
How does logging handler become a str?

I have a logger that functions properly at the start of a script, then breaks in the middle. It looks like its handler is getting overwritten by a str, but I can't figure out where. At the start of the script, I'm printing the handler and its level. The following code: print 'Array of handlers', logger.handlers for h in logger.ha...

IIS Log Analysing -IP address and status Codes

Hi All, Is there any way to find out what all status codes a host got when tried to access the particular website. Something like 28-10-2010 HTTP 404 http://localhost/BAC/default.aspx 28-10-2010 HTTP 200 //localhost/BAC/default2.aspx1 I tried using some free log analysers like : IIS Log Analyser,I...

Looking for a good C# exception logging tool

Hi, I got an exception in a program that I tested for someone. The program is written in Delphi and uses a nice exception logging tool named madExcept. It allows exception reporting of the user's system, a stack trace and so on. Is there a pendant for C#? ...

Where does Python root logger store a log?

I'm using the Freebase Python library. It creates a log before executing: self.log = logging.getLogger("freebase") Where is this log in the file system? It's not in the executing directory or tmp. ...

Logging partial times in production

Is it possible to just log partial times without turning on all logging with? config.log_level = :debug I just want to see partial times as all the others seem under control and don't want to slow down the application to get this logging. ...

Filter tags in LogCat (in Android Eclipse Plug-In)

There is a TextField "Filter" below the LogCat output. However, it seems to filter only the Message-column. Id like to filter Tags also. Because there are my class names. How can I achieve it? ...

Managing a remote Windows Service

As part of my app, my users install a Window Service (msi file written in C#) that uploads data to me. These Windows servers are usually behind all kinds of firewalls etc. and run by IT staff so it's difficult to get in touch with anyone to debug. What can I put inside my application that would make it easier to figure out things? I'm...

Log4j - Have multiple appenders write to the same file with one that always logs

I have a log4j appender defined like: log4j.logger.com.example = DEBUG, filelog log4j.appender.filelog=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.filelog.File=c:/app.log log4j.appender.filelog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.filelog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d | %m%n log4j.appender.filelog.DatePattern...

Android Production Logging Best Practice

What are the best practices for logging in Android apps in production mode, keeping in mind the following requirements : 1- Ability to upload logs for debugging 2- Ability to clean up logs or set rollovers Thanks ...

Log messages lost in few specific situations

I am using java.util.logging to do all the logging of my application. Until recently, I was using the logging facility without any specific configuration. Everything worked as expected, all the logs were visible in the console (stderr) Now, I wanted to customize the configuration for my logs. I want the logs to be displayed on the cons...

Regex pattern to parse HttpLog format

I am looking for a regex pattern matcher for a String in HttpLogFormat. The log is generated by haproxy. Below is a sample String in this format. Feb 6 12:14:14 localhost haproxy[14389]: [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655] http-in static/srv1 10/0/30/69/109 200 2750 - - ---- 1/1/1/1/0 0/0 {1wt.eu} {} "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" A...

redirecting System.out/System.err to log4j for some jars only

In our product we use a number of external libraries. We do our logging with log4j, and most libraries do so as well, so we get most of the messages in our appenders fine. But there are several libraries that just use System.out and System.err. So I am looking for a way to redirect System.out and System.err to our log4j appenders for a ...

Logging frameworks, formats and protocols available on the market?

Hello, I need to complete an academic work by citing and possibly comparing the available logging frameworks, formats (and protocols) available in Internet, both open and proprietary. My work deeply covers Syslog 2009 protocol, and I also mention Apache logging frameworks such as log4net, log4j, log4php, log4cxx. Reference is also to th...

CherryPy Logging: How do I configure and use the global and application level loggers?

Hello all. I'm having trouble with logging. I'm running CherryPy 3.2 and I've been reading through the docs here, but haven't found any examples of how to configure a local log file for output and how to write to it. Raspberry.py: import socket import sys import cherrypy app_roots = { # Sean's laptop dev environmen...

Is Chrome's JavaScript console lazy about evaluating arrays?

I'll start with the code: var s = ["hi"]; console.log(s); s[0] = "bye"; console.log(s); Simple, right? In response to this, Firebug says: ["hi"] ["bye"] Wonderful, but Chrome's JavaScript console (7.0.517.41 beta) says: ["bye"] ["bye"] Have I done something wrong, or is Chrome's JavaScript console being exceptionally lazy about...

Looking for a web-based log collection/display application

A project I'm working on currently involves using a disparate set of technologies, including .NET, PHP, Asterisk and bash scripting. Each of the applications in use produces some logging; technical logging for administrators and user logging. The technical logging is easy, all logs are written to disk as text files. For the user logging...

Can a log4j (or other Java logger) Appender accept or access request context objects?

I am currently writing a web service using Restlet, and logging with slf4j in front of log4j. Currently I have standard log4j Appenders in place for logging to files. What I was trying to do is also include log output in the HTTP Response, using a custom Appender. The issue I am seeing is that Appenders by default have no ability to...

Google App Engine - Can not find my logging messages

I can not find the results of my logging calls. To log messages I tried both: System.out.println("some message"); and Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger"); // Logger is java.util.logging.Logger // ... logger.info("some message"); I have deployed my app and after few tests I decided check out some log messages. But ...

.Net: How to suppress TraceSource header ("SourceName TraceEventType: Id : ")?

I have a TraceSource object that I use to log the initialization of a VB.Net application. It has several TraceListeners attached: ConsoleTraceListener TextWriterTraceListener EventLogTraceListener For the first two I want the entry output to be "raw" - that is, without the standard header: SourceName TraceEventType: Id : I have im...

Logging Guard to limit semi-constant log messages

I'm using boost log in my application for logging. However, in some sections of my code I have some log statements that could occur very often if something goes wrong. I'd want some kind of guard that can limit log messages when it detects that the same log message appears constantly. e.g. (This is a simplified example, not actual impl...