
Using noweb on a large Java project

Has anyone used the noweb literate programming tool on a large Java project, where several source code files must be generated in different subdirectories? How did you manage this with noweb? Are there any resources and/or best practices out there? ...

Literate programming

Literate programming is a way of developing software where documentation comes first, then the coding. One writes the documentation of a code snippet, and then writes the implementation of the snippet. The visual appearance of the software source code would be a plain document like word, with code paragraphs in it. I am trying to conve...

Scaling Literate Programming?

Greetings. I have been looking at Literate Programming a bit now, and I do like the idea behind it: you basically write a little paper about your code and write down as much of the design decisions, the code probably surrounding the module, the inner workins of the module, assumptions and conclusions resulting from the design decisions, ...

Where can I find the graph of TeX's error log?

In Donald Knuth's Literate Programming, there was if I remember correctly a graph showing the evolution of TeX's number of bugs over time. This graph has remained flat for the past decade or so, suggesting that TeX might now be bug-free. I would like to use this graph to illustrate the importance of bug-tracking software. Is it download...

How do PStricks and TikZ compare for ease of learning and for quality of API design?

My group uses Literate Programming for most of our source code---this means that internal documentation is written using LaTeX. We have been using PStricks for fancy technical diagrams of the system, but have recently been recommended to use TikZ. I've gathered this information: TikZ/PGF is new and maintained; PStricks went a long ti...

Help on a better way to parses digits from a String in Java

I have a string which contains digits and letters. I wish to split the string into contiguous chunks of digits and contiguous chunks of letters. Consider the String "34A312O5M444123A". I would like to output: ["34", "A", "312", "O", "5", "M", "444123", "A"] I have code which works and looks like: List<String> digitsAsElements(String...

How to manage special cases and heuristics

I often have code based on a specific well defined algorithm. This gets well commented and seems proper. For most data sets, the algorithm works great. But then the edge cases, the special cases, the heuristics get added to solve particular problems with particular sets of data. As number of special cases grow, the comments get more an...

Literate Coding Vs. std::pair, solutions?

As most programmers I admire and try to follow the principles of Literate programming, but in C++ I routinely find myself using std::pair, for a gazillion common tasks. But std::pair is, IMHO, a vile enemy of literate programming... My point is when I come back to code I've written a day or two ago, and I see manipulations of a std::pai...

Intuitive motivation for Literate Programming?

So, I used the scribble/lp module to write my first literate program using plt-scheme: #lang scribble/lp (require scribble/lp) <<>> @chunk[<squarefunction> (define (f x) (* x x))] Nothing useful there, of course. Now I am sort of wondering why would I just not use plain comments, instead of literate prog...

What's the best way to do literate programming in Python on Windows?

I've been playing with various ways of doing literate programming in Python. I like noweb, but I have two main problems with it: first, it is hard to build on Windows, where I spend about half my development time; and second, it requires me to indent each chunk of code as it will be in the final program --- which I don't necessarily kno...

Minimal noweb example with cross referencing

I'm trying to find a good literate programming tool. Let's just say it's not an easy decision. (The generic ones are too generic and the specific ones are too specific :) ) Among others, I've got noweb up and running but I'm having trouble getting output like I'd expect. The noweb wikipedia page has a minimal example that builds correct...

Use of Vertical Whitespace

My intention in this question is not to be pedantic, but rather to explore an overlooked axis of an important topic (the use of whitespace). Much debate and care has been put into the use of horizontal whitespace, indenting after a conditional, a space between an if and parenthesis, etc. In fact the issue is considered to be so importan...

Has anyone tried literate programming for C#, with Lyx and noweb

I came across this blog post yesterday, and it once again made me want to give literate programming a try. Has anyone else tried doing literate programming for C#? I'm wondering about trying Lyx + noweb, but wondered if you might have other experience or suggestions. ...

Is literate programming dead?

A fair bit is written about literate programming, but I've yet to see any project that uses it in any capacity, nor have I seen it used to teach programming. My sample may small, so I'm looking for evidence that literate programming exists and is successful in the real world. ...

How to escape % in roxygen literate programming?

The default value of a parameter of my function contains a "%". This seems to be a problem for roxygen, it produces a lot of warnings and R CMD check fails when trying to build latex documentation. How can I make this function (and its documentation) work? Using %% or \% instead of % does not help. #' Test escape \% from in-source docu...

"The C Programming Language" interesting quote in the preface

From the preface of the second edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's "The C Programming Language": As before, all examples have been tested directly from the text, which is in machine-readable form. That quote threw me for a loop. What exactly does it mean? Was the original manuscript written as a literate program? My first thought wa...

Literate Haskell (.lhs) and Haddock

At the moment I'm only using Haddock but after seeing some really interesting examples (e.g. this gist ) of literate Haskell I'm interested in trying it out in a project. The questions I got are: What do you write as Haddock comments and what do you write in the literate part? How do you scale literate programming to multiple files? C...

Interesting / well written unit tests to read (literate programming)

Do you know any open software projects that had particularly interesting / well written unit tests ? Writing unit tests often feels odd to me, because it seems either too random, too dense, to sparse, .. It would be great to read some real world examples (rather than books, library example code etc).. ...

LHS and Markdown: Codeblocks

I happen to really like Markdown (probably because of SO) and I like programming in Haskell. I have recently discovered Literate Haskell (LHS) and I want to use Markdown and LHS together. Let me give you this dumb example: Crazy Literate Haskell ====================== This is an example of some literate Haskell Code: > module Main whe...

Wysywig literate programming (or viewing generated documentation on-the-fly)

I use a lot of illustrations, diagrams and equations to document C++ and python codes, and a way to do this is to inline them with doxygen. The problem is that, when coding, they are not directly available in the code (unless I use ascii-art for this purpose). Is there an automatic, quick and fast way to, while coding, view the generate...