
Programmatically using Django's loaddata

I'd like to call the equivalent of manage.py loaddata from a Django view. I'd like to be able to specify where to load the data from and which application to load it into. Any ideas? ...

Entity Framework Load Error

I have this query this.FixturePartidoPuntaje.Load(); var partidos = from q in this.FixturePartidoPuntaje where ( q.FixturePartido.Equipo.EquipoId.Equals(equipoId) || q.FixturePartido.Equipo1.EquipoId.Equals(equipoId)) && q.puntaje > 0 select q; The most i...

Django Dump Data For a Single Model?

Can you perform a 'dumpdata' in Django on just a single model (rather than the whole app) and if so, how? E.g. for an app it would be... python manage.py dumpdata myapp However, I want some specific model, (e.g. myapp.mymodel) to be dumped... reason being I have some huge datasets (3 million records plus) in the same app that I would...

Django fixture not loading with loaddata.

I've created a json fixture, and put it in my myapp/fixtures/. I've added myapp/fixtures to settings.FIXTURE_DIRS. Here's the output of my attempt to load the fixture: jeff@jeff-linux:~/myapp$ ./manage.py loaddata --verbosity=2 default.json Loading 'default' fixtures... [...truncated checking default paths and installed apps/fixtures......

SQL Load Data Special Characters

I'm trying to import data into SQL from a CSV in PHP My Admin so it may be a PHP My Admin problem. The problem i'm having is that some of the columns use special characters for instance: "Adán, Antonio" Ends up as just "Ad". The column structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` ( `player_name` varchar(255) COLLA...

Image cannot be zoomed in out when loaded into UIWebView

Hi, I have an image encoded in BASE64 which I retrieve from a server and than load into a UIWebView with : [webViewer loadData:[NSData decodeBase64ForString:imageData] MIMEType:@"image" textEncodingName:@"ASCII" baseURL:nil]; The image loads fine but when the image is bigger than my webviewer, the user cannot zoom in and out by pinch...