
Different log4j patterns on the same same file depending on log level?

Hi, I'd like for log events of type WARN or higher to show the class name. All others would not show the class name. this is both to simplify the log and to not have the performance hit on lower events such as TRACE. This must all go to the same log file. For example, right now, I have this on my log file: 2010-04-06 18:50:16,416 [mai...

How do I log from inside my web application in Tomcat 6.

How do I log from within my web application deployed on Tomcat 6? Where should I expect the logging output to go (internal tomcat log files, or will another logfile be generated)? I see a ton of documentation but am having a hard time finding a direct answer to the above questions. Where should I expect the logging to show up (current...

Is there a log file analyzer for log4j files?

I am looking for some kind of analyzer tool for log files generated by log4j files. I am looking something more advanced than grep? What are you using for log file analysis? I am looking for following kinds of features: The tool should tell me how many time a given log statement or a stack trace has occurred, preferably with support f...

What is likely cause of Android runtime exception "No suitable Log implementation" related to logging in 3rd-party jar?

I am creating an Android app that includes a third party jar. That third party jar utilizes internal logging that is failing to initialize when I run the app, with this error: "org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log implementation". The 3rd party jar appears to be using org.apache.commons.logging and ...

External log4j.xml file

I am trying to run a jar with the log4j.xml file on the file system outside the jar like so: java -jar MyJarName.jar -cp=/opt/companyName/pathToJar/ log4j.configuration=log4j.xml argToJar1 argToJar2 I have also tried: java -jar MyJarName.jar -cp=/opt/companyName/pathToJar/ log4j.configuration=/opt/companyName/pathToJar/log4j.xml argT...

Log4j show package name

Right now for my ConversionPattern I have: log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n What I'd like to do is also include the full package name with the class (%F:%L) but I can't find any config to do so in the docs. I do understand that this will be slower, but it's only for debugg...

Logging from multiple apps/processes to a single log file

Our app servers (weblogic) all use log4j to log to the same file on a network share. On top of this we have all web apps in a managed server logging errors to a common error.log. I can't imagine this is a good idea but wanted to hear from some pros. I know that each web app has its own classloader, so any thread synchronization only o...

How to add the time stamp to the log file

ello Everyone, I am new to using apache logger . I have downloaded the log4j-xx and i have the following text configuration file Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to mainFormat. log4j.rootLogger = TRACE, mainFormat, FILE mainFormat is set to be a ConsoleAppender. log4j.appender.mainFormat=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAp...

setting up log4j for gmail, does not recognize System.setProperty("mail.smtps.port", "587")

Hi I am trying to setup a smtpappender for log4j using gmail as the smtp host. I have read that the port number needs to be 465 or 587 (depending on tls or ssl) and that log4j for some reason doesnt allow a different port to be set inside log4j.properties configuration file. I have read that the best way of doing this would be to us...

using log4j, where does the configuration file go in my 'main' application?

I have a java main application, and I want to use log4j. I don't want to hard code my settings, so where do I put the log4j config file so my application can find it? ...

Sample xml configuration for log4j, have a 'main' java application and want to write to file

Are there any example log4j configuration files (XML). I have a java main application. I want log4j to output to console AND write to file. Any examples of this would be greatly appreciated. I'm using netbeans if that matters. ...

disable log4j if log4j.properties file is not found.

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger ().<br/> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. The above message is shown and i would like to disable the logger if the log4j.properties cannot be found. How do i go about it? BasicConfigurator.configure(); will output to console which is not what i want. ...

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

When using log4j, the Logger.log(Priority p, Object message) method is available and can be used to log a message at a log level determined at runtime. We're using this fact and this tip to redirect stderr to a logger at a specific log level. slf4j doesn't have a generic log() method that I can find. Does that mean there's no way to imp...

log4j/log4cxx : exclusive 1 to 1 relation between logger and appender

Using the xml configuration of log4cxx (which is identical in configuration to log4j). I want to have a certain logger output exclusively to a specific appender (have it the only logger which outputs to that appender). I found that it's possible to bind a logger to a specific appender like this: <logger name="LoggerName"> <level va...

Perf4j Not Logging Correctly

I setup some stop watch calls in my code to measure some code blocks and all the messages are going into my primary log and not into the timing log. The perfStats.log file gets created just fine but all the messages go to the root log which I didn't think was supposed to happen according to the docs I've read. Is there something obvious ...

Log4j Logging to the Wrong Directory

I have a relatively complex log4j.xml configuration file with many appenders. Some machines the application runs on need a separate log directory, which is actually a mapped network drive. To get around this, we embed a system property as part of the filename in order to specify the directory. Here is an example: <appender name="JMX_...

Configuring Hadoop logging to avoid too many log files

I'm having a problem with Hadoop producing too many log files in $HADOOP_LOG_DIR/userlogs (the Ext3 filesystem allows only 32000 subdirectories) which looks like the same problem in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2091287/error-in-hadoop-mapreduce My question is: does anyone know how to configure Hadoop to roll the log...

log4j: Change format of loggers configured in another library.

Using clojure, I've been able to successfully setup log4j very simply by using this log4j.properties file, and including log4j in my classpath. # BEGIN log4j.properties log4j.appender.STDOUT=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMd...

What do you think of saving stack trace in a special log table ?

Suppose, you have a special log table of your application. What do you think about creating a BLOB field for a possible stack trace ? Logging is done to file as well, but it is not so convenient to read a text file, moreover database is more "accessible". ...

Where/how does log4j look for a log4j.properties file?

I'm trying out log4j in a simple test app. I create a new Java project in eclipse and add the log4j JAR (v1.2.16) to my build path. I then create a simple class that prints Hello World. Then I use the log4j Logger class to log a info message. When I run the app, I see the log message, using what I assume is the default appender and layou...