
How do I make log4j create log files on demand only?

We have a modular application where modules have their own log4j logs (i.e. communication log and error log). The appenders and categories for these are all configured in the core log4j XML, but not all modules are always installed. The DailyRollingFileAppender creates its file regardless of use and that exposes the full set of modules a...

Log4j "file:<path>" resolution using spring log4j config listener

I'm using spring Log4jConfigListener. My log4j.properties is on path C:/bull/dog/log4j.porperties. I configure log4jConfigLocation as file:/bull/dog/log4j.properties. It worked for me on both windows and linux deployments (on linux the file is on /bull/dog/log4j.properties) I made some changes on the project/IDE setup, and it stopped wo...

How to disable log4j in 3rd party jar?

I'm experimenting writing a java SE swing application using joss weld. Weld configures logging with log4j using the following log4j.xml file in the jar: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd"> <!-- JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source Copyright 2009, Red Hat, Inc. and/or its af...

log4j problem in java enterprise application

Hello, I created a java enterprise application in Netbeans 6.8. It has ejb module and web application. I want to log all errors in catch block in my file. In web application, we would create log4.properties in /WEB-INF/classes. But, in ejb module, we don't have anything like /WEB-INF folder. So where should i paste this file? so that i d...

Advantage of log4j

What's the advantage of log4j over set System.out and System.err to output to a log file? ...

simple EJB jar deployed in jboss with its own log4j configuration

I have a simple EJB jar with a stateless session bean, deployed in JBOSS AS 4.2.2, under <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/deploy. The bean is registered under JNDI tree as viewed from jboss jmx console and I am able to access it through a remote java client outside JBOSS. Inside EJB jar, I have added some logging to be written to a separate ...

Is it possible to log only one level messages with Log4J

If I set the log level to DEBUG, All messages with log level >= DEBUG will be logged/printed. But can I set log level to only DEBUG, such that messages with log level only with DEBUG will be printed. Or can give a range like print all messages whose log level is >=DEBUG but < ERROR? ...

log4j: Log output of a specific class to a specific appender

I use log4j and would like to route the output of certain Loggers to specific files. I already have multiple appenders in place. Now, to make debugging easier, I want to tell log4j that the output generated by a specific class (e.g. foo.bar.Baz) should be written to a specific log file. Can this be done? ...

How do you differentiate log4j sessions in a log file from copies of the same web-app?

There is only one file. And it is written simultaneously as web app copies run. How do you filter only one session log messages from other log lines? ...

Logs are filling up with httpclient.wire.content dumps. How can I turn it off?

My catalina logs are filling up with gobs of statements like: /logs/catalina.out:2010-05-05 02:57:19,611 [Thread-19] DEBUG httpclient.wire.content - >> "[0x4] [0xc][0xd9][0xf4][0xa2]MA[0xed][0xc2][0x93][0x1b][0x15][0xfe],[0xe]h[0xb0][0x1f][0xff][0xd6][0xfb] [0x8f]O[0xd4][0xc4]0[0xab][0x80][0xe8][0xe4][0xf2][\r]I&[0xaa][0xd2]BQ[0xdb](zq[...

How to force a reload of the log4j configuration in equinox?

I have a running equinox instance, how do I force equinox to reload the log4j configuration (if possible at all)? (it just jakes to much time to shutdown and restart the server) ...

Where to place log4j.xml

Hi , How can we specify were log4j has to look at when trying to find its xml configuration file ? It seems that by default, log4j looks into the root of a class folder, I can say that using the debug log4j functionality and running my application from the IDE. However, I don't have any class folder in my jar anymore. And the log4j....

How can I implement log4j logging to an existing J2EE Struts web application?

I have recently inherited a J2EE Struts web app that was written back in 2002. There is no logging in the application other than the odd System.out.println(). I have added log4j logging so that I can write out some info to the console, but I'm concerned on how best to approach this. Any suggestions, tips, best practices would be welcome...

What is the length of Java log4j's log message's max length? How to print it in a single line?

In log4j default logging configuration, each line of log message which is printed in server log has maximum length comes around 8221 characters. If it exceeds this length, it is printed in multiple lines. But I want to print it in a single line, though whatever the length of each log message has. ...

How to give dynamic file name in the appender in log4j.xml

Hi I am using log4j.xml to log the informations. I have used log4j.xml file for creating the log files. I have given the absolute path for each log file in param tag value. eg : appender name="FA" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender"> param name="DatePattern" value="'_'yyyyMMdd"/> param name="File" value="D:/logFiles/GPrep...

disable hibernate logging in cosole

Hi, My log4j.properties looks like log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1 log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.A1.File=InteroperabilityFatal.log log4j.appender.A1.MaxFileSize=1000KB log4j.appender.A1.MaxBackupIndex=1000 log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionP...

Customising log4j logging for sensitive data

I have a class which contains sensitive information (Credit card info, phone numbers etc). I want to be able to pass this class to log4j, but have it obscure certain information. If I have a class UserInformation which has getPhoneNumber, getCreditCardNumber methods, how would I customise log4j or this class so that it will obscure the...

Creating multiple log files using single log4j.xml

Hi I am new to log4j.xml which is used to log the information. Currently I am giving the absolute path in log4j.xml like appender name="FA" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender"> param name="DatePattern" value="'_'yyyyMMdd"/> param name="File" value="D:/logFiles/GPreprocessor.log"/> layout class="com.dnb.genericpreprocessor....

Logging a specific package in log4j programmatically

Hi there, here is the thing, I have to deploy a web app and the the log4j.properties file is created by the client so I dont have control over it. Their properties file is like this: log4j.rootCategory= FILE !-----------FILE--------------! log4j.category.FILE=DEBUG log4j.appender.FILE=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender...

Help configuring the log4cplus configuration file (properties file).

I created a new Logger object like this: log4cplus::Logger m_WebAccessLogger; //a class member Then in the constructor initialization list I do: m_WebAccessLogger(log4cplus::Logger::getInstance("WebAccess") This works fine, it logs as expected. What I'm having trouble with is, I want to configure the log4cplus.properties file so ...