
Flash AS3: How do you calculate the width of an image loaded into a movieclip?

I am loading an image into a movie clip via AS3, and what I want to do is center the image inside the movieclip. The problem is that I can't seem to grab the width value of the image being loaded. Below is what I'm doing: imageLoader = new Loader(); imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(event.target.name)); screenBox.screenHolder.addChild(ima...

Is it possible to pause a playing SWF file in Adobe Flex? How?

Hello guys, I just wanna know if it is possible to pause a playing SWF file in adobe flex? I have an SWF Loader and it plays my SWF file however, it does not have any capability (or built in function) that pauses the file. Can anyone help me with this please? I'll appreciate some code to start with. :) Thanks in advance. ...

C or C++: how do loaders/wrappers work?

Here's an example of what I mean... User runs LOADER.EXE program LOADER.EXE downloads another EXE but keeps it all in memory without saving it to disk Runs the downloaded EXE just as it would if it were executed from disk, but does it straight from memory I've seen a few applications like this, and I've never seen an example or an ex...

Doesn't YUI's loader's combo option defeat browser caching?

So if I'm using the YUI loader (on Yahoo's servers) to serve JavaScript, and I tell it to use combinations so several YUI Widgets can be downloaded by the browser in a single request, doesn't that make it much more difficult for the browser to cache the JavaScript? Say I have a site with two pages, and the first one uses the YUI Calenda...

Flex Individual image loading

I want to know if anyone can point me in the right direction for individually loading images (I think thats what is happening) in Flex 4. I saw this site and I like the way each individual picture gets loaded when a new category is opened and thought it would be very useful in our next project. ...

please provide some settimeout() example for loader.gif image to work in IE

I have been trying to display the Loader.gif image when the form is submitted, it works fine with FF browser but doesnt work with IE, I tried with settimeout() function of javascript which helped to resolve the problem for IE but then it was not working with FF So someone could pls provide me a detail working example for both FF and IE?...

How do you load a folder full of png files to construct an AS3 movie clip?

I see plenty of AS3 examples of loading 1 image file into a 1 frame movieclip, but how can you take a folder full of images, load them and treat each image as an individual frame of a single movieclip? The essential problem I seem to keep running into is how to create a keyframe during runtime... ...

A Question About Linking/Loading and A Simulator

I have designed a MIPS I simulator using Verilator which allows me to wrap verilog code into c++. I am attempting to run a c++ program on my processor but I've reached some problems. My goal is to: write a test program in c++ compile this program using a cross compiler g++ (mips-linux) take generated ELF file and disassemble it using...

3DS file loader for opengl.

Hello, this is my 1st question in the site. I need a 3DS model loader for opengl applications. Loader should also be able to load .jpg textures. I tried to use OpenSceneGraph for this purpose but this time I have to also use the whole OpenSceneGraph data structure to render the scene. Is it possible to use OpenSceneGraph only for model l...

Glashfish exception with JSF application

Hi to all, I try to run my application in glassfish appli application server.But i got struck.The server log denotes the follwing error message,How can i resolve this? [#|2010-07-14T17:53:54.152+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=38;_ThreadName=Thread-396;_RequestID=cde2a094-d34e-4e64-bb22...

Handle VerifyError: Error #1014 when loading swfs using AS3

We are making a system that has a main swf for the application, and loads separate tools from separate swfs -- there will be versioning issues in the future since the separate swfs are coming from a cms (especially now since we're still developing, but also in the future when other developers might create an incompatible tool). I'm tryin...

flash as3 loader question

What I am trying to do is load 2 different swf's using 2 different buttons. What I want to happen is when you click on button 1 it loads the first swf and button 2 loads the second swf removing any other swf from the stage first. The problem I seem to be running into is with the loader. I cannot seem to load the images into the loader ...

flash as3 external swf help/error

I am having an issue loading an external swf into my as3 project. I have created both swfs and both were creating using as3. In the one file I am trying to load the other swf, just for testing purposes. It works fine but for some reason I am getting this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object ...

linker and loader reference

I'd like to read some text about the compile-link-load process of a executable. In general web-texts I found are not so detailed oriented as I'd like. And no... I'm sure a book about compilers&linkers,etc it would be too much. I want a general knowledge especially how things are in practice. Any reference would be appreciated... I'm su...

Nhibernate custom loader for collection

Im really hoping someone can help with this, have been trying various combinations for a day and a half now.... Basically I have a some hierarchical data stored in a single table, the usual parentID maps to a row id scenario. I have modelled a property within the domain object that returns a list of ancestors for a given item. It all s...

AS3: Copying a Loader from one object to another

I have two classes, call them A and B. They both contain a Loader object. In class A I load content into the Loader object. public class A { var loader:Loader; public function A():void { loader = new Loader(); this.addChild(loader); loader.load(...); } } public class B() { var loader:Loader;...

problem starting with zend framework

Hi guys, I downloaded the zend framework 1.10 full. Unzipped, rename this folder to zf. I am going to use zend framework as independent, will only call loader and include libraries when needed. I put the unzipped zend framework into http://localhost/r/zf Then from r/test2.php I put these code to do test call, but it fail. Anything I ...

Using Apex Data Loader to load records into object with master details relationship

Hi, I need to load data into two objects. I am able to load data into one object using the data loader. The second object has a master-details relationship with the first object so I need to have the unique record id of the records of first object in the CSV file. How can I add those record id's to my CSV file? Thank you. ...

How many records can be loaded into Salesforce using Apex Data Loader in one go?

We have to insert thousands of record into Salesforce using Apex Data Loader. We use csv files to load data. ...

Flex as app : how to load a picture ?

Hello, I'm new to flex, i'm used to flash (CS5 & as3) I'm trying to load a picture in my swf file to add a DisplacementMapFilter then. But i'm just cant load that picture. package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.net.URLRequest; public class pano2 extends Sprite { public var loader_photo:Loader=n...