
Validation: do it in the class, or in the database?

I'm playing with LINQ-To-SQL in .NET 3.5 and have built some classes based on an underlying database. I now face the decision: do I validate data in the class code, or in the database? I can see pros and cons either way. If I do validation in the database, the validation takes place no matter what app is using the database. (I currently...

Handling CRUD Operations for a Linq to SQL View

I am running into a problem where my CRUD operations on an entity sourced from an SQL View is not calling the generated methods for said operations. Example: I press "Delete" in a ListView on an item, connected to a LinqDataSource. It throws an error saying that it cannot perform the operation because it affects multiple base tables. T...

Is mixing ADO.NET and LINQ-TO-SQL bad? My data layer isn't working...

UPDATE As Mathias notes below, this exact problem has been reported and resolved here: ASP.NET-MVC (IIS6) Error on high traffic: Specified cast is not valid ORIGINAL POST This may be too specific a debugging issue to be posted here, but I'm posting it anyway in the hopes that it produces a solution that others find useful. I have a w...

LinqToSql - Getting a list of distinct IDs from a nested list

I have a property within a class, that I need to iterate through all the possible distinct IDs from a relationship. I am within a User, which belongs to a Company. Companies, have many solutions and each solution has many "SolutionPortals". What I want, is a list of all distinct "PortalIds" from the "SolutionPortals" (SolutionPortal.Por...

LINQ to SQL - How to select specific columns and return strongly typed list

I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL to select a few specific columns from a table and return the result as a strongly typed list of objects. For Example: var result = (from a in DataContext.Persons where a.Age > 18 select new Person { ...

linq simple query with 2 tables

I am trying to get a simple join query from 2 tables , they have no relationship , so far i got this code but there is an error that i dont get it , please help var query = from p in db.Productos from s in db.Stocks where p.Nombre == "Suaje" && p.TipoProducto == tipo ...

How to implement Linq-to-Sql counter cache with concurrency and transactions support?

I have a scenario where I want to have a question object and users can concurrently add answer objects to the question object. The question object needs to maintain the answer count. How can I do an implementation in Linq2Sql that transactionaly saves the answer object that the user submitted to the question and updates the incremented...

How do I map custom types in Linq to Sql?

I have a Customer class that contains a property, MyProperty, which is of a custom type MyCustomType. I want to persist the property value in the database as text. In the designer I've set the Type to 'MyType' and the Server Data Type to 'varchar(10)'. When I build the project I get the following error: DBML1005: Mapping between DbTy...

Linq does not lazy load if invoked via generic method?

so, i have a method: I'm counting a number in a sequence with holes, this number should be the first hole or max() public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IQueryable<T> enumerable, Func<T, bool> whereFunc, Func<T, int?> selectFunc) { var regNums = enumerable.OrderBy(selectFunc).Where(whereFunc).ToArray(); i...

Efficient way to get first missing element in ordered sequence?

I have an ordered sequence like {1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9} I want to get first missing element(2 in the example) or max() if sequence contains no missing elements. Now I'm doing it like this: public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IQueryable<T> enumerable, Func<T, bool> whereFunc, Func<T, int?> selectFunc) { var regNums = enumerable.Or...

Can LINQToSQL be used with sproc that uses sp_executeSQL? If not, how do you handle?

LINQToSQL doesn't like my sproc. It says that the sproc has return type "none", which is probably, because I am using an sp_ExecuteSQL statement to produce the results. The SQL Server Sproc Code I have a stored procedure similar to the following CREATE PROCEDURE Foo @BarName varchar(50) AS BEGIN DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(1024) SET @S...

How do I use LINQ to SQL?

Hello, I'm newbie at LINQ and I'd like to know how to use it with a database located on a remote server. So, in other there any way to tell LINQ my database's connection string? Thanks, Brian ...

Dear DBA - I want to use LinqToSQL instead of stored procedures because...

In my organization we have to answer to a separate DBA group for decisions like using LinqToSQL . What do you see as some of the best reasons for using L2S rather than stored procedures. ...

linq-sql 2 tables query error

I am using MVC with C# Why this is code : public IQueryable<Product> ListProducts(string prodcutType) { var results = from p in db.Products join s in db.Stocks on p.ID equals s.IDProduct where p.ptype == prodcutType select n...

LINQ-to-SQL Query Timing Out

I'm running this query in LINQ: var unalloc = db.slot_sp_getUnallocatedJobs("Repair", RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, 20); It runs when I first open the page, but when I go back to it and try to run the same query with a different value, "Con", being passed through, the linq to sql designer.cs tells me that I've got a t...

Linq to Sql structure standard

Hey, I was wondering what the "correct"-way is when using a Linq to Sql-model in Visual Studio. Should I create a new model for each of my components, say Blog, Users, News and so on and have all different xxxDataContext's with tables and SPROCs added in each of these. Or should I create one MyDbDataContext and always work against that...

Model classes don't show up in Add View dialog

I mvc my model classes won't show up in the Add View dialog, so that VS automatically can generate CRUD views for them. I have my Model classes (Linq-to-SQL) in a separate project (but in the same solution) than my MVC project. Only stuff from the Elmah and Autofac namespace shows up in the list! ...

How to return first 50 characters of text in LINQ call

I have a small winapp that uses LinqToSQL as it's DAL. I am creating a summary view of all the CaseNotes for a given person and one of the fields is a Details box. I need to return only the first 50 characters of that column to my treeview function. Any hints on how I do that? The below is how my TreeView function gets its data for d...

Repository Pattern using LINQ To SQL without generated Models

I want to use my own Model classes in a repository pattern. I don't want to be dependent on the classes that LINQ to SQL generates. Is that viable? How do I handle the Where (and other selections when its a Func<MyModel, bool> but LINQ to SQL wants a Func<LinqToSqlModel, bool>? I've devised this, but I might be starting to over engineer...

Is there a paging solution for ASP.NET MVC that does paging in the database?

Most of the ASP.NET MVC paging solutions I have found by googling look like they get all rows from a database table in the form of a IEnumerable collection, perform some paging conversion on the IEnumerable collection, and then return the results to the view. I want to be able to page on the DB side but still have some paging class to d...