
Reference to configurated project with log4net

Hi, I have a few applications and I want add to their reference to my class library MyLogger, which bases at log4net. In this library I have App.config file. So I want configuration file only in this one project/library. So, this is method in my applications public void TestMyLogger() { MyLogger myLogger=new MyLogger(); ...

Set log name in appender of log4net

I have class MyLogger, where I use log4net. How can I modify my appender to save log in specific logname (I want to set it by parameter logName). public void AddEntry(string source, string logName, string contextInfo, string message, EventLogEntryType eventType) { log4net.ILog Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(sou...

Why is Log4Net ignoring my logName?

Okay so I have a WCF service writing to the Event Log. All is well except for one detail..it won't pay any attention to the logName attribute,..here's the config. <!--EventLog Appender--> <appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender" > <logName value="MyCustomLog"/> <applicationNam...

log4net will not read from app.config

I have 2 projects configured identically for log4net. One project logs fine; however, the other does not log at all. The Logger in the project that is not logging returns IsFatalEnabled = false, IsErrorEnabled = false, IsWarnEnabled = false, IsInforEnabled = false and IsDebugEnabled = false. I've copied and pasted from one project to ...

How to stop log4net from writing to two separate files

I'm using the below log4net configuration. I'm trying to write performance logs to a separate file but the output is going to both files. Even though I'm specifiying: private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("PerformanceMetricsLogger"); How do I stop log4net from writing to the default appender in this...

Log4Net - Logging out the Exception stacktrace only for certain files

I currently have multiple log files in my application using log4net. I have a top level log file which contains every type of message. I also have an error log file which contains only error information. I am trying to configure it so the specific exception details and stack trace only appear in the error log file. The call i am usin...

How can I tell log4net which appender to use from app.config

Hi All, I had a quick log4net question. How can I specify which appender to use from the app.Config? This particular config file references 2 different appenders. Both are rolling file appenders but they point to different files. Throughout the application log4net is being called and a type is passed into the constructor. like this... ...

Does Log4Net Http Appender exist?

Is there an appender in log4net that can allow a winform client to read a log4net log on another server without using a share? My application is hosted as a web service. I'm looking for an HTTP appender or something similar. ...

Editing Log4Net messages before they reach the appenders

I have a security tool that sends users their new password through email. The production email module (that I don’t own and don’t want to change) will log the entire html email message body using Log4Net when the threshold is VERBOSE. Since the email contains a domain user’s password in clear text, I would like to remove the password fro...

Configure or extend log4net SmtpAppender with custom subjects

How can I specify a layout and conversionPattern for the resulting emails subject? The BufferSize will need to be less than or equal to 1 so no buffering will occur. ...

Log4Net. How to disable internal debug

Hi. I got some test console application with log4net and AdoNetAppender. When I launch application I have log4net debug info in console(log4net:ERROR [AdoNetAppender] Could not open database connection) I initialize AdoNetAppender ConnectionString via code. When I set <log4net debug="false"> it doesn't help. I check log4net.Util.LogLo...

Log4net configuration from assembly attribute does not load configuration file

I have the following file Log4net.config in my bin directory: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <log4net xmlns="urn:log4net"> <appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender"> <param name="file" value="MyLogFile.log"/> <param name="appendToFile" value="false"/> <layout type="log4net.La...

Log4Net for ADOnetAdapter..for my asp.net mvc application

I am using log4net code found at: http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/sdk/log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender.html How do I write the code behind to insert the information in to the table? ...

dynamic name log4net

hi, i am trying to configure a dynamic name for my log but i can't. here the code on my web.config file: <appender name="RollingFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingPatternFileAppender"> <file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="..l\log\%property{LogName}" /> <appendToFile value="true" /> <rollingStyle value="...

Using multiple log4net file loggers

I have file appenders FileA, FileB, and FileC. FileA I add to the root element as I want it to be a catch all, (more on this below). FileB and FileC I use for specific messages and create named loggers for each of those appenders. In code, I load the log I'm using for most messages like so: private static readonly log4net.ILog log = ...