
Web application client logging framework?

Is there a framework that I could integrate into my web application in order to automatically log and upload error messages, exceptions and profiling stats produced by the JavaScript client to the server? I believe that TestSwarm or Selenium could be adapted to suit my needs, but it would be great if you could recommend a specialized so...

how to test w/ junit that warning was logged w/ log4j?

I'm testing a method that logs warnings when something went wrong and returns null. something like: private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Clazz.class.getName()); .... if (file == null || !file.exists()) { // if File not found log.warn("File not found: "+file.toString()); } else if (!file.canWrite()) { // if file is ...

How to enable/disable logging on ASP.NET

Hello all. I'm trying to create a setup in my ASP.NET website that allows me to enable/disable logging while the application is running at any point. I figure some of you have already done such a thing. Here's the gist of what i'm trying to do: if(ShouldBeLogging) logger.Info("helloooooo there"); So how would you set up the boolean ...

Logging libraries for Erlang/OTP

For logging activity of an Erlang/OTP application, do you simply use a wrapper over disk_log or some other libraries? ...

php script to log the raw data of POST

Hi, I am sending data using HTTP POST to my server. But in the server, I am not receiving the data. And somehow I don't have any way to check the data (or debug script) on client side. But on client side I am getting HTTP 200, means data is sent. Also I can see the connection and data sending was successful. However log in the server doe...

What does a Scribe log look like?

I'm having trouble understanding what I can log with Scribe, or even what the log output looks like... Is it a text or binary format? What is the structure of a log message? Time-Message tuples? Any answers or links to documentation would be greatly appreciated :) ...

How can I pass a filehandle to Perl Expect's log_file function?

I feel stupid for asking this, but I've tried a couple things and I'm not sure where to go with it. From the Expect.pm documentation: $object->log_file("filename" | $filehandle | \&coderef | undef) Log session to a file. All characters send to or received from the spawned process are written to the file. I'd like to pass t...

Log File Locking Issue in C#

I have a windows service that writes out log file entries to an XML log file. I maintain a handle to the log file while the service is operational, and close, flush and dispose of it when the service is stopped. The file write operations are by the service only, and I have the filestream open in FileAccess.ReadWrite while sharing is set ...

Java EE: Strang behavior when implement logging

I use java.util.logging, and I put the log inside a application managed bean, since I think there should be just one logger for the entire application. @ManagedBean(name="logging") @ApplicationScoped public class Logging { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.class.getName()); private static FileHandler fh ...

Customize Trace Output

I'm using Trace in two of my projects, but I'm seeing different behavior in both: The first project is a console application that I will convert to a service (at which point I will eliminate the Console traces), and I'm adding two Trace listeners: Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(someFileStream)); Trace.Listeners.Add(new...

Can WCF Logging be configured to use shell folder paths?

Hello, We are trying to configure WCF Message and Trace logging to be written to a one of the shell folder paths. For example .. %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CompanyName\logs\ServiceTrace.svclog If I enter the full path to this location it works, if I enter the above nothing appears. (I've pre-created the directories) Example config snippet is: ...

Logging rewrited url with IIS 7.5

Hi, I'm working on a web site under IIS 6.0 .NET 3.5. I made a custom httpmodule to rewrite our url. It works fine, i do a "rewritepath" in the event "onbeginrequest". In my IIS 6.0 logs i can see my rewrited url. Now my site is under IIS 7.5. I need to keep my custom httpmodule. I can't use the new urlrewrite module from MS. My custom...

log4net conversion pattern: specifying the logger name

I'm using log4net with the following partial conversion pattern: %logger{2} This outputs the last two dot separated tokens of the logger name. For example, a logger named Foo.Bar.Baz.Qux will be displayed as Baz.Qux. Great. Is there a partial conversion pattern syntax to specify "everything except for the first two dot separated toke...

Android Logging - How to clear for better performance.

New to Android and just looked at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Log.html My question is regarding everything except debug. How do these Log entries get cleared such as Error so that they don't consume space? Also, Is there a way that the logfile can be queried so that it can be sent to a central web service or some...

Using JMX and JConsole to change logging levels on the fly - problem

I'm trying to implement the solution described here I have everything configured to where I can see my log changing methods in the JConsole, but when I try to run one of them, I get an error that it can't find that class that contains the methods ("Log4jMBean" as described in the description linked above) I already had to augment the p...

Adding magic global methods to modules

I'm starting to get into the Python logging module, but unless I want all messages to say "root" I have to create a logger for each module, and it's kind of a pain to do that over and over again. I was thinking it would be handy if there were a magic __logger__() method that would return a logger for the current module, creating it if n...

Can't figure out how to add logging to my windows service!!!

I've been messing with this all day and have still not found a solution. I have created a windows service that is supposed to log to it's install directory (Program Files/Service/LOGS/) But when I run my service it doesn't do what I would expect it to do and it doesn't log anythying. I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what the p...

python script in crontab gets input arguments of another process running at the same time

I run 2 python scripts from crontab at the same time each 30 min, e.g. 00,30 6-19 * * 0-5 /.../x.py site1 */3 6-19 * * 0-5 /.../y.py site2 At the beginning the both scripts make import of a module that prints some data to a log, e.g. name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) site = sys.argv[1] pid = os.getpid() Occasionally (!) the sec...

Logging isLoggable not working in WebSphere

I'm using java.util.logging.Logger for logging within websphere and have been trying to get Logger.isLoggable to work, but it isn't working as expected. For example, if I set the logging level for a certain package to ALL, and check for whether Level.Finest is loggable it returns false and nothing is logged to the logging file. In the ...

JSF 2.0 Simple login page

Hi, I need to restrict the access to a part of the application. In order to access that part, user needs to log in. I have a table in my database called User, with usernames and hashed passwords and a login form that consists of two inputs and a submit. However, I don't know which classes/mathids should I use to log in the user (I assume...