
localhost not going to desired VirtualHost

I have several VirtalHosts set up on my computer. I'd like to visit the site I'm currently working on from a different PC using the my comp's ip address, but every config i've tried keeps taking me to a different virtual host (in fact the first virtualhost I set up on my comp). How do I set up the apache virtualhost configs to ensure t...

How to use external apache htdocs and mysql data directory outside the xampp directory in xampp 1.7.0?

I am using xampp 1.7.0 and simply want to use directories outside of the xampp directory as apache htdocs and mysql data directory. I've googled it and found many solutions but none of them are working in my pc! ...

localhost/live - detect by HTTP_HOST

Hello, let's say I develop locally and debug small things on live server. Is it good idea to have something like this in my code? : $is_local = (strpos($_SERVER['http_host'], 'localhost') !== false); define ('DEBUG',$is_local); And then use it through my code, when setting stuff? $mysql_settings = (DEBUG) ? array(/*localhost set...

javascript not working on localhost

Ok so I'm lost here, frustrated and pulling my hair and out. Plus probably about to be fired or take a pay cut. I moved Files from a development server to my local machine. The files are consistent (used diff tool), all the dependencies are there. It works for the most part. The problem is that the some of the javascript (not all) is ju...

iPhone connect to MySQL database on local network computer

I'm a bit of a noob to iPhone programming and I've read up on using PHP as the connection between an iPhone app and a remotely hosted MySQL database, but what I need to do is to connect directly to a MySQL database running on a local machine in my office. The machine is behind the same gateway and has an ip address similar to 192.169.x.x...

Where to add the PHP script and MYSQL Dump code in the LAMP server?

Hi, I dont know if this is the right place to ask this question. But as time is limited and here I have always got the right answers I am asking it away. I want to setup a login page on a local server so as to communicate with it via android. As time permits, I googled and found out the necessary php script and mySQL code needed for t...

Make Apache server available on a LAN via custom ServerName

Hi, is it possible to set up an Apache server on a machine which is part of a LAN, then allow machines on the LAN to access the server via a custom ServerName (instead of Localhost). I want to serve a simple website in an office space using a short ServerName (no ports etc if possible), but I want to make sure this is possible (after ori...

Should we develop code on a local machine in a VLAN?

Because of security reasons, we will not be able to use IIS on our local machines. I'm sure that many of you have faced the same problem, so how did you solve it? Here are the options that we're looking at: Create a VLAN that is isolated from the network for development. This will allow us to use any software, including IIS, that we...

How to make CSS URL background images show up in localhost?

Hi guys, I just installed xampp and I brought one of my live sites into it to be able to start working from localhost. So to view my site, I navigate to localhost/example.com I noticed some issues with images when on my html, I had for example: <img src="/new_pictures/05.jpg" alt="Central Market"/> Image wouldn't show up, but then I...

Form value field is visable in localhost but not on live site-how to hide?

Hi guys, I'm almost completed moving my first live site to my new xampp setup on localhost. I have a form that uses jquery in the header of the site. It's a bit verbose, but here it is: <div class="outeremailcontainer"> <div id="emailcontainer"> <?php include('verify.php'); ?> <form action="index_success.php" method="post"...

Properly setting up path variables for root.php

Hi guys, I just posted a similar question, but deleted it because I realized I was working with an old file...doh! I am just trying to get my XAMPP setup working for me. I have a live site that navigates to a login page at http://www.monkeycalendar.com/arvindkt/login.php That login page includes a root.php file that is found at http...

Flowplayer only works on localhost. Doesn't work on server

I have a bit of a problem with setting flowplayer right. When I worked on localhost everything seemed to work fine but when I copied my site to server player won't load properly. The anchor tag is re-sized to set parameters and is filled with object tag but nothing is displayed. Interesting thing is that when part of page with flowplaye...

how to show log in google-app-engine's log window ..

i can use firepython to show log to firebug, but how to show log in the localhost's log window ? thanks ...

How to limit traffic using multicast over localhost

I'm using multicast UDP over localhost to implement a loose collection of cooperative programs running on a single machine. The following code works well on Mac OSX, Windows and linux. The flaw is that the code will receive UDP packets outside of the localhost network as well. For example, sendSock.sendto(pkt, ('', 1600)) ...

Find out in Global.Asax - Application_Start if ASP.NET application running locally

Hello, HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal is not available in Global.Asax/Application_Start (Request is not available in the context). How else could I safely determine if my ASP.NET MVC application is started locally or not? This is to rewrite my web.config conditionally (depending on whether the application is deployed (remote) or ...

Unable to go to Localhost

When I try to go to Localhost by entering http and then ://localhost, it automatically branches to http://naazir-pc/WebDB/WEBDB.home with a message saying "Oops! This link appears to be broken.". I ran "Start WampSever" and the status of the server says "WAMPSERVER - server Online" I have closed Skype as well. Can you please help me w...

setting up ssl in local server

hi, I'm developing a site using drupal.For the shopping cart section i have used ubercart here. everything is working ok in my local machine. but how can i test ssl in my local machine. can i setup that in local machine. i'm developing site in localhost and using Xampp for this. please help me if there is a way to test ssl in local...

php preg_replace, replace anchor href that doesn't contain this keyword

Hi all, href\=\"(.*)\" this match all links, what i need is to make it apply on all links except when href has localhost as a keyword on it Thanks. ...

Problems with video conversions through the web (local host)

Hello, I get the following errors when I attempt video format conversions called from the local host: “An invalid media type was specified” for M4V to WMV conversions. “One or more arguments are invalid” for MP4 to WMV conversions. Here are the details of the problems: I’ve written a dll in C# that accepts videos in the formats AVI, ...

Cannot Access Kickstart.php

Hey All Let me explain you the scenario upto now.. Been a newbie to Joomla I managed to build my own website using Joomla CMS in my computers localhost. Then after the completion of the site, I wanted to upload my Local Joomla Site to a GoDaddy Server / Hosting Account.. Thanks to Google I found the below mentioned tutorial, http://...