
Saving/Loading RichTextBox Content with other data using C#

Hello, I am currently trying to figure out how to save the content from a RichTextbox into a stream(currently using FileStream) and do this alongside a bunch of other data. Then of course I want to be able to load from this file. I was currently trying to use something along the following lines. FileStream stream = new FileStream(); //t...

PHP Configuration file won't load IIS7 x64

using Fast CGI I can't get it to read the php.ini file. See my phpinfo below. System Windows NT WIN-PAFTBLXQWYW 6.0 build 6001 Build Date Mar 5 2009 19:43:24 Configure Command cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--enable-debug-pack" "--with-snapshot-template=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\template" "--with-php-build...


I would like to use jQuery's load function I can write : $('#somediv').load('somefile.html #aSpecificDivinThatPage'); Now I would like to have a variable as the source div in the html page, how do i write that out ? ...

Dynamicly load dll in fitnesse fixture...

I'm trying to write a FitNesse fixture against an interface (in c#). I want to be able to have the fixture dynamically load the implementation from a dll (so that I can use the same tests against different implementations of the same interface...i.e. mock data, live data, etc.). I have a init method in my fixture that takes 2 strings, ...

Load image not in xap Silverlight

Hi, i'm developing an application and i would load an image that isn't in the clientbin folder, but in a folder placed in my server. I would do something like this BitmapImage bit = new BitmapImage(); string path = "c:/image.png"; bit.UriSource = new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute); identity.S...

Load event debugging

I have got a strange behavior with VS 2008. All exceptions raised during the load event are not shown in the debugger. VS does not stop and the rest of the code (of the load event) is not executed. This only happens in the load event and never happens in the other events where I can go step by step and the window pops up with the excep...

User Control populated from request variable in containing page

I have a user control that displays results from a database in a gridview. The containing page receives querystring values and passes them to the user control to load. From the containing page, what is the best way to load and display the user control? Currently, I do the following: Containing Page_Load: Get querystring values Contain...

Determine if postback is page_load or itemcommand

I've got a user list on the left side of my page in a datagrid and I want to load a div in the right side of my page with the clicked user's information. I assume I'll do the load of the div in the itemcommand event, but how do I handle page load then? Do I need to know what caused the postback? Do I need to reload the grid on page_load ...

C# Saving/Loading richtext speed issue

Hello, I am currently trying to tackle a speed issue involving loading and saving richtext. Here are the details. In my application I have a Question class which needs to be able to store two richtexts. At the moment these two richtexts are being stored in the Question class as TextRanges. As far as saving/loading goes I am using TextRan...

XamlReader.Load(XmlReader) "Stack Empty" XamlParseException

I'm trying to load a xaml file at runtime. My code looks like this: StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xamlString); XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader); content = XamlReader.Load(xmlReader); It's basically copy paste of of msdn. the XamlReader.Load line throws a XamlParseE...

Applet loads jars from different domains; has problem loading resouces (e.g. images) from jars.

Hi, I have a sandboxed Applet, but that should not make a difference. The Applet consists of 2 jars. If I host both files on the same domain1 all is fine. Due to certain special circumstances I need to host jar2 on a different domain2. In the applet tag I list both files archive="jar1.jar, http://domain2.com/jar2.jar". First it seem...

Including Files in Ruby Questions

I am very new to Ruby so could you please suggest the best practice to separating files and including them. What is the preferred design structure of the file layout. When do you decide to separate the algorithm into a new file? When do you use load to include other files and when do you use require? And is there a performance hit whe...

Could not load file or assembly 'someProject' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

I am stuck with one asp.net error. My application work fine on development and test environemnt. But on production it give me following error. Could not load file or assembly 'someProject' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied. I need immediate help. ...

Enable load movie button event on other flash movie

In my flash movie I load another flash movie with button on it. The problem is when I trigger the button the event on the load flash not function. When I check the button it trigger event trough root function on the parent clip. How I can enable the button event on the load movie when I load it on my flash movie? ...

insert html after

Hello, my question is the following what would be the best way to insert a div container and the next one after the last inserted one <div class="pane"> <div class="inhoud"> <h3>Sample heading</h3> <p>Testbericht. </p></div> <form id="noteform" class="frm"> <input type="image" src="images/kn_verwijder.gif" alt="delete" cl...

Any multi-core advantage here ?

Let me frame it this way.. "Say I have an application server running on a single core Intel processor & serving 200 concurrent users. Will moving the hardware to a dual core system enable my application server to now serve say 350 concurrent users" ? The base question I'm hoping to address is - "Can addition of extra processor cores h...

Scroll for more script -- How?

If you look on http://soup.io or http://hashtags.org, and you scroll all the way down, you'll see how the page automatically loads MORE INFORMATION as you get to the bottom. How do I do this? ...

Mysql Connections topping out within seconds

hello, i have aweird problem that has only just started happening. i have a small cluster (one web and one db) setup and i host a rather popular group of4 -5 sites that allow users to dynamicly create their own mobile chat communitys automaticly. each site gets its own mysql db createdand populated automaticly. this is all fine, but ...

Ajax append load

it must be jquery I have file text.html with 6 div in (a,b,c,d,e,f) In another file i have a div, i like it to populate the content of a+b+c+d+e+f into that single div I have try .load = but b remplace a i have try append, but i need a temp var so now i am stuck That code get the content from the file textes.html ... div #a and put...

Jquery Multiple load in a DIV

Here is my code $('#right').load('textes.html #nicolas'); $('#right').load('textes.html #antoine'); the problem is that the content of the div antoine overwrite in the right div the content load by the div nicolas div #right : load div nicolas from file textes.html = ok div #right : load div antoine from file textes.html = overwrite ...