-to-sql. What is the differences between them and what is an example of persistent objects? ...

sql join query to linq syntax

how do i change this to linq to sql? select * from ratesSchedule as rs inner join userdetails as ud on rs.sid = ud.sid and rs.tabletype = 'd' i got this far var results = from rs in db.ratesSchedule join ud in db.userdetails on rs.sid equals ud.sid but i can't figure out how to add the "and rs.tabletype='d'" ...

Username and Role

Hi , i have this Database table(UserID,Name,Surname,Username,Password,Email) and table(RoleID,RoleName,Description) and table(UserID,RoleID )so i create a Login Authentication with username and password to access to the application (with Linq ToSql to store data) and it is right . Now i wish create a role for each user but i don't kno...

Translate LINQ to sql statement

Hi, I want to translate LINQ expression tree to SQL statement and I don't want to write my own code for this. Example: var query = from c in Customers where c.Country == "UK" && c.City == "London" select c); To SELECT ... FROM Customers AS c WHERE c.Country = "UK" AND c.City = "London" I know DataContext.Log, but I want to use: quer...

Should the LINQ context be closed every time?

Hello, In LINQ to SQL, is it necessary to close the context after performing a select on the database (and of course, after consuming the data)? if I leave it open, doesn't it mean that the connection to the server is left open? Thanks, Lucian ...

LINQ to SQL as Unit of Work

From your experience, is LINQ to SQL appropriate as a Unit of Work? is it avoidable? should I prefer, say, NHibernate or another O/RM tool? Thanks, Lucian ...

Implementing IEnumerable

I am using LINQ and am having a hard time understanding how I can make new "domain model" classes work within LINQ while querying across tables. I am using Linq to SQL, and C# in .NET 3.5. Suppose I want an Extended Client class: public class ExtendedClient { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } pu...

string1 >= string2 not implemented in Linq to SQL, any workarround?

Hi, anyones knows how to do this? Edit: I am trying to do >=. I correct the Title. ...

C#, Linq2SQL: Creating a predicate to find elements within a number of ranges

Lets say I have something called Stuff in my database, with a property called Id. From the user I get a sequence of selected Range objects (or rather I create them from their input) with the Ids they want. A stripped down version of that struct looks like this: public struct Range<T> : IEquatable<Range<T>>, IEqualityComparer<Range<T>> {...

Cant update Tabled Mapped in Linq2Sql

Hi there!, Im having troubles right now, i cant update a table X in DBDataContext, so this is my snippet, by the way when I Update just one table it works! but when I Insert and then update, It Throw Exception ... "cant cast object from System.Int32 to System.String type" { using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext()) ...

DateCreated column in Sql Server?

Is there a special way to declare a DateCreated column in a MS Sql Server table so that it will automatically fill it with the appropriate time-stamp when created? Or.. do I have to provide the datetime to it when I do the query, manually? ...

Linq to SQL null values in GridView

Normally if I'm linking an ObjectDataSource to a GridView and I have a TemplateColumn that has an Eval in it and it's Null, I can just put a ".ToString()" it works fine. For some reason, this doesn't work the same when you're using Linq to SQL. I originally was using XSD files for my DAL with a custom BLL. I tied it to the GridView wi...

How create role to put in the database???

Hi all, i wish create a role for each user after that the user authenticate(login) to access to the application i will give some role to and save the role on the database. I will make an example with the database "aspnet.mdf" and Linq toSql to store data but before i need know how create role in c#(WPF) and after created i wish add ro...

Does linq to sql automatically lazy load associated entities?

Does linq to sql automatically lazy load associated entities? I would think it would but I can't find an article stating it as such. ...

How to know if a field is numeric in Linq To SQL

I need to select the rows of a table where a column value is numeric, any Help? EDIT: I have a varchar column and I need to select the ones that are numbers and the ones that are not. EDIT 2: Integer.TryParse cannot be use because it cannot be translate to SQL. ...

LINQ to SQL, Failed on db.SubmitChanges()

Im getting an Exception when I try updating, Insert works perfectly.. so this is: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in System.Data.Linq.dll Another cue... is possible to insert in one table first and then update another table and finally submitchanges() all in same code-block? I also comment InsertO...

Asp.Net MVC - Rob Conery's LazyList - Count() or Count

I'm trying to create an html table for order logs for customers. A customer is defined as (I've left out a lot of stuff): public class Customer { public LazyList<Order> Orders { get; set; } } The LazyList is set when fetching a Customer: public Customer GetCustomer(int custID) { Customer c = ... c.Orders = new LazyList<O...

How do I combine two Member Expression Trees?

I'm trying to combine the following expressions into a single expression: item => item.sub, sub => sub.key to become item => item.sub.key. I need to do this so I can create an OrderBy method which takes the item selector separately to the key selector. This can be accomplished using one of the overloads on OrderBy and providing an ICompa...

Linq compiled queries without passing the context

Consider this compiled linq-to-sql query: private static Func<LINQDBDataContext, string, IQueryable<Pet>> QueryFindByName = CompiledQuery.Compile(( MyLinqDataContext context, string name) => from p in context.Pets where p.Name == name select p); But I'm holding a private reference to context in the class already and I...