
problem in getting ouput on console when using ant to run test case

hi, i have written one ant script, that internally runs one java code. Below is the java code and ant script :- <junit printsummary="yes"> <formatter usefile="false" type="plain"/> <test name="com.junit.test.TestSuite"/> <classpath> <path refid="validator.classpath" /> <path refid="lib.release.classpath" /> <path refid="lib.e...

Pass properties to log4j before it loads

Is there a way to pass data or setting to log4j before it loads and then use that property within the config file. I was assuming there is a system properties I could use: log4j.appender.R.File=/usr/local/pfs/logs/${ws.host}/log4j.log Where ws.host is the property I want to use. But how can I set that value? Also, I am in a web envi...

Need help - logs are getting mixed between 2 different applications running in same JVM

Hi, I am facing issues with logging of 2 applications deployed in same JVM. I have 2 applications say A & B running in Websphere application server. A is EJB project having log4j.jar in EJB jar B is also EJB project but doesn't have log4j.jar as part of EJB jar and it refers to log4j jar available in Websphere lib. A & B have indepe...

log4j.properties value filter

Hi: I am using log4f for the logging in my app,and I want to add a FileAppender to the log,so I have to set the file: log4j.appender.fileout.File=E:\myapp\logs\log.html I wonder if there is any way can replace the absolute file path? Maybe using something like: log4j.appender.fileout.File={something}\logs\log.html? ...

log4j.xml file placement

i have created a log4j util class where i'm picking up the file using org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure("log4j.xml"); but when testing, it throws log4j:ERROR Could not open [log4j.xml]. java.io.FileNotFoundException: log4j.xml (The system cannot find the file specified.) at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStre...

Managing a Large Number of Log Files Distributed Over Many Machines

We have started using a third party platform (GigaSpaces) that helps us with distributed computing. One of the major problems we are trying to solve now is how to manage our log files in this distributed environment. We have the following setup currently. Our platform is distributed over 8 machines. On each machine we have 12-15 process...

problem comes using SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy with log4j?

Hi I am using log4j with RollingFileAppender and also triggeringPolicy with SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy.log file is splited but one file split on size 11kb but other can grow without spliting when it reach the given size and also give wrning message "log4j:WARN Failure in post-close rollover action".i could not able to solve the problem...

Grails Logging during integration tests

Hi, I've got few issues with Grails logging during test [running grails test-app, Grails 1.3.5]: 1 I've got some debug/info logging in my application and it works fine when running the app [grails run-app]. However when I want to test my app, none of it is written to the System.out/System.err files nor to file appender. How can I enab...

Loading Log4j.xml from outside fo the war

In my application iam using Log4j for logging.Presently I am placing log4j.xml in WEB-INF/classes. Below are the configurations i am using to load log4j.xml file. <context-param> <param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml</param-value> </context-param> <listener>...

log4j: how to log only messages from com.foo.* in the console?

Hi, in the system console I would like to log only messages from com.foo.* and not messages from an external library that I'm using com.bar.* Here's what I did: <appender name="console" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"> <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"> <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %p %c ...

Issues replacing Log4j with LogBack, log4j-over-slf4j.jar shortcomings

So I've been porting some of our services to use Logback over log4j and I've been using the log4j-over-slf4j jar to spoof log4j for our legacy dependencies. The only issue is log4j-over-slf4j doesn't implement many of the classes of log4j so I'm seeing a decent few class not found exceptions from dependent jars. How have people got aroun...

Apache Chainsaw with Python and multiple tabs

I am using Apache Chainsaw with python (using the XMLLayout formatter, sending log messages to Chainsaw) How can I make Chainsaw display multiple log tabs, one for each logging source ? currently it displays all messages, regardless of which process sent them, to a single tab ...

Log4j getAppender method not returning inherited appenders when using a configuration file?

For Example; consider the following configuration file (scheme...) Logger A contains appender1, appender2. Logger A.B contains appender3. When calling B.getAppender("appender1") we get a null pointer. To verify this problem one can call Logger.getLogger("A.B").getAllAppenders() - only appender3 is being returned. Why is that? is it a ...

Using Tomcat to run Ant from a Servlet with Log4jListener and JDBCAppender to log into a database, not released when finished

I have a servlet that performs an ANT build, I've attached a org.apache.tools.ant.listener.Log4jListener as you can see below and at the end of the build the org.apache.tools.ant.listener.Log4jListener is not released, the only way I've found around this is to restart Tomcat. If I don't restart Tomcat the next time I try to run the buil...

log4j multiple levels in multiple appenders

Hello all, I have two appenders: console, and file I have three packages uk.co.bar, uk.co.bar.foo, uk.co.pip I need all messages (debug and higher) from uk.co.* to be fed into the file. I want info messages from uk.co.bar.foo to fed to the console I want all messages from uk.co.bar.pip to fed to the console If I use a logger it rest...

log4j exception handling problem

I have a class which initializes my log4j. This code will never print or exit, I dont understand why. public class MyLog { private static Logger log; static { log = Logger.getRootLogger(); try { PropertyConfigurator.configure("somefileNameWhichDoesNotExist"); } catch(Exception t) ...

Log4j - Excluding the logging of some classes

Hi, I am using Log4j in my application, and the libraries that I use that also use Log4j are also outputting their logs to the log files that I create. I have already created appenders to redirect the logs of one library to an "other.log" file, but the other libraries keep logging to my main "info.log" file. This is my log4j.properties...

Log4j - Have multiple appenders write to the same file with one that always logs

I have a log4j appender defined like: log4j.logger.com.example = DEBUG, filelog log4j.appender.filelog=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.filelog.File=c:/app.log log4j.appender.filelog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.filelog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d | %m%n log4j.appender.filelog.DatePattern...

redirecting System.out/System.err to log4j for some jars only

In our product we use a number of external libraries. We do our logging with log4j, and most libraries do so as well, so we get most of the messages in our appenders fine. But there are several libraries that just use System.out and System.err. So I am looking for a way to redirect System.out and System.err to our log4j appenders for a ...

Can a log4j (or other Java logger) Appender accept or access request context objects?

I am currently writing a web service using Restlet, and logging with slf4j in front of log4j. Currently I have standard log4j Appenders in place for logging to files. What I was trying to do is also include log output in the HTTP Response, using a custom Appender. The issue I am seeing is that Appenders by default have no ability to...