
What does this bash syntax mean? (Featuring: case, exec)

What is the purpose of this bash script? (It is a portion of a larger script.) if [ $# -gt 0 ] then case $1 in -*) ;; *) exec $* ;; esac fi A related question: ...

Trying to run my script only at boot time, not at reboot?

Shouldn't following command run myScript only at the runlevel 2. I noticed it executes at reboot too. I wanted to run it only and only at startup. update-rc.d myScript start 01 2 . stop 01 0 1 6 . ...

Replace newlines in

i have some xml files in linux a="xx xx xx" b="y y y" How to replace the content and becomes a="xx\n\xx\nxx" b="y y y" where attribute b is not replace i have try this but how to support multi files and replace the attribute "a" only using sed or awk command; (not use xslt) sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' abc.xml ...

Limit WGET'ing by timer, how to do this?

Sorry for my english (i'm rus) I save MJPEG stream from IP-camera with wget wget -O 2010-01-12_01.mjpeg I need limit saving by hour (every hour is a another file - 2010-01-12_[XX]) What is the bast way to do it ? 1) starting and killing by cron ? 2) for .. do in script, how ? ... thanks for answe...

Linux IA-32 memory model

Hi, I'm looking on the Linux IA-32 memory model processes see and have a simple question to it. What is there in the grey areas in the picture? Or is it just to show start and end of the memory? So, do text start at 0x0 and stack start at 0xFFFFFFFF? Best regards, Lasse Espeholt ...

Weird font rendering in Netbeans on Linux

I installed NetBeans 6.8 on Linux (Mint, based on Ubuntu 9.10) and I can see that font rendering is very weird. Fonts in NetBeans are just so thin unlike any other program, be it gEdit, Eclipse, Firefox, or whatever. Does anyone know if it's possible to make fonts in NetBeans look bolder? Bonus question: AFAIK both Eclipse and NetBean...

how to setup common emacs environment for windows and linux computers?

I use emacs for text editing and script development. I use both windows and ubuntu emacs 23.1 distribution. Now I want both my linux and windows environment to replicate the same environment. I will save my emacs environment here, so file synchronisation will not be problem. I don't have any differe...

how to delete mysql database through shell command

I use the pylons and sqlalchemy. I constantly update the schema files and delete the old db content (means db itself) and recreate the database so that new schema shall take place. Every time I do this by opening the MySql Query Browser and login & delete the database/schema. How to delete the mysql db/schema thorough linux shell comma...

How to run gdb against a daemon in the background?

I'm trying to debug a server I wrote with gdb as it segfaults under very specific and rare conditions. Is there any way I can make gdb run in the background (via quiet or batch mode?), follow children (as my server is a daemon and detaches from the main PID) and automatically dump the core and the backtrace (to a designated file) once ...

bash Linux - Massive folder rename

On our Linux file server (RedHat Enterprise) we have some folders that we need to rename that have client work in them. The old folder format (ones that need to be changed) was clientcode_jobnumberjobname. The new format is clientcode_jobnumber_jobname. We basically need to change the old folder names by adding the extra underscore to th...

mysql-python static linking on Linux 64-bit

Has anyone tried to statically link mysql-python with mysql client library on 64-bit Linux? gcc -pthread -shared build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.6/_mysql.o /home/apy/MySQL- python-1.2.3c1/mysql-5.1.42/i/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a -L/home/apy/MyS QL-python-1.2.3c1/mysql-5.1.42/i/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl - lm -lp...

'hidden fstat' linking error with gcc4.2 on Ubuntu amd64

I've got a pile of code that builds in many places. I just turned on the build on Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS with gcc 4.2 and ccache, and received for my trouble an error from the linker that I've never seen before. Googling leads to suggestions that I've got a shared object built with naked ld involved, but, in fact, I do not. What do I have? /u...

Need help troubleshooting FTP problem on Ubuntu Linux

I am running Ubuntu as a guest OS via VMWare on my desktop. It's a Virtual Appliance from Turnkey Linux. I have been fighting with the FTP for some time. I have ProFTPd installed. At one point I was able to FTP in from my desktop using filezilla but was unable to install joomla because the joomla app could not ftp into the localhost, whi...

java on all platforms

if you wanna code a desktop application in java for windows, mac and linux, will the code be the same for all of them? and you just change the GUI so that the Windows application will be more Windows-like and so on? how does it work without digging into details? ...

How do I recover a semaphore when the process that decremented it to zero crashes?

I have multiple apps compiled with g++, running in Ubuntu. I'm using named semaphores to co-ordinate between different processes. All works fine except in the following situation: If one of the processes calls sem_wait() or sem_timedwait() to decrement the semaphore and then crashes or is killed -9 before it gets a chance to call sem_...

Java runs out of memory, even though I give it plenty!

Hey, folks. So, I'm running a java server (specifically Winstone: ) Like this: java -server -Xmx12288M -jar /usr/share/java/winstone-0.9.10.jar --useSavedSessions=false --webappsDir=/var/servlets --commonLibFolder=/usr/share/java This has worked fine in the past, but now it needs to load a bunch more s...

Open source Magic Eye generator

Do you remember those Magic Eye images that contain a 3D object? I love them! Are there any open source programs for generating Magic Eye pictures, which ideally work on Linux. I found a Gimp plugin, but haven't managed to get it working yet. ...

OpenGL on MacOSX

I'm writing an app that heavily uses OpenGL; either on the Mac or on Linux. I've heard of various rumors of Apple having buggy OpenGL drivers (and a reluctance to fix them). Can anyone confirm/deny this? If you've developed on OpenGL on both Mac and Linux, how do they compare? Thanks! ...

forcing a program to flush its standard output when redirected

i have a closed source program that prints output to standard output. i need to parse the output. so i redirect the output to a fifo (from which i can read in the parent process that forks and execs the binary) using dup2 and then exec the program. the problem is that the fprintf calls in the file become buffered because it is now writin...

Modify nautilus source code, where to start?

I have a simple starter problem to change an open source project. Let me first explain the situation: I want to make some changes on an open source project (NAUTILUS) , The change is to work on This idea(Progress window for file operations) , The fist step is to download the source , done (using git) The next step is to read the ...