
actionscript 3: Loaders silently fail on error prone connections

Hello, Our Flash app has to load 50 or so files from a remote destination. Under normal network conditions, this is no problem. However some of our users started to report that the application "stopped working" during the loading phase. After some tests where we decreased the network quality to a point where 1 out of 3 packets were dr...

Error while adding application using Application Loader

When I submit my binary using Application Loader, I get the following error: Error while processing package 341754380.itmsp An exception has occurred: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory I have tried this repeatedly. I get the same error every time. Any ideas on what could be wrong? ...

I am looking for good JS Loader and CSS Loader script in jQuery

Hello, I am looking for a good JS and CSS Loader for on demand loading Management in jQuery. Can anyone advice good solution ? ...

iTunes Connect uploading problem

Too bad that iTunes Connect changed its behavior recently. I'm providing an update to an existing app. I submitted new binary using the Loader without problem on the first try. Then I discovered that different from before, one has to reject the binaries in order to change screenshots. Too bad that the update is in the status of "In Revie...

jQuery:: Do something after my set of functions has been executed. How to do?

Hey, I have a set of functions, and I want to do something, like show a loading animation, while these functions are running! and when they stop i want to show an alert, for example. All this on jQuery. Anyone has a tip? Some abstract code: //these are my functions: function a(number){number=number*2}; a(1); a(2); a(3); //While this ...

When .Net loads an assembly and how to change this behaviour?

Hello, for an application I need to check the availability of Crystal Reports runtime libraries. What I've tried is: void CheckCrystal() { try { CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer test = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer(); test.Dispose(); } ...

I have a AS3 class which extends movieClip with a dynamic image, how to make this image draggable?

I need to make an item draggable (dragable?) Sorry if my terminology is not right! I have a class where I will store variable and do calculations: package Classes { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.net.*; public class PrintItem extends MovieClip { public var imageLoader:Loade...

Merge FLA files or Loading a swf file on another swf

I have two FLA files, call them MAP.fla and ANI.fla, that I have to merge. One way I tried was to load the ANI.swf in MAP.swf during runtime using the normal way of doing it, using Loader and URLRequest. However, when I try to run it, flash detects errors about methods I have included in ANI.swf. I do know that the Loader and URLRequest...

Flex: Loader do not load if already loaded?

Is there some way to check if what you are loading is already in memory and don't need to be loaded a second time? ...

Execute data as code?

My client asked me to write an custom encrypted executable to prevent easy cracking of the licensing system. Now, I understand that this is a false sense of security, but despite this he insisted on it. So, I dug up my knowledge of portable executables and came up with this idea: Encrypt the executable Stick this to the end of a loa...

CGPath draw a loader

Hi every one ! I juste watch this effect : I would like to reproduce it. Is it simply a CGPath animation? Have you got some indications so implement this beautiful loader view ? Thanks for your tips ;) ...

jQuery: looking for lazy loader plugin for css+js with callback

hi, is there a good jquery plugin for lazy loading css+js which also supports callback-when-loaded? i'd like to pass eg. an array of .js and .css files and have a global callback for when anything finished loading. any ideas? thx ...

jQuery: xLazyLoader plugin discontinued? / recursion

hi all, i'd like to checkout the xLazyLoader plugin for jQuery which should be located here: https://code.google.com/p/ajaxsoft/wiki/xLazyLoader unfortunately i'm getting a forbidden error :( anyone know if it was discontinued? i could find it somewhere else - version 1.3 but - it will hang my firefox because of an "too much recursio...

generating preview of BMP Image

Hi, I am working on a Media up-loader which uploads images to Server. Before start upload file i want to show small thumbnail of Image. I used Loader class to load image selected by user & used Canvas to draw image on it. This works fine with images like jpg & png. But for bmp file loader class doesn't work. Is there anyway to load ...

Actionscript 3 loading external swf casting issue

Hi all, I'm having something of an issue with trying to load externally defined classes in actionscript 3.0. I believe this to be an issue with my understanding of the ApplicationDomain / LoaderContext classes, but even after going over the documentation and a couple of web searches I'm still stuck. Essentially what I want to do is load...

ActionScript 3 - a loader that supports many apps?

Hi there! I have created a simple SWF-loader in ActionScript 3.0. It loads an SWF from a server and then plays it. While downloading, it displays the "loading" screen. Its main defect is that it can load only one Flash application - the one which it is compiled for. Let's say it's named test1.swf. Is there any way to make the loader supp...

Application Loader CFBundleResourceSpecification and Application failed codesign verification errors

While using Application Loader to submit my application, I receive 2 errors: 1) Info.plist does not containt a CFBundleResourceSpecification 2) Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. For the latter, I am a registered paying developer that has creat...

ActionScript 3.0 how many loaders?

Hi, I want to load 2 different elements on my flash video: First is a dynamic photo (I take the specific number from an external variable) Latter is a swf video... My question is? I'm new to AS3, I saw that I need a loader and I can load everything.. but how many loaders I must have? Can I use only one changing the function called on ...

Access a function inside a loaded .swf file?

Is there a way to call a function inside a loaded SWF file? Basically, I have a .swf file (A) that loads another .swf file (B)...I would just like to treat B as if it was any other instance added to my class .swf "A"... Have to recast "Loader" with the name of your .swf file class: Loaded .swf class: package src { import flash.disp...

ActionScript 3 Loader - swf disappears as soon as loader.width is set

Hi, I'm using a Loader object to load an external swf: var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader(); stage.addChild(swfLoader); var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("sometestfile.swf"); swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete); swfLoader.x = 240; swfLoader.y = 210; // Resize here? swfLoader.load(bgURL);...