I have a few longtables that stretch several pages and I want to use pageref and hyperref to link to these rows.
But whatever I try, the links always refer to the start of the table.
When I look into the aux file, the labels all seem to be re-defined into table.[number of table].
I tried putting invisible dummy figures into the tab...
I have a really long table in LaTeX that spans several pages and is also too wide for the page. I am using the longtable package with every column width specified with the p{width} command. The problem is, that most of the rows contain a multicolumn call, and thus are not adhering to the p{width} command.
Minimal example:
Aware that old versions of longtable had trouble starting tables halfway down a page I have downloaded the latest longtable.sty, and it's in the same directory as my document; but there is still page break (and an approximately 75% blank page) before my table, which is particularly frustrating since the table runs to just over three page...
I have a table that automatically stretched over several pages by longtable package.
\begin{longtable}{| l | l |}
A & B \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Table \thetable{} -- finishing} \\ \hline
a1 & b1 \\ \hline
a1 & b2 \\ \hline
Suppose that table was broken (automatically) ...
I would like to create a new environment to print a header and a footer between sections of a table.
I did this:
\newenvironment{env}{Heading&&& \\}{\hline \\}
I have long table of pictures and descriptions (I use longtable environment to get it in several columns on page). I want this to be splitted past picture, not between middle title and picture. My table is somethink like this:
\multicolumn{3}{2}{description} \\
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} \\
At the end of a survey I've conducted, we give respondents an open ended box to tell us anything we didn't cover in the survey.These comments will often span several pages. I am familiar with the longtable package for LaTeX and here is the solution I have mocked up:
<<results = tex>>=
How can I fix a \longtable to not spill over on the right? With \table I use \scalebox{0.9}, but scalebox does not seem to work with \longtable.
\caption{This is a caption}\
My table has 10 columns and therefore the margins are not even on both sides. Anyone know how to...