
log4j redirection to desktop application in swing

Hi, I have a GUI application in swing, implemented in NetBeans. For the various functionality provided from the input of the user, a jar is used, which uses log4j for logging. All is ok, but I have to redirect information from log4j to a text area in my GUI. I have found that to redirect from log4j to swing text area, one must extend an...

Spring: "SimpleLogger does not seem to be location aware" exception

I'm getting an exception in a Spring app on my first line of code: ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml"); I have commons-logging-1.1.1.jar configured as a project library. Here is the stack trace: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The logger [org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(org.springframewo...

log4j with grails: How to get appender file name at run time?

I am working on a grails app where in development mode, I log some calculations to a log file through log4j. I want to provide a service which will read the log file and make its contents available to a developer so they can see what is being logged in the log file. Is there a way I can get the log4j appender file name at run time? ...

log4j append=false does not work for me... why?

I have the below configured for log4j which outputs a csv log file. Every time my program executes I wish to start this log file a fresh by overwriting not appending to the log file. I thought I could achieve this by using the append=false. I know that I have correctly set up log4j as other logs are outputting fine but these are daily ro...

External log4j.xml file for WAR

Hi All Requirement is this ... One question, The usual place seems to be in your /WEB-INF/classes directory, but I have problems with that.if I ship my application as a WAR file, I can't get at it to edit it, which is a real problem. We have our 3 WAR, we deployed apps with tomcat 6.0.16. We want to configure log4j.xml in external dir...

how to test w/ junit that warning was logged w/ log4j?

I'm testing a method that logs warnings when something went wrong and returns null. something like: private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Clazz.class.getName()); .... if (file == null || !file.exists()) { // if File not found log.warn("File not found: "+file.toString()); } else if (!file.canWrite()) { // if file is ...

log4j StringToMatch in property file

I have following XML configration i would like to convert to java property file. I am getting below error log4j:WARN Failed to set property [filter] to value "org.apache.log4j.varia.DenyAllFilter". log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate class [true]. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: true at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader...

How to LOG with DataNucleus 2.x inside Eclipse

I have DN 2.x on Eclipse RCP (currently Helios). I'm having trouble Turning the DN LOG on. I use log4j.properties, where i define all the DataNucleus Categories LOG levels. It LOGS fine with the "external" enhancer (i just pass the argument on the "VM Arguments" of the RUN configurations -Dlog4j.configuration=file:"...\log4j.propertie...

Is it possible to make log4j display which file it used to configure itself?

Question Is it possible to make Log4J display the full path of the file it used for configuration? Background I have a love-hate relationship with log4j. In good times, it's great but when it's not working, it can be one of the most difficult things to debug. I manage all the logging in our application. As such, I'm very familiar w...

How to disable LogLog for specific appender

Right now we have an appender similar to... <appender name="email" class="org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender"> When the appender fails to send a mail, we get multiple lines of this in our file (and inboxes, due to nature of our logging)... [2010 Sep 21 01:00:47] ERROR (FixSession.java:453) - log4j:ERROR Er...

What is the best way to log to SQL Server from Java EE

I have a web service Jax-RS running in Weblogic. I have a need to logg the calls made to the service. What is the best way to log to SQL Server from a java application? Thanks. ...

how to not log Digester?

hey guys, i'm new to this forum. at first glance this community looks awesome. I have an easy question. I am logging with log4j and am new to tomcat. I have found the file where the log rules are set, filename: server.log4j-console.properties i use for it to not log all digester in BATCH.debug.log here is the code in server.log4j-consol...

Need a working example of configuring log4j RollingFileAppender via properties

I am using log4j for logging, and a property file for configuration. Currently, my log files are too big (3.5 GB is too large for a log file). So think I need to use RollingFileAppender - but when I do so the log file continues to grow overly large. I believe I have just misconfigured it; does anyone have a working example of configuring...

redirecting log4j messages from a method to a different log file

Hi All, Right now i use log4j in its plain vanilla/out-of-the-box form. I've a log4j.properties file in the class path and various logger messages littered across the web application. Now i'm interested in redirecting log messages from a method "abc" in package "xyz" to go to a specific log file "pqr". I dont want all the logger message...

Log4j properties from each module

Hello, I'm writing an application that consists of several maven modules. All of them have to log stuff to their own log files. I created a log4j.properties file in the main/resources folder of each module. Now when I start the application from one of the modules, it writes everything to the log file of that module. I wondered if this w...

Using log4j on Google App Engine

I need to use log4j in my application, but I don't know how I can get properties loaded. Deafult properties files says that I should put log4j.properties to /WEB-INF/classes/ folder, but in eclipse I cannot see that folder and I cannot create it, because it already exists. And I cannot add any files to that folder either. Here is error ...

A different log for every user using Log4j

I have a webapplication and I want to use a different log for every user, so I can have a "history" of what the user did on the system. This is what I have so far: import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender; import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender; import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayou...

Log4J SMTP appender issues

I like to use log4j smtp appender and i doubt is it effect to my application memory when it's tries to send too many emails.And where errors located (memory or other) before send? If application crashes then do i lost any "Errors" that not send yet? ...

Reconnect to DB within log4j

If I have a JDBCAppender configured to throw log messages to MySQL and, while my system is up I restart the database is it reconnect to DB? ...

logback encoder pattern documentation

I've gone through all the documention of logback and I can't find anywhere the documentation to configure the encoder's pattern when logging, such as: <encoder> <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-4relative %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern> </encoder> I would like a table (like the one that log4j has) explaining the different options ...