
Export SharePoint list to excel doesn't show Version, works in Excel 2003 but not 2007

I'm exporting a list from SharePoint with a particular view (that shows the Version of the item). Exporting to Excel 2003 the list contains the Version column however in Excel 2007 the Version column is missing. Any hints? ...

mysql php forum list

here are my tables topics -id -title -category_id posts -id -topic_id -user_id -date -time -txt user -id -username i want to list for a category every topic with the following information the author's username (who posted first), number of replies,the name of the last reply's author, and the date of last post sorted by the date of ...

C# Splitting Element Into Multiple Elements

I have an array/list/collection/etc of objects. For sample purposes, lets assume it is just a string array/list/collection/etc. I want to iterate through the array and split certain elements based on certain criteria. This is all handled by my object. So once I have the object index that I want to split, what is the standard way of ...

Python: Adding elements to an dict list or associative array.

Im trying to add elements to a dict list (associative array), but every time it loops, the array overwrites the previous element. So i just end up with an array of size 1 with the last element read. I verified that the keys ARE changing every time. array=[] for line in open(file): result=prog.match(line) array={ : res...

client side validation for mvc dropdown?

hi, i just wanted to know how to enable client side validations for dropdowns in mvc 2. The scenario would be that the dropdown will contain a "Select" item and the list of other items..,The user should select other items... the validation should fire when the user does not select the other items public class FacilityBulletinMod...

find int inside struct with find_if for std::list with structs

Hi, How can I use find_if with a std::list if the list contains structs? My first pseudo code attempt at this looks like this: typename std::list<Event>::iterator found = find_if(cal.begin(), cal.last(), predicate); The problem here is that the predicate is not directly visible in the list but inside event.object.return_number(...

scala list of objects, using groupBy with average

Hi, basically I'm not really a Java/Scala fan, but unfortunately I'm forced to use it for my studies. Anyways, I was given an assignment: What the program gets is a list of objects like: Mark(val name String, val style_mark Int, val other_mark Int). How can I use groupBy, to group the marks by name, and get an average for style_mark an...

Linq to XML adding to List Problem send to repeater.

I need to get data from a XML file from Node1>Node2 Filter data to group from the xml by X Node where X node is equals A,Y,Z.. Group all elements with same X Node value ordered by date Store first element of the group(as ordered by date would be by the latest), and the rest in a subgroup of the same object. If in the filter fails to ...

list inside scrollview

On my screen I have a list view and a button. my list has like 8 item. I would like my screen to scroll if both these items does not fit in. I don't want my list to have scroll but the complete layout including both list & button. If I use the below layout it only shows on item inside the list and I have to scroll within the list to go t...

scala sort a list by object parameter error

Ok, I wouldn't be coming to You for help if I knew what to do, anyways, still having problems with my "program". class Mark(val name: String, val style_mark: Double, val other_mark: Double) {} object Test extends Application { val m1 = new Mark("Smith", 18, 16); val m2 = new Mark("Cole", 14, 7); val m3 = new Mark("James", 13, 1...

Python list help

simple Python question: Example list: A = [1,2,3,4,5] I need to generate another list B which is a shallow copy of list A such that B is a new list containing the same elements in the same order (so that I can substitute one of B's elements w/o affecting A). How can I do this? clarification: I want to do something like def some_fun...

Most efficient way to remove duplicates from Python list while preserving order and removing the oldest element

I've seen a bunch of solutions on the site to remove duplicates while preserving the oldest element. I'm interested in the opposite: removing duplicates while preserving the newest element, for example: list = ['1234','2345','3456','1234'] list.append('1234') >>> ['1234','2345','3456','1234','1234'] list = unique(list) >>> ['2345','345...

Python list: How to read the previous element when using for loop?

Possible Duplicates: Python - Previous and next values inside a loop python for loop, how to find next value(object)? Hi, everyone. I've got a list contains a lot of elements, I iterate the list using a for loop. For example li = [2,31,321,41,3423,4,234,24,32,42,3,24,,31,123] for (i in li): print i But I want to get...

Python: Find the min, max value in a list

alist = [(1,3),(2,5),(2,4),(7,5)] I need to get the min max value for each position in tuple. Fox example: The exepected output of alist is min_x = 1 max_x = 7 min_y = 3 max_y = 5 Is there any easy way to do? ...

Strange Lisp Quoting scenario - Graham's On Lisp, page 37

I'm working my way through Graham's book "On Lisp" and can't understand the following example at page 37: If we define exclaim so that its return value incorporates a quoted list, (defun exclaim (expression) (append expression ’(oh my))) > (exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears)) (LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS OH MY) > (nconc * ’(goodnes...

Python: How to remove the last element in each tuple in a list

Hey, I've got a list like alist = [[a,b,(1,2)], [a,b,(1,2)], [a,b,(1,2)]] I want to remove the third element from all the elements in alist, or it means the last one in the elements of a list So the result will be alist = [[a,b], [a,b], [a,b]] Do we have any fast way to do this? Thanks! Your script works in python shell, but does...

Truncate a float in Erlang

Hi, I am using a function to create a list from a float. float_to_list(0.02). It returns: "2.00000000000000000000e-002" I need it to give me a number exactly like: "0.20" If I fed it 5.23 "5.23" If I fed it 5.5 "5.50" So basically the number rounded to two decimal places. Probably an easy fix. Thanks EDIT: I would like t...

Python: Sorting this list

`li = [(1106257, (255, 255, 255)), (1, (16, 16, 118)), (1, (32, 32, 128)), (1, (48, 48, 122)), (9, (249, 249, 249)), (1, (64, 64, 126)), (406, (247, 247, 251))]` I want to sort li depending on the first number in each element eg.1106257, 1, 1,1,9,1,406 How to do this fast? Thanks ...

Python list manipulation

I've got a python list alist = [ [0, 4, 5, 5], [2, 2, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8,13]], [ [3, 4, 5, 5], [2, 2, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8,999] ] I need the result is alist = [[0,4,8,13], [3, 4, 8, 999]] It means first two and last two numbers in each alist element. I need a fast way to do this as the list could be huge. ...

Python: how to get the edge values from this list

Hi, I've got a python list like a = [ [[1,2,(3,4)],[1,2,(5)],[-3,3,(3)],[8,-2,(5)]], [[1,2,(3,4,5)],[-1,222,(3,4,5)],[99,2,(3)],[8,-2,(4,5)]] ] The tuple in each list element is total useless, please ignore that but delete them I want to get the max min value from each list element in each position The exepected output struc...