
A usage question for log4net

Hi all: I saw some classes with the following at head. What's its functionality? [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFileExtension = "log4net", Watch = true)] Thanks. ...

How to set logger specific levels per appender in Log4Net

Given two appenders: A1, A2 and multiple loggers one of which is L1 Is it possible to configure log4net such that: A1 gets DEBUG and above from all loggers except L1, for which it gets INFO and above A2 gets DEBUG and above from all loggers I have looked at appender threshold, filters, and every other configuration combination I can t...

What is the root logger in log4net

Hi guys: I don't quite understand what is the mean functionality for root logger as shown in following section. What is the difference from other loggers? <level value="WARN" /> <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender" /> </root> ...

How to specify log file path using folder locations in Windows with log4net xml configurator?

In my app.config I put <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="%programdata%/log-file.txt"/> but it didn't work. Any ideas? ...

log4net for NHibernate not writing anything into ASP.NET trace

Odd one this. I am using NHibernate with one website. I have configured log4net to show me all SQL and and errors in the trace. It all works swimmingly. I start using NHibernate in the other website - same solution, built on top of same class libraries. I copy the configuration data in web.config from one website to the other: <sectio...

Including log4net into a .net web application built with .net 4.0

HI folks, I saw that there's many, many thread about this on the web, also in stackoverflow, but i didn't find any way to resolve my problem. I've tried 3 things about now and it all didn't works : I've simply tried to get the log4net.dll whos given from the log4net zip folder with all source code in the bin directory. Results : No com...

regarding log4view file reciever

I am trying to open old files which are logged long time ago but i am not sure with which logging framework but it does seem like log4net because the files have date, thread and a message basically. Now the problem is log4view receiver cannot view the file. Is log4view specific for log4net files only or is there something i am missing? ...

%property does not work with RollingFileAppender in log4net

Hi, I have been doing what it was suggested in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/571876/best-way-to-dynamically-set-an-appender-file-path/3371566#3371566 to set the file name dynamically, using %property{}, but the file is created as "(nul).log" below is the code log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["service"] = _servicename.ToString(); _f...

log4net: writing a header to each rollover log segment

I have a RollingFileAppender that rolls over the log file when it reaches a specified file size. This works great. Is there a way to have log4net insert a header at the top of each newly created log file? Alternatively, is there a way to be notified by log4net when a roll over occurs so that I can write this header myself? ...

Logging via FileAppender

here is an easy question coming: i am trying to use log4net to log the infos on a file. i wrote < file value="log-file.txt" /> into my appender tag in app.config. and now wondering where the log-file.txt is positioned and whether it is created automatically or i should create it by myself. i am using c# - wpf ...

logging each week via rollingFileAppender--log4net

is there a solution to make the log files be created each week by RollingFileAppender's datePattern? I know that yyyyMMdd is valid for each day but i couldn't find a solution for weekly logging. thanks in advance. ...

Add additional appenders with NServiceBus Generic Host

Can anyone point me in the right direction here. Is it possible to have separate log4net config files for each profile? In that way I could have a production.log4net.config and a lite.log4net.config? It would be even more cool if that configuration was on top of the programmatic configuration already build into the generic host. ...

log4net: Custom PatternLayoutConverter not being called

Situation: I want to show the method and line number for the code that logs a message. The problem is that I have an intermediate class which calls into the log4net logger. Unfortunately, due to existing architectural issues, I can't do away with this intermediate class. The result is that I always see the method and line number as be...

Is there a way to configure Log4Net to write the logs to the BaseDirectory in a Windows Service?

Logs in a Windows Service are not written to the path of the exe because the windows service is started in another directory. What's the best way to write the logs to the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory? This is my appender: <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <!--<file value="Logs/...

Log file is coming blank after error in Log4Net

Hi Experts, I want to use Log4Net in my asp.net application & I have done the following things: In Web.Config File <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <logger name="File"> <level value="All" /> <appender name="LogFileAppe...

Log4Net is not working with Sql Server 2005

Hi All, I want to make Log4Net to enter logs in MS Sql Server 2005. I am using .NET 2.0. Here is the code till now I have written: Web.Config File <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <connectionStrings/> <log4net> <appender name="AdoNetAppe...

What is a simple way to log all items in a list using log4net (or other logging frameworks)?

I usually have methods returning IList. I need to log the result coming back in this list. Is there a better way than looping on the items inside the list and printing them one by one like this? foreach(string productName in productsNames) { prodsNames.Append(productName + " "); } Logger.Debug("L...

Are there any patterns for monitoring log4net exception logs from across a cluster of web servers?

Hi there, Are there any patterns or practices for monitoring log4net exception logs across a cluster of web servers. I have considered several options including the following: A central database A log file retrieval system A service based loggin architecture Thanks, Richard ...

Dependency injection and named loggers

I am interested in learning more about how people inject logging with dependency injection platforms. Although the links below and my examples refer to log4net and Unity, I am not necessarily going to use either of those. For dependency injection/IOC, I will probably use MEF as that is the standard that the rest of the project (large) ...

AdoNetAppender and Clob field

I have a asp.net 3.5 app that is using log4Net and AdoNetAppender. Currently the app uses a message field just like the log4net documentation http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/config-examples.html. I would like to convert the field from varchar2 to Clob. I was trying to find some documentation on how to do this. All I could f...