
System.Diagnostics.Debug namespace vs Other logging solutions (log4net, MS Enterprise Library, etc.)

Hi everyone! I'm currently investigating various logging possibilities for .net projects and I can't decide between System.Diagnostics.Debug/Trace features and third party libraries like log4net, MS Enterprise Library, NLog, etc. At the moment I have found out this: System.Diagnostics is rather difficult to configure and to use since y...

EF errors logging in log4net

I am trying to capture Entity Framework errors in log4net. Has anyone successfully done that? Any suggestions? ...

log4Net, MVC, and dependency injection

I have an application with a few classic layers DAL, BLL, PL, and Unit Of Work. The goal is to log BL layer with MVC User info. In MVC presenter layer I made my own realization of DefaultControllerFactory for creating Service Locator. Here I register IBusinessLayer on BusinessLayerConcrete, and Controllers on themselves for their next...

Suggestions for hosted log server?

I'm looking for recommendations for a hosted service to collect logging information from client applications. The service would preferably be a high-availability service using a cloud infrastructure or something equivalent. I'd like to be able to direct some logging information from my .NET client application (using a logging framework ...

log4net doesn't create a log file for a referenced project file.

I am building an application that calls upon a compiled executable. Said executable's source code project file is referenced by the solution file for the parent application. The child executable is a stand alone command line application. The parent is a effectively a GUI wrapper to the console application. When I compile the console appl...

why is the threadID the same when i run my app with different browsers simultaneously?

I have a simple application that contains one button to be clicked in order to start logging, and basically I log messages to database. The application is already set up to log messages to a database. So, I tried to run my application in my machine but with two different browsers, for example( google chrome and Internet Explorer) at the ...

looking for a free(non commercial) log viewer with filtering and searching functions for database logs?

I am using log4net to log to a database, and I was requested to find a tool to filter and search through the logs in the database. I dealt with log file viewers before and i found LogExpert which is log file viewer completely free and it provides many functionalities such as search, filter and highlight. So i am looking for something lik...

How to configure log4net for fallback

This is my situation. I have successfully implemented logging to remote syslog using log4net. However, as far as I could test, if syslog IP is not valid, all messages will not log anywhere and no exception is raised. It just does nothing. Hence, it would be nice to have some sort of fallback. Let's say if writing to syslog fails, write ...

NHibernate - see SQL without all the other guff

So I'm using log4net to write log output to the trace. Show sql is specified in the configuration file. I seem to have to set the log output level to DEBUG to get the SQL output, but DEBUG also produces pages and pages of other guff I have to scroll past. Can I get the SQL without the guff? Thanks David ...

Adding custom property in log4net

I have a unique identifier which goes through whole application, I want this 'Id' to be logged as a separate property, so that its easy to find out in log files or from the database. ...

Parse log files programmatically in .NET

We have a large number (read: 50,000) of relatively small (read under 500K, typically under 50K) log files created using log4net from our client application. A typical log looks like: Start Painless log Framework: Application: 2010-05-05 19:26:07,678 [Login ] INFO Application.App.OnShowLoginMessage(194) - Validating Crede...

how to change the logging level of logger in the code overriding value set on config

hi, I have a C# Win Form application and in each class i get the logger like this: private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger("ApplnLogger"); I configured in my app.config to log messages at info level and above. Now when a issue is reported i would like to set the logger level to debug so that i will have information i...

allowing a logger to override a specific appender's parameter?

Using log4net, can I configure a logger so that it can override a single parameter of one of the appenders? Some examples: <log4net> <appender name="A1" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender"> <file value="log4net.log"> </appender> <root> <level value="ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="A1" /> </root> <logger name="MyLogge...

How can I set log4net appender to Wcf service?

Hi all! I want to configure appender that will send logs to wcf service. I've already service in the air that can get logs at address "http://localhost:8080" with method 'Get logs(string log);' I need help how to configure the appender in order to send logs to this service? Thanks in advance! ...

Storing Log4Net Messages in SQL Server

I am currently looking for some code or a tool/service that allows me to store Log4Net Messages in a SQL Server database. Does something like this already exist or would I have to implement this on my own? I couldn't find anything on SO or Google. Thanks in advance for any information. ...

Storing and accessing a log4net config file via SQL...

A co-worker had told me that he thought it was possible to store/access log4net's config file in a database rather than a standard config file. If it's possible, how would you go about doing this? Google search seems to be failing me. ...

Log4Net Configuration XML

My App.config is given below. The file is the same project as the calls to : log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(); private static log4net.ILog Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); However I am receiving Log4net:ERROR XmlConfigurator Failed to find configuration secti...

Disgusting XML configuration with no schema - why?

This isn't a question about why XML is used for configuration files. My question is why, when XML is used for configuration files, there's no accompanying schema. log4net is a good case-in-point. You can configure it programmatically, but it's preferred that you use XML. Fine, but then why does it have to be so hard? In Visual Studi...

Is there a resource which describes all of the log4net loggers used by NHibernate?

I would like to heavily customize my NHibernate logging for performance diagnosis reasons. Is there a resource of all of the available loggers? Even better would be a resource describing what each logger logs at the various log levels. ...

Log4Net with WCF Running As Service

Hello To All, I am running a WCF Service as Windows Service. I am having trouble getting log4net to do any actual logging In what app.config should I place my configuration code for log4net. The Service Host app.config the Service app.config or the underlying methods that the Service Calls? -b ...