
Pages loads twice on Firefox?

Hello all, I thought I had answered this question before thanks to StackOverFlow, but I hastily took an answer and it turns out not to be the real cause to my problem. I have checked my Apache Access Log: This is me browsing my web app on Google Chrome Browser. - - [06/Jan/2010:22:17:35 +0000] "GET /webs/end/new.php HTTP/1...

Automatically download log file from Unix server to Windows machine.

I have a Unix server on which a continuously running application generates a large text log. (aprox. 100megs an hour). My main development machine is a Windows computer and to see what's going on with the application I use Filezilla to download the log file to the PC where I use notepad++ to go thru log entries. The whole process seem...

LogParser query to grab only external IP addresses from IIS logs?

I tried this question over at ServerFault and didn't have any luck, so I thought I'd try here. I'm working on a public website that is used by both external visitors and internal employees. I'm after the external visitor hits, but I can't think of a good way to filter out the internal IP ranges. Using LogParser, what is the best way t...

How can I view log files in Linux and apply custom filers while viewing?

I need to read through some gigantic log files on a Linux system. There's a lot of clutter in the logs. At the moment I'm doing something like this: cat logfile.txt | grep -v "IgnoreThis\|IgnoreThat" | less But it's cumbersome -- every time I want to add another filter, I need to quit less and edit the command line. Some of the fil...

Are there any existing batch log file aggregation solutions?

I wish to export from multiple nodes log files (in my case apache access and error logs) and aggregate that data in batch, as a scheduled job. I have seen multiple solutions that work with streaming data (i.e think scribe). I would like a tool that gives me the flexibility to define the destination. This requirement comes from the fa...

How do I use Nagios to monitor a log file

We are using Nagios to monitor our network with great success. However, we have a syslog for critical application errors and while I set up check_log, it doesn't seem to work as well as monitering a device. The issues are: It only shows the last entry There doesn't seem to be a way to acknowledge the critical error and return the moni...

How to write to Tomcat log files

What is the easiest way to print out something in a Tomcat Log file. I was under the impression that System.out.println() would print to one of the log files. I just want to print out the value of a string, so the simplest solution would be best. If there is no simple/trivial solution I guess I will use Log4J EDIT: I used Log4J as fol...

IIS log analysis - how to retrieve referer information

As per this MSDN article: W3C Extended Log File Format (IIS 6.0) It says cs(Referrer) contains the REFERER information that can be read from the IIS log files. I am trying to display the log information using an ASP.NET Repeater control: <asp:Repeater ID="rptlIISLogEntries" runat="server"> ... ... <ItemTemplate> <tr> ...

SQL Server 2005 Database Logfile is HUGE, full

Let me start by saying I am not an SQL or SQL Server expert by ANY means. I know how to create a database and develop a website that uses it. Beyond that, db administration is completely lost on me :( that being said I'm stuck. My log file for two of my databases has grown ridiculously large. One is 650MB, and the other is 16 GB that's ...

log4j vs. System.out.println - logger advantages?

Hi! I'm newly using log4j in a project. A fellow programmer told me that using System.out.println is considered bas style and that log4j is something like standard for logging matters nowadays. We do lots of JUnit testing - System.out stuff turns out to be harder to test. Therefore I began utilizing log4j for a Console controller clas...

php smarty is there a way to log who logs in to the site?

I guess if it is possible, that it will be some crazy convoluted way, but my client has asked me to try to create a log file of people who log in to the site. Is there a way to do this? I don't know php/smarty so well, I'm more of a layout person. Thanks. ...

SQL Server 2008 log size management problems

I'm trying to shrink the log of a database AND set the recovery to simple, but always there is an error, whatever i try. USE 4_o5; GO ALTER DATABASE 4_o5 SET RECOVERY SIMPLE; GO DBCC SHRINKFILE (4_o5_log, 10); GO the output of sp_helpfile says that log file is located under (hosted solution): I:\dataroot\4_o5_log.LDF please help me...

Static Logger in seperate thread?

Hi all, I've made my Logger, that logs a string, a static class with a static so I can call it from my entire project without having to make an instance of it. quite nice, but I want to make it run in a seperate thread, since accessing the file costs time is that possible somehow and what's the best way to do it? Its a bit of a short ...

How to consolidate multiple LOG files into one .LDF file in SQL2000

Here is what sp_helpfile says about my current database (recovery model is Simple) in SQL2000: name fileid filename size maxsize growth usage MasterScratchPad_Data 1 C:\SQLDATA\MasterScratchPad_Data.MDF 6041600 KB Unlimited 5120000 KB data only Maste...

Alternative databases to use when putting IIS Logs into a database using LogParser

We have run some scripts that use LogParser to dump our IIS logs into a SQL Server database. We can then query this to get simple stats on hits, usage etc. It's also good when linking it to error log databases and performance counter database to compare usage with errors, etc. Having implemented this for just one system and for the las...

How to reload a table without growing the log file?

I have the following scenario which runs every night using SSIS in SQL Server 2008: create a few temp. tables, and import data from an ODBC data source when the imports are complete, drop existing tables, and rename the temp. tables to the same name as the dropped tables What do I need to do in either my SSIS job or SQL Server settin...

Log file is coming blank after error in Log4Net

Hi Experts, I want to use Log4Net in my asp.net application & I have done the following things: In Web.Config File <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <logger name="File"> <level value="All" /> <appender name="LogFileAppe...

python analyse 2 logfiles

I have 2 large logfiles. I want to see if a device is in a but not b and vice versa (exclude lines where the device is common) the files look like this example. 04/09/2010,13:11:52,Authen OK,user1,Default Group,00-24-2B-A1-08-88,29,,(Default),,,,,,13,EAP-TLS,,device1, 04/19/2010,15:35:24,Authen OK,user2,Default Group,00-24-2B-...

Is it possible to shrink a log file on a linked server using DBCC SHRINKFILE?

I am doing a large archival of data from one DB to another DB on a linked server. I am copying from MS sql server 2000 to MS sql server 2005. This involves copying millions of records and then deleting them. This all happens via a dynamic script. I would like to incorporate the shrinking of the log file for this process, but I am unabl...

Matching everything between two specific words using regular expressions

I'm attempting to parse an Oracle trace file using regular expressions. My language of choice is C#, but I chose to use Ruby for this exercise to get some familiarity with it. The log file is somewhat predictable. Most lines (99.8%, to be specific) match the following pattern: # [Timestamp] [Thread] [Event] [Message...